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Fostering Open Source Culture for Healthier Min...

Fostering Open Source Culture for Healthier Minds & Happier Devs

Given at GitHub Universe 2017 - this talk discusses my personal journey with mental health & how you can use open source methodologies to help support a healthier environment.

You can view this talk here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFu-s8wzlIw

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Amy Dickens

October 11, 2017

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  2. 2000 2002 2012 2014 2016 2017 @RedRoxProjects First instances of

    suicidal thoughts First instance of self harm First visit to a Doctor about m y m ental health First round of therapy (Counselling & Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - CBT) Breakdown leading to change of m edication Stable BUT still learning My Mental Health Journey
  3. @RedRoxProjects Just read your blog. Very honest, very powerful. Hope

    you're good xx Thanks for your post Been a bit on the brink recently, helps a little. Especially to know someone as accomplished as you suffers like me I know this is super random but i just wanted to say thanks for that medium article. Takes some guts to write something like that so good job on doing it So much strength and courage to share something so personal with everyone really proud of you xxx
  4. Hi Amy, Mona and I have been reading back through

    the discussion between you, Mona and Hubot, and the whole situation left us feeling very anxious. It took a bit of time for us to get our heads around why. @RedRoxProjects Oh erm Ok… What do you know about the situation? Why are you responding? Where has this come from? What did I do? Why are you feeling anxious… I’m the one who opened up… Did I do the wrong thing?
  5. We can see it is a project you are very

    passionate about and while this has worked in the past, it has lead to some heated discussions recently. triggered! Wow that was a backhanded compliment :/ Was i really being that defensive? Weren’t we just debating? I’m confused *heart palpitations* @RedRoxProjects
  6. We are concerned that us getting involved and imposing our

    way of doing things, even inadvertently, might lead to further disagreements and tensions between us and we don't want that. Imposing??? What is going on here? I thought we were working together to find what suits us all best... Might? -- you’re kind of suggesting it will… Do i have a choice - how do i voice how i feel? Do I even bother? @RedRoxProjects
  7. We value our friendship with you and we do not

    believe it is worth risking it over this project. Do you really?? Am i being unreasonable? Is this because i told you about my mental health condition? I won’t do that again! Why couldn’t you talk to me in person… How is this all meant to sound? @RedRoxProjects Oh no… what does hubot think about me now? *ANgry cry*
  8. @RedRoxProjects My Personal Coping Mechanisms I listen to music on

    days when I struggle to socialise with people around me I use Cognitive Behavioural Therapy techniques like thought diaries for assessing situations I play piano and write when I need a release When I am extroverted and when I can and feel comfortable I talk about my experience to help others Follow our efforts @mkoftech When I’m severely introverted I write, blog, or draw
  9. @RedRoxProjects + + + fine fine fine = = =

    sad/disappointed angry actually fine
  10. @RedRoxProjects Don’t... • Ask people for labels or try to

    label people • Assume tone • Share conversations or info without explicit permission
  11. @RedRoxProjects Do... • Give people the benefit of the doubt

    • Check your language & encourage others to do so too - especially descriptors • Offer your support as an ally
  12. @RedRoxProjects CHALLENGES HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT 1. Being a subject

    of gossip 2. Alienation & awkwardness 3. Denied career advances 4. Communicating issues to team & management 5. Taking time off for wellbeing 6. Taking extended time off 7. Symptoms that impact workflow & productivity 1. Normalise conversations about mental health conditions 2. Be open about your own needs 3. Stop glamorizing over-working 4. Encourage taking time off 5. Seek out guidance within your company on management 6. Work together to find accommodations Lessons from Amanda’s workshop on Mental Health