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Towards a faster, more open and collaborative s...

Towards a faster, more open and collaborative science. The future of scientific publishing beyond journals and impact factors.

Langebio Academic Days Talk

Rubén Rellán Álvarez

December 04, 2015

More Decks by Rubén Rellán Álvarez

Other Decks in Science


  1. Towards a faster, more open and collaborative science. The future

    of scientific publishing beyond journals and impact factors. Rubén Rellán-Álvarez www.rrlab.org @rrellanalvarez bit.ly/academic_days_talk_2015
  2. P O S T E R P R E S

    E N TAT I O N SCIENCE PIPELINE Guillaume Lobet PA P E R L A B L I F E R E A D PA P E R S D ATA S E T S C O D E D ATA A N A LY S I S E X P E R I M E N T R E V I E W I N G www.guillaumelobet.be/science_valorisation/ What do we value on science? What do we do as researchers?
  3. 38.597 42.351 Would you consider these two numbers as good

    representations of these distributions? https://quantixed.wordpress.com/2015/05/05/wrong-number-a-closer-look-at-impact-factors/
  4. 38.597 42.351 Would you consider these two numbers as good

    representations of these distributions? https://quantixed.wordpress.com/2015/05/05/wrong-number-a-closer-look-at-impact-factors/
  5. 38.597 42.351 Would you consider these two numbers as good

    representations of these distributions? https://quantixed.wordpress.com/2015/05/05/wrong-number-a-closer-look-at-impact-factors/
  6. It would make more sense to report citations distributions or

    medians https://quantixed.wordpress.com/2015/05/05/wrong-number-a-closer-look-at-impact-factors/
  7. JIF fails at predicting the citations of a paper https://quantixed.wordpress.com/2015/05/05/wrong-number-a-closer-look-at-impact-factors/

    Monte Carlo analysis comparing a random paper from one journal with a random one from JCB JCB : 9.8 NCB : 19.7 Embo J : 10.4 JCS : 5.43
  8. The Journal Impact Factor measures (somehow) the JOURNAL impact factor.

    Journal level Scientist level Paper level JIF # Papers, # Citations, # H Index # Citations, www.altmetrics.com Relative Citation Ratio: icite.od.nih.gov scopus.com scholar.google.com.
  9. Are we scientists or JIF church fanatics? - If we

    include journal impact factors in the list of publications in our cv, we are statistically illiterate. - If we are judging grant or promotion applications and find ourselves scanning the applicant’s publications, checking off the impact factors, we are statistically illiterate. - If we see someone else using impact factors and make no attempt at correction, we connive at statistical illiteracy http://occamstypewriter.org/scurry/2012/08/13/sick-of-impact-factors/
  10. What is the best way to evaluate? There is no

    better way to evaluate the work of a person than careful examination of his/her papers, thesis, presentations etc by a group of experts
  11. What is the best way to evaluate? There is no

    better way to evaluate the work of a person than careful examination of his/her papers, thesis, presentations etc by a group of experts and yet…..
  12. What is the best way to evaluate? There is no

    better way to evaluate the work of a person than careful examination of his/her papers, thesis, presentations etc by a group of experts We wait for external validation in the form of paper acceptance to graduate a student and yet…..
  13. Share everything!!!! P O S T E R P R

    E S E N TAT I O N SCIENCE PIPELINE Guillaume Lobet PA P E R L A B L I F E R E A D PA P E R S D ATA S E T S C O D E D ATA A N A LY S I S E X P E R I M E N T R E V I E W I N G openaccessbutton.org
  14. Share everything!!!! www.zotero.org www.mendeley.com • Share your papers • Discuss

    others’ papers Your reads: Your code: This will get you jobs 11 Guillaume Lobet | est place to share your code” - share code - collaborative development - version control system - millions of users - citable (doi) github.com bitbucket.org sourceforge.org
  15. Share everything!!!! www.zotero.org www.mendeley.com • Share your papers • Discuss

    others’ papers Your reads: Your code: This will get you jobs 11 Guillaume Lobet | est place to share your code” - share code - collaborative development - version control system - millions of users - citable (doi) github.com bitbucket.org sourceforge.org FIGSHARE Share all your research products • Manage your researc • Private storage spac • Securely stored in th • Accessible from any • Easily filtered, tags et • Citable (doi) www.figshare.com Institutional repository = You = (probably) not lin Presentations:
  16. Upload your papers to a preprint server when you are

    ready to share them By uploading ms to preprint server we: - speed up knowledge transfer - can get feedback from others (than the journal reviewers) - make our science freely available to the rest of the society - could make it easier for students to graduate before waiting for the paper to have a journal seal of approval
  17. Use social media to talk, discuss about your/others research @KamounLab

    @PlantEvolution @jonathandgjones @AnneOsterrieder @c_s_hardtke @fmartin1954 @ReskiLab @JChrisPires @JoseDinneny @aloraine205 @Prof_GD_Foster @Pathh1 @KeikoUTorii @schwessinger @giffordlab @EveEmshwiller @bradylabs @JeanMichelAne @GabKrouk @CG_ath @VaillancourtLab @PhytophthoraLab @Ana_CanoDelgado @AP_Mahonen @rrellanalvarez @pcronald @pilarcubas @JohnRunions @LiverpoolPlants @BrettTylerOSU @clintspringer @NoahFahlgren @KBomblies @plantsciences @DanChitwood @kseniakrasileva @GaryStacey3 @DrHikov @RosGleadow @BaxterTwi @meter @jrossibarra @LeyserLab @ronaldpierik @AgBioWorld @ftmaestra @ebsessa @jphiliptaylor @jacquet_chris @methylcytosine @AgroBioDiverse blog.aspb.org/2015/08/04/conference-tweeting-for-plant-scientists-part-1-twitter-basics/
  18. But they are going to steal all my precious data

    and ideas!!! John R. McKiernan whyopenresearch.org
  19. But they are going to steal all my precious data

    and ideas!!! You have a much higher chance of being unnoticed than being scooped nautil.us/issue/21/information/the-thrill-of-defeat John R. McKiernan whyopenresearch.org
  20. and good things will happen to you Jul-2014 Aug-2014 mail

    + github Dec-2014 Mar-2015 Jun-2015 coorganized workshop shared beers and crappy airbnb
  21. and good things will happen to you Jul-2014 Aug-2014 mail

    + github Dec-2014 Mar-2015 paper accepted Aug-2015 review submitted Jun-2015 coorganized workshop shared beers and crappy airbnb
  22. and good things will happen to you Jul-2014 Aug-2014 mail

    + github Dec-2014 Mar-2015 paper accepted Aug-2015 review submitted Jun-2015 coorganized workshop shared beers and crappy airbnb planned another paper and pilot experiment for future grants Sept-2015
  23. Thank you all “Do the best experiments you can, and

    always tell the truth. That’s all” Sidney Brenner
  24. Thank you all “Do the best experiments you can, and

    always tell the truth. That’s all” Sidney Brenner
  25. Thank you all “Do the best experiments you can, and

    always tell the truth. That’s all” Sidney Brenner We owe it to the future generations
  26. Thank you all Happy Birthday Diego! 04-12-2013 “Do the best

    experiments you can, and always tell the truth. That’s all” Sidney Brenner We owe it to the future generations