to break something horribly. ConCnuous Delivery... of things that were broken in producCon that I promise worked on my machine, really. Yes, we have CI/CD! @rynchantress Think About! 2019
versioning of any components - Lack of separate tesCng environment - Manual, error-prone deploy process - No tests (or even testable code) Project Indigo: Labeling the Dragons @rynchantress Think About! 2019
versioning of any components - Lack of separate tesCng environment - Manual, error-prone deploy process - No tests (or even testable code) Project Indigo: Labeling the Dragons @rynchantress Think About! 2019
versioning of any components - Lack of separate tesCng environment - Manual, error-prone deploy process - No tests (or even testable code) Project Indigo: Labeling the Dragons @rynchantress Think About! 2019
versioning of any components - Lack of separate tes<ng environment - Manual, error-prone deploy process - No tests (or even testable code) Project Indigo: Labeling the Dragons @rynchantress Think About! 2019
versioning of any components - Lack of separate tesCng environment - Manual, error-prone deploy process - No tests (or even testable code) Project Indigo: Labeling the Dragons @rynchantress Think About! 2019
versioning of any components - Lack of separate tesCng environment - Manual, error-prone deploy process - No tests (or even testable code) Project Indigo: Labeling the Dragons @rynchantress Think About! 2019
and API - Ability to create a tesCng environment for various components - Automated deploy process with Deployinator - Testable code with >0 unit tests Project Indigo: Slaying the Dragons @rynchantress Think About! 2019
known problems - Decreasing surprises with smaller changes - Surfacing problems more quickly and automaCcally for quicker response CI/CD: Resilience of Outcomes for Code Changes @rynchantress Think About! 2019
you - SomeCmes an incident breaks all your incident monitoring/response tools - Always give people weird sweaters when they break things Lessons Learned, Part I @rynchantress Think About! 2019
channels do people use for communicaCon? - Does communicaCon default to public or private? - What are the standards for how people interact with each other?
behaviors are explicitly encouraged in your organizaCon? - What is part of your career framework? - What behaviors are implicitly rewarded? - Are incenCves consistent across the org?
available to help respond to incidents? - Are incident response and remediaCon items considered during planning and scheduling? - How much slack is in your schedules? - What happens when schedules slip?