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Universal Design for Learning (UDL): Increasing...

November 28, 2018

Universal Design for Learning (UDL): Increasing Student Engagement, Motivation, and Agency

A brief history of the development of UDL, description of what UDL, the UDL framework, and examples of application.


November 28, 2018

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  1. of ea m g mv \ e g er ·

    c :s a categor" e see ear n d re ac l. I derir trr onlls r n ;E U J h rs s e ar ... ta&I s. e w at le ers. g To .S.trate; ic NI etwo ks TEle no, .. of' leami g Pl nning -a (1 erfor ing tasl s. or arf ze, a ress our ideas_ riti g an essa r s i g a au, rob e 1 a re strategic as i.S. IPrese t i rnn a ion am co ternt fn o r erent □r· ere.rntia e the · s hat turn rnts earn ffecti e Ne Tri e lw ',/r of ea ~ ear ers ge e gaged and .::· . Ho ttley ar challen e.d, r interes e _ These are a ecr e ·ns Sti ulate rm e s a learning
  2. http://udlguidelines.cast.org/ Provide options for Recruiting l'nterest i'I • Optlrr,i!!, ll'd,ftlllill

    tl'IOICe r,d atfflWlf'l!l/ il'-1i • Opel~ relel/ll'lte. V.tltoe. -,d llilltlffllld~ f.':J • Milliffilm ~ al'(I dst~Jons tUl Provide options for Sustaining Effort & Persistence • • 1-t~n sallen(:e of f.)als and <!1Jitlllt,oe!t111>1J • VVJ &,mar.I!; lll'ld t~lft<!! Uli (lflllinl "'dua!,n_ge (11.Zj • Fostet tolllll011111Dn 41ftd COl'lW\dl;)' ii.JI • fttHfl!. ll'IIS!el"j-Ollilflled lffdbai:ll~ Provide options for Self Regulation Lil , ProiYIIIIU! e11p-rons 1nd bell~ 11'111.! oplin,Jz-, fflMMflt.tlillnlt-11 , l'.ICILffl, Jlml)Mllt!)Jll1'11Sk1ll!ia, Slflll"~JUI • Dil!WllOJl ~--meMand r~eal'Qn bi'.31 Expert learners who are. .. Purposeful & Motivated Provide multiple means of Representation Provide options for Perception • QIJ,!, Wiy) Oftmt«Jilling 1M' dlSJllayar llll'Oll'1'8tlont1.1i • Offer aJ ~ s rr.r al.ldim,y lilrloJ'l'!VllCWI 11!.1) • ~ .8ll<!li'flll'IMS 1'4/1 "'5U.ill lilrlotmalll!il (i.ll Provide opt'ions for Language & symbols ~ • O.trify'rlllQltallary 11ttUyml!ols Q.11 • 0.alll\l!.)'IIUUlid 11:r..mJJ'f! a.ii • SIJ'l'P)rt dl!(Q~ll'II 0r1,i,llf. m.tlhell'IMli notallon.. -~b(o~ • Prol'!'IOUJ und"'rstancringa~oss llng,11.ag~1141 • lllb!lrffl! r!Y,llllgh Milliil~rnt!d IUl Provide optjions for Compre:hensian m , kff\111 Otl' ,-!pply bilcl<SIOIIJh!I llm . . . 11--11 , Hf!Nlfhlpatttr~tN!Clilf!,aw/es, Mf!ideli~ -at,11 r~IIIIIQn•hii;,t:'t!llJ • GUide' inf~ p~ mg !fiil'EI \lf~uan,adon li!II • MIK IM21!! ll'llnsff!f 11111!1 ~ nerallutlOII tu} Resourceful & Knowledgeable Provide options ror Physical Action 1 • V.ry t:1'e ,nerl:ll)m r« fl!!SJIOMI!! • n~Jon i,1.1J • OJMJl'lte «us$ (0 U>Ols arut,assl~ 11!!:h~ Provide options for Express· on Ii: Communication !!I • UemU l • U!e ntUlt]plt U!QI!: ror CGll!lln!icl'.ll>n MIii tQll'l'ip'.ISl!lM [!..2) • Bl..llld flufftf IMilll ~ e11 ilflls orsuppor, r« pr ~ ll!ld pl!i'IOITMJ\Uell.,') Provide options for Executive Functions i.111 • GUIM ~ ! e ~J n,1 &11 • 5l#Q1t plll'ltllrtl!•l'Jd~li!'dl!\itlOplNffte.tj • ~1'1\8 i!,!il)SJl'IIOl'Jfl'ffllollllndll!!!SOUl'Cd~ .. ~ G11padty r« monitCMg proyess ~ Strategic & Goal-Directed
  3. http://udlguidelines.cast.org/ Provide options for Recruiting l'nterest i'I • Optlrr,i!!, ll'd,ftlllill

    tl'IOICe r,d atfflWlf'l!l/ il'-1i • Opel~ relel/ll'lte. V.tltoe. -,d llilltlffllld~ f.':J • Milliffilm ~ al'(I dst~Jons tUl Provide options for Sustaining Effort & Persistence • • 1-t~n sallen(:e of f.)als and <!1Jitlllt,oe!t111>1J • VVJ &,mar.I!; lll'ld t~lft<!! Uli (lflllinl "'dua!,n_ge (11.Zj • Fostet tolllll011111Dn 41ftd COl'lW\dl;)' ii.JI • fttHfl!. ll'IIS!el"j-Ollilflled lffdbai:ll~ Provide options for Self Regulation Lil , ProiYIIIIU! e11p-rons 1nd bell~ 11'111.! oplin,Jz-, fflMMflt.tlillnlt-11 , l'.ICILffl, Jlml)Mllt!)Jll1'11Sk1ll!ia, Slflll"~JUI • Dil!WllOJl ~--meMand r~eal'Qn bi'.31 Expert learners who are. .. Purposeful & Motivated Provide multiple means of Representation Provide options for Perception • QIJ,!, Wiy) Oftmt«Jilling 1M' dlSJllayar llll'Oll'1'8tlont1.1i • Offer aJ ~ s rr.r al.ldim,y lilrloJ'l'!VllCWI 11!.1) • ~ .8ll<!li'flll'IMS 1'4/1 "'5U.ill lilrlotmalll!il (i.ll Provide opt'ions for Language & symbols ~ • O.trify'rlllQltallary 11ttUyml!ols Q.11 • 0.alll\l!.)'IIUUlid 11:r..mJJ'f! a.ii • SIJ'l'P)rt dl!(Q~ll'II 0r1,i,llf. m.tlhell'IMli notallon.. -~b(o~ • Prol'!'IOUJ und"'rstancringa~oss llng,11.ag~1141 • lllb!lrffl! r!Y,llllgh Milliil~rnt!d IUl Provide optjions for Compre:hensian m , kff\111 Otl' ,-!pply bilcl<SIOIIJh!I llm . . . 11--11 , Hf!Nlfhlpatttr~tN!Clilf!,aw/es, Mf!ideli~ -at,11 r~IIIIIQn•hii;,t:'t!llJ • GUide' inf~ p~ mg !fiil'EI \lf~uan,adon li!II • MIK IM21!! ll'llnsff!f 11111!1 ~ nerallutlOII tu} Resourceful & Knowledgeable Provide options ror Physical Action 1 • V.ry t:1'e ,nerl:ll)m r« fl!!SJIOMI!! • n~Jon i,1.1J • OJMJl'lte «us$ (0 U>Ols arut,assl~ 11!!:h~ Provide options for Express· on Ii: Communication !!I • UemU l • U!e ntUlt]plt U!QI!: ror CGll!lln!icl'.ll>n MIii tQll'l'ip'.ISl!lM [!..2) • Bl..llld flufftf IMilll ~ e11 ilflls orsuppor, r« pr ~ ll!ld pl!i'IOITMJ\Uell.,') Provide options for Executive Functions i.111 • GUIM ~ ! e ~J n,1 &11 • 5l#Q1t plll'ltllrtl!•l'Jd~li!'dl!\itlOplNffte.tj • ~1'1\8 i!,!il)SJl'IIOl'Jfl'ffllollllndll!!!SOUl'Cd~ .. ~ G11padty r« monitCMg proyess ~ Strategic & Goal-Directed
  4. References • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_design#cite_note-2 • http://guides.lib.lawrence.edu/udl/home • http://udlguidelines.cast.org/ Books • Design

    and Deliver: Planning and teaching Using Universal Design for Learning – Loui Lord Nelson, PhD. • Universal Design for Learning in the Classroom: Practical Applications (What Works for Special-Needs Learners) 1st Edition – Tracey E. Hall, Anne Meyers, David H. Rose • Universal Design in Higher Education: From Principles to Practice 2nd Edition – Sheryl E. Burgstahler, Michael k. Young • Universal Design for Learning: Theory and Practice – Anne Meyer, David H. Rose, David Gordon On the Web