Type Range Description on_track boolean True|False The vehicle is off track (False) if the front of the vehicle is outside of the white lines, otherwise, it's on track (True). x float [0,inf] Location of the vehicle along the x-axis, starting from 0. y float [0,inf] Location of the vehicle along the y-axis, starting from 0. distance_from_center float [0,track_width/2] Displacement from the center line of the track as defined by waypoints. car_orientation float [-π, π] Orientation of the vehicle around its z-axis as measured against the x- axis in radians. If the vehicle starts in the direction of the x-axis of the track, the car_orientation is 0 at the starting point. progress float [0,1] Percentage of track completed. steps int [0,n] Number of steps completed. throttle float [0,1] Vehicle's speed. 0 indicates stopped and 1 means at the maximum speed. steering float [-1,1] Steering position. -1 means right and 1 means left. track_width float [0,inf] Track width. waypoint (float,float) (x,y) A coorindate of (x, y) defining a point on the track. waypoints list [(x,y), …] An ordered list of waypoints. closest_waypoint int [0, number of waypoints -1] The zero-based index of the closest waypoint given the vehicle's x and y positions as measured by the Euclidean distance. It can be in front of the vehicle or behind it.