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Introduction to Green-e Energy

Introduction to Green-e Energy

Originally presented Wednesday, July 23, 2014 at 10:00 am PT. A free webinar that explained the Green-e Energy certification program and how it works within the larger voluntary renewable energy market in North America. This webinar covered the basics of how renewable energy is generated, tracked, and sold; how Green-e Energy protects consumers by ensuring clear title to renewable energy purchases that are as advertised; and how consumers, businesses, and renewable energy sellers can become involved with Green-e Energy.

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  1. INTRODUCTION TO GREEN-E ENERGY 2014 Webinar Series July 23, 2014

    Michael Leschke Green-e Energy Associate
  2. Outline 1. Welcome/About Us 2. Renewable Energy Basics 3. Green-e

    Energy and Consumer Protection 4. How to Get Started 5. Q&A/Wrap Up
  3. About Center for Resource Solutions A nonprofit creating policy and

    market solutions to advance sustainable energy since 1997.
  4. Outline 1. Welcome/About Us 2. Renewable Energy Basics 3. Green-e

    Energy and Consumer Protection 4. How to Get Started 5. Q&A/Wrap Up
  5. Renewable Energy Basics •What does renewable even mean, anyway? •Resource

    Types. Biomass (Gaseous & Non-gaseous), Geothermal, Hydro, Solar, Wind
  6. Renewable Energy Basics: Resource Types Resource Types in Green-e Energy.

    Contributions of Renewable Resource Types to Total Green-e Energy Certified Retail Sales, 2012.
  7. Renewable Energy Basics •What does renewable even mean, anyway? •Resource

    Types. Biomass, Geothermal, Hydro, Solar, Wind •Two Markets. Compliance vs. Voluntary
  8. Renewable Energy Basics: Two Markets. Comparison of compliance and voluntary

    markets for renewable energy, 2005–2012. Courtesy National Renewable Energy Laboratory Renewable Energy Basics: Two Markets
  9. Renewable Energy Basics •What does renewable even mean, anyway? •Resource

    Types. Biomass, Geothermal, Hydro, Solar, Wind •Two Markets. Compliance vs. Voluntary •Renewable Energy Product Types. Competitive electricity, green power pricing programs, renewable energy certificates
  10. Renewable Energy Basics •What does renewable even mean, anyway? •Resource

    Types. Biomass, Geothermal, Hydro, Solar, Wind •Two Markets. Compliance vs. Voluntary •Renewable Energy Product Types. Competitive electricity, green power pricing programs, renewable energy certificates •Respect the REC. Renewable energy certificates explained
  11. Renewable Energy Basics: Respect the REC. Fossil fuel generation produces

    commodity electricity. Renewable generation also produces electricity, but for every megawatt-hour of electricity generated, a Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is also produced. This REC embodies the additional environmental benefit of renewable energy—little or no pollution.
  12. Renewable Energy Basics •What does renewable even mean, anyway? •Resource

    Types. Biomass, Geothermal, Hydro, Solar, Wind •Two Markets. Compliance vs. Voluntary •Renewable Energy Product Types. Competitive electricity, green power pricing programs, renewable energy certificates •Respect the REC. Renewable energy certificates explained •Stake your claim. He who owneth the REC maketh the claim
  13. Outline 1. Welcome/About Us 2. Renewable Energy Basics 3. Green-e

    Energy and Consumer Protection 4. How to Get Started 5. Q&A/Wrap Up
  14. Green-e Energy and Consumer Protection •The Reason for Green-e Energy.

    Creating confidence in clean energy purchases Michael L. and Green-e Energy Staff
  15. Green-e Energy and Consumer Protection •The Reason for Green-e Energy.

    Creating confidence in clean energy purchases •Best Practices in Standard Setting. Independent Governance Board, Stakeholder-driven standards and policies. Code of Conduct and Customer Disclosure Requirements
  16. Green-e Energy and Consumer Protection •The Reason for Green-e Energy.

    Creating confidence in clean energy purchases •Best Practices in Standard Setting. Independent Governance Board, Stakeholder-driven standards and policies, Code of Conduct and Customer Disclosure Requirements •Claims and the Annual Verification Process. Annual verification of sales and claims, Marketing Compliance Review
  17. Green-e Energy and Consumer Protection •The Reason for Green-e Energy.

    Creating confidence in clean energy purchases •Best Practices in Standard Setting. Independent Governance Board, Stakeholder-driven standards and policies. Code of Conduct and Customer Disclosure Requirements •Claims and the Annual Verification Process. Annual verification of sales and claims, Marketing Compliance Review •Other Standards Require Green-e Energy.
  18. Green-e Energy and Consumer Protection •The Reason for Green-e Energy.

    Creating confidence in clean energy purchases •Best Practices in Standard Setting. Independent Governance Board, Stakeholder-driven standards and policies, Code of Conduct and Customer Disclosure Requirements •Claims and the Annual Verification Process. Annual verification of sales and claims, Marketing Compliance Review •Other Standards Require Green-e. •High Logo Recognition. 21% logo recognition, THE highest
  19. High Logo Recognition. Green-e has one of the highest levels

    of recognition among third-party certifications, and the highest among non-governmental labels (Smart Choice is no longer).
  20. Green-e Energy and Consumer Protection •The Reason for Green-e Energy.

    Creating confidence in clean energy purchases •Best Practices in Standard Setting. Independent Governance Board, Stakeholder-driven standards and policies. Code of Conduct and Customer Disclosure Requirements •Claims and the Annual Verification Process. Annual verification of sales and claims, Marketing Compliance Review •Other Standards Require Green-e •High Logo Recognition. 21% logo recognition, among the highest •At a Retail Seller Close to You. Easy to find Green-e Energy certified products in your neck of the woods
  21. Source: NREL, 2013 At a Retail Seller Close to You.

    7 (soon to be 8) of the 10 largest utility green pricing programs are Green-e Energy certified, as are 98% of Retail RECs in the Voluntary Market Rank Utility Sales (MWh/Year) 1 Portland General Electric 1,049,981 2 Austin Energy 863,956 3 PacifiCorp 634,092 4 Sacramento Municipal Utility District 423,724 5 Xcel Energy (CO, MI, MN, NM, WI) 388,157 6 Puget Sound Energy 380,155 7 Connecticut Power & Light/ United Illuminating 273,658 8 CPS Energy 205,713 9 Tennessee Valley Authority 199,067 10 WE Energies 17,711
  22. increase in 2012 retail MWh certified compared to 2011 increase

    in # of customers buying Green-e Energy certified products in 2012 compared to 2011 average increase per year in total MWh certified since 2008 The Value of Green-e Energy: Certification Growth 29% 15% 30%
  23. Outline 1. Welcome/About Us 2. Renewable Energy Basics 3. Green-e

    Energy and Consumer Protection 4. How to Get Started 5. Q&A/Wrap Up
  24. How to Get Started •Check out green-e.org/find. Search for Green-e

    Energy Certified products at “Find Green-e Certified Renewable Energy for Your Home or Organization”
  25. How to Get Started •Check out green-e.org/find. Search for Green-e

    Energy Certified products at “Find Green-e Certified Renewable Energy for Your Home or Organization” •Learn, Learning, Learned. Check out www.green-e.org/learn
  26. Learn, Learning, Learned. A dedicated section of the website with

    instructional materials, a dictionary, an FAQ, and whitepapers discussing claims and ownership for RECs.
  27. How to Get Started •Check out green-e.org/find. Search for Green-e

    Energy Certified products at “Find Green-e Certified Renewable Energy for Your Home or Organization” •Learn, Learning, Learned. Check out www.green-e.org/learn •Holler. Contact Green-e Energy staff at [email protected]
  28. Outline 1. Welcome/About Us 2. Renewable Energy Basics 3. Green-e

    Energy and Consumer Protection 4. How to Get Started 5. Q&A/Wrap Up
  29. ?

  30. Upcoming Webinars •Carbon Offsets 101. August 6th •Renewable Energy 101.

    September 3rd •An In-Depth Look at Solar Claims and Green-e Energy Eligibility. September 12th •Tracking Renewable Energy for the U.S. EPA's Clean Power Plan: Guidelines for States to Use Existing REC Tracking Systems to Comply with 111(d). September 23rd Learn more and register at www.resource-solutions.org/events