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How to be AWESOME with Emerging Technologies

How to be AWESOME with Emerging Technologies

PSEWEB Conference, Vancouver CANADA presentation demonstrating ways to curate content, present information, collaborate with coworkers, and make things interesting using mad skills and the latest disruptive technologies.

Robin Smail

June 25, 2013

More Decks by Robin Smail

Other Decks in Technology



  2. the challenge How to demonstrate ways to curate content, present

    information, collaborate with coworkers, and make things interesting using mad skills and disruptive technologies. Let’s Go! Friday, June 28, 13
  3. twitter analytics http://ads.twitter.com/login Friday, June 28, 13 Twitter offers analytics

    on followers and timeline activity for your account, without having to sign up for advertising. http://ads.twitter.com/login
  4. twitter analytics Friday, June 28, 13 Twitter offers analytics on

    followers and timeline activity for your account, without having to sign up for advertising. http://ads.twitter.com/login
  5. twitter archive Friday, June 28, 13 How do I request

    my twitter archive? via your twitter settings, at the bottom of the page. A link will be emailed to you when the file is ready to be downloaded. https://twitter.com/settings/account
  6. my mashup geek crush Martin Hawksey Twitter Archiving Google Spreadsheet

    (TAGS) http://mashe.hawksey.info/2013/02/twitter-archive-tagsv5/ @mhawksey Friday, June 28, 13 mad skillz! -- Jisc CETIS Learning Technology Advisor. Interested in EdTech, Mashups, Google Apps Script, SNA, Data Mining/Wrangling, cMOOCing, Open Education, DDJ, SEO ... Edinburgh, Scotland · mashe.hawksey.info
  7. twitter archive via gDrive how to: http://mashe.hawksey.info/2013/01/sync-twitter-archive-with-google-drive/ Friday, June 28,

    13 Use some Google Apps script to access the Twitter API and automatically update your twitter archive in a Google Spreadsheet. Store/host it on Google Drive for public access. http://mashe.hawksey.info/2013/02/twitter-archive-tagsv5/
  8. mooc archive via gDrive Friday, June 28, 13 Example of

    MOOC (massive open online course) archiving demonstrates each student’s participation, class activity, levels of interaction.
  9. twylah Friday, June 28, 13 Account aggregator that separates your

    twitterstream according to subject matter and key words. http://www.twylah.com/
  10. snap bird Friday, June 28, 13 Use Snap Bird to

    search beyond Twitter’s 7 day history. http://snapbird.org/
  11. tweetbook.in Friday, June 28, 13 tweetbook.in creates a pdf ebook

    of tweets, hashtags, favorites -- good for events, organizational accounts, curation that requires a takeaway. http://tweetbook.in/
  12. buffer Friday, June 28, 13 Buffer is a free application

    that allows scheduling tweets for delivery, as well as making it easy to share and connect to many applications, leveraging your social media presence. http://bufferapp.com/
  13. epilogger Friday, June 28, 13 A living social media aggregator

    that pulls media, tweets, geo-check ins, links and blog posts for an event, all based on the hashtag. ex: http://epilogger.com/events/hewebsyr
  14. eventifier Friday, June 28, 13 Archive all your event photos,

    videos, slides, tweets, conversations and much more, using event hashtag. http://eventifier.co/event/pseweb13/
  15. tagboard Friday, June 28, 13 Tagboard is a social media

    hub for hashtags. It searches multiple social networks for posts with a hashtag. ex: http://tagboard.com/pseweb
  16. storify Friday, June 28, 13 Make the web tell a

    story. 1 Collect media from across the web; 2 Publish on Storify, embed anywhere; 3 Share and notify sources, go viral. http://storify.com/
  17. instapaper Friday, June 28, 13 Instapaper (web based and mobile

    apps) that saves web pages and news for offline reading. http://www.instapaper.com/
  18. pocket Friday, June 28, 13 Another tool for offline access

    of web pages and news, pocket is a more graphically based option with web based, mobile app options. http://getpocket.com/
  19. evernote Friday, June 28, 13 Capture articles, notes, information, images

    to catalog, store, and retrieve anywhere. Amazing search with OCR for images with text as well. http://evernote.com/
  20. ifttt Friday, June 28, 13 IFTTT is a service that

    lets you create powerful connections with one simple “if this, then that” statement. Combinations allow leveraging of data without having to handle every piece. GrrAnimals for content. https://ifttt.com/
  21. gimme bar Friday, June 28, 13 A method of storing

    content that is based around you -- the center of your content universe. Browser bookmarklet for easy collection. https://gimmebar.com/
  22. snapguide Friday, June 28, 13 An easy way to make

    great looking how to guides. Bonus -- a fabulous content library to browse and discover topics so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. (browser, ipad, phone apps) http://snapguide.com/
  23. webpage screenshot Friday, June 28, 13 Webpage Screenshot is a

    Google Chrome extension that allows you to take screenshots of the entire webpage with a click of a button. You can Save, Edit and Share with your friends instantly. http://www.webpagescreenshot.info/
  24. keepvid Friday, June 28, 13 Download and save videos directly

    from YouTube, Google, Metacafe, Putfile and more; excellent for incorporating into talks and presentation without having to rely on links to online content. http://keepvid.com/
  25. dropbox Friday, June 28, 13 A free file hosting service

    that offers cloud storage, file synchronization and sharing/access for your photos, docs, and videos. Never email yourself a file again. https://www.dropbox.com/
  26. cheatsheet Friday, June 28, 13 Know your shortcuts: Just hold

    the ⌘-Key a bit longer to get a list of all active short cuts of the current application. It's as simple as that. http://www.cheatsheetapp.com/CheatSheet/
  27. gridfox Friday, June 28, 13 Firefox extension overlays a grid

    on top of any website. Toggle on to see the appropriate grid will be downloaded and displayed. Useful for checking grid-based layout designs. Powerful when used with firebug (another ff ext). https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/gridfox/
  28. gliffy Friday, June 28, 13 Online diagram and flowchart software.

    Great for wireframing (like visio, but free) http://www.gliffy.com/
  29. adobe kuler Friday, June 28, 13 Create color schemes with

    the color wheel or browse thousands of color combinations from the Kuler community. http://kuler.adobe.com/create/color-wheel/ and http://kuler.adobe.com/
  30. colour lovers Friday, June 28, 13 open online community to

    create and share colors, palettes and patterns, and discuss the latest trends. http://www.colourlovers.com/
  31. placekitten Friday, June 28, 13 placekitten: allows to specify image

    h+w to get perfect sized placeholder image...of kittens! http://placekitten.com/
  32. bacon ipsum Friday, June 28, 13 bacon ipsum: a meatier

    lorem ipsum for placeholder text http://baconipsum.com/
  33. social media image maker Friday, June 28, 13 Use this

    great tool to resize and retouch your social media images http://www.autreplanete.com/ap-social-media-image-maker/
  34. what the font Friday, June 28, 13 Identify fonts in

    a photo or web graphic. http://www.myfonts.com/WhatTheFont/
  35. identifont Friday, June 28, 13 Online typeface identifier. Users are

    guided through a series of illustrated multiple-choice questions of features of a font to arrive at a font identification. TOOLS help find fonts with particular characteristics/specific applications. http://www.identifont.com/
  36. font squirrel Friday, June 28, 13 fonts that are 100%

    free for commercial use. Our go to font site. http://www.fontsquirrel.com/
  37. font combos Friday, June 28, 13 common font pairings --

    pdf, iphone app, and an actual BOOK http://bonfx.com/font-combinations-app/
  38. typetester Friday, June 28, 13 An online application for comparison

    of the fonts for the screen. http://www.typetester.org/
  39. MQtest.io Friday, June 28, 13 A site that displays which

    media queries your current browser supports. http://mqtest.io/
  40. screensiz.es Friday, June 28, 13 An extensive database of screen

    sizes for popular smartphones, tablets and monitors currently available; useful for web developers designing responsive apps that will work across various screen sizes. http://screensiz.es/
  41. code anywhere Friday, June 28, 13 Codeanywhere is a free

    online code editor with syntax highlighting and an integrated FTP client. https://codeanywhere.net/
  42. css desk Friday, June 28, 13 CSSDesk is a online

    HTML/CSS sandbox. Experiment with CSS, see the results live, and share your code with others. http://cssdesk.com/
  43. chop app Friday, June 28, 13 Collaborative space to post

    code snippets, write notes, share feedback. Handles a varied assortment of coding. http://chopapp.com/#
  44. styletil.es Friday, June 28, 13 More than a mood board,

    less than a full mockup. Style Tiles are a design deliverable consisting of fonts, colors and interface elements that communicate the essence of a visual brand for the web. Develop design instead of fixed width. http://styletil.es/
  45. ami.responsivedesign.is Friday, June 28, 13 Displays a website of your

    choice across several viewport widths within popular browsers. This 4 in 1 viewport tool shows how your site looks on desktop, laptop, ipad & iphone. http://ami.responsivedesign.is/
  46. project of how Friday, June 28, 13 A collection of

    collaborative methods for jump starting creativity. http://projectofhow.com/
  47. social media policy Don’t lie. Don’t pry. Don’t cheat. Can’t

    delete. Don’t steal. Don’t reveal. Farris Timimi, M.D., medical director for the Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media. Friday, June 28, 13 http://network.socialmedia.mayoclinic.org/2012/04/05/a-twelve-word-social-media-policy/

    N D @ROBIN2GO ROBIN2GO.NET [email protected] ABOUT.ME/ROBIN2GO Friday, June 28, 13