## Abstract
During the 2019's Android Dev Summit conference, Google announced that it would stop the development of Dagger-Android and officially recommended to use pure Dagger 2 instead. Few times after those announces Dagger-Hilt was announced and presented as "a standard way to incorporate Dagger dependency injection into an Android application." On the 5th of May 2021 Dagger Hilt 1.0.0 was released.
I recently took the decision to give it a go as Dagger 2 is a powerful but yet difficult tool to understand and setup and did not really want to change the setup it already took me time to master.
I started using Hilt in a small internal app, a simple tool without the scope of an important production app. Once confident that Hilt would improve our production app I started the refactoring of the dependency injection code to follow Dagger-Hilt's template.
With this talk I'd like to share my experience with Dagger-Hilt with two integration examples:
* From scratch in a new project
* Refactoring of an important project already using Dagger 2
I will discuss pros and cons of Dagger-Hilt and what does it brings to the table.
## References
* Official Dagger Hilt documentation
* Android Developer - Dependency injection with Hilt