experience: recent research and its implica6ons for psychiatry Chris6na Maslach, Michael P. Leiter World Psychiatry. 2016 Jun; 15(2): 103–111. Published online 2016 Jun 5. doi: 10.1002/wps.20311
have Ime to get to everything." "ProducIon incidents happen faster than we can keep up with the remediaIon items from them." "We have too much interrupt-driven work to be able to make progress on any planned work." "There's too much tedious manual work and people leave because of it." Workload @rynchantress Ops Ma/ers
make on-call easier." "Management is giving us mandatory checklists to follow without asking if they actually work for us." "Product teams make decisions that affect us without ever talking to us first." Control @rynchantress Ops Ma/ers
nobody ever thanks us when things are going well." "Our work feels invisible and thankless." "We aren't seen as valuable in the organizaIon so we don't get the same bonus structure as other engineering teams." Reward @rynchantress Ops Ma/ers
engineering so our team tends to feel isolated." "We have the only on-call responsibiliIes in the organizaIon but nobody else views that as a problem." "I'm a one-person ops team." Community @rynchantress Ops Ma/ers
our control." "It feels like we're always having to clean up other team's messes." "We're always assumed to be less important and less capable than devs are." Fairness @rynchantress Ops Ma/ers
seen as nothing more than a cost center." "Management would rather us put on bandaid soluIons than invest any Ime in fixing things for real." Values @rynchantress Ops Ma/ers
behaviors • Describe potenIal new behaviors • Plan designable surfaces for changes • Document, execute, and iterate @rynchantress Ops Ma/ers Culture design process
their proacIve project work • Team members spend significant amounts of Ime answering quesIons in mulIple channels • Lots of Ime is spent doing work manually just to get things done on Ime • On-call work adds even more interrupIons and stress Current cultural outcomes @rynchantress Ops Ma/ers
well as respond to interrupts • Responding to incoming quesIons feels manageable rather than overwhelming • The team is able to work in an effecIve manner and automate when necessary Desired cultural outcomes @rynchantress Ops Ma/ers
week-long shiXs • Tradeoffs: Shorter shiXs would mean being on-call more oXen • Checks and alerts never get deleted because of a fear of missing something • Tradeoffs: False negaIves versus false posiIves (alert faIgue) • Interrupt work given priority over remediaIon work • Tradeoffs: Short-term response Ime against long- term stability On-call: Contributory behaviors @rynchantress Ops Ma/ers
• Designable surfaces: Service definiIons, severiIes in monitoring system, on-call schedules in alerIng system • Plan: Reduce the number of unacIonable alerts • Designable surfaces: Tool to tag alerts (e.g. OpsWeekly), deleIng alerts in monitoring system • Plan: Complete all remediaIon items within 30 days of an incident • Designable surfaces: PrioriIzaIon in issue tracker On-call: Designable Surfaces and Plans @rynchantress Ops Ma/ers
Imes • Tradeoffs: Balancing Imely responses with other types of work • People will oXen ask ops team members they know quesIons directly • Tradeoffs: Building and maintaining relaIonships • The ops team slack channel has grown to contain both internal cha/er and external quesIons • Tradeoffs: Number and specificity of communicaIon channels Interruptions: Contributory behaviors @rynchantress Ops Ma/ers
surfaces: Schedule management tool (PagerDuty, calendar), request tracking (Jira, helpdesk soXware) • Plan: Create a dedicated channel for quesIons and a private one for internal team discussions • Designable surfaces: Slack, directory for finding where to ask quesIons Interruptions: Designable Surfaces and Plans @rynchantress Ops Ma/ers