E N TAT I O N SCIENCE PIPELINE Guillaume Lobet PA P E R L A B L I F E R E A D PA P E R S D ATA S E T S C O D E D ATA A N A LY S I S E X P E R I M E N T R E V I E W I N G www.guillaumelobet.be/science_valorisation/ What do we value on science? What do we do as researchers?
include journal impact factors in the list of publications in our cv, we are statistically illiterate. - If we are judging grant or promotion applications and find ourselves scanning the applicant’s publications, checking off the impact factors, we are statistically illiterate. - If we see someone else using impact factors and make no attempt at correction, we connive at statistical illiteracy http://occamstypewriter.org/scurry/2012/08/13/sick-of-impact-factors/
better way to evaluate the work of a person than careful examination of his/her papers, thesis, presentations etc by a group of experts We wait for external validation in the form of paper acceptance to graduate a student and yet…..
E S E N TAT I O N SCIENCE PIPELINE Guillaume Lobet PA P E R L A B L I F E R E A D PA P E R S D ATA S E T S C O D E D ATA A N A LY S I S E X P E R I M E N T R E V I E W I N G openaccessbutton.org
others’ papers Your reads: Your code: This will get you jobs 11 Guillaume Lobet | est place to share your code” - share code - collaborative development - version control system - millions of users - citable (doi) github.com bitbucket.org sourceforge.org
others’ papers Your reads: Your code: This will get you jobs 11 Guillaume Lobet | est place to share your code” - share code - collaborative development - version control system - millions of users - citable (doi) github.com bitbucket.org sourceforge.org FIGSHARE Share all your research products • Manage your researc • Private storage spac • Securely stored in th • Accessible from any • Easily filtered, tags et • Citable (doi) www.figshare.com Institutional repository = You = (probably) not lin Presentations:
ready to share them By uploading ms to preprint server we: - speed up knowledge transfer - can get feedback from others (than the journal reviewers) - make our science freely available to the rest of the society - could make it easier for students to graduate before waiting for the paper to have a journal seal of approval
and ideas!!! You have a much higher chance of being unnoticed than being scooped nautil.us/issue/21/information/the-thrill-of-defeat John R. McKiernan whyopenresearch.org
+ github Dec-2014 Mar-2015 paper accepted Aug-2015 review submitted Jun-2015 coorganized workshop shared beers and crappy airbnb planned another paper and pilot experiment for future grants Sept-2015