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SHIFTASIA - How to build a MVP

SHIFTASIA - How to build a MVP


May 21, 2024

Other Decks in Business


  1. 2 What is an MVP? MVP stands for “Minimum Viable

    Product” Prototype to test your product idea with minimum requirements. Cupcake MVP Wedding Cake Final Product Cake MMP Future Release
  2. 3 Minimum + Viable "The version of a new product

    which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort​" - Eric Ries Don't Do Basic Design Reliability Usability Limited Functionality Limited Functionality
  3. 4 MVP vs. MMP MVP and MMP (Minimum Marketable Product)

    are two popular development strategies businesses can use to bring their products to market. MMP MVP Validate a product idea and gather feedback from early adopters Bring a marketable product to test market Short-time and low-cost development Long time and high-cost development Minimum features with basic design that functions Full set of features and an attractive design For start-ups and small businesses with limited resources Established businesses Purpose Ideal for Resources Requirement
  4. 5 MVP Benefits Why build an MVP? Test Busines sConcepts

    Test UX and Usability Verify Market Demand Monetization GetFundings withPrototype MVP is a common step to take in new product release to:
  5. 6 Focus on Core Functionalities first Safely Execute before Full

    Investment Verify Monetization Strategies MVP is the optimal solution if you are looking to: Build Early Relationship with Customers MVP Strategies Who is it for?
  6. 7 Market Research Pick Top Features Develop MVP Create an

    MVP to run a structured business experiment that validates or invalidates your proposed business model. Define Goal & User MVP Strategies 5 Key-Step Get Feedback 01 02 03 04 05
  7. 8 Build a successful MVP Formular to build a successful

    MVP = Design Thinking + Lean UX + Agile
  8. 9 Philosophy behind it Speedy go-to-market strategy That emphasizes active

    improvement based on market feedback Have an Idea Build your product Measure Results Improve your product Functional Reliable Usable GreatDesign
  9. 10 MVP Development: In-house of Outsource In-house Development • High

    hiring costs • Employee turnover risk • Lack of tech experts • Culture, time zone difference • Security & communication concerns • Total control • Cultural fit • Shared vision • Direct communication • End-to-end services • Access to top tech experts • Scalability • Timely project completion Disadvantages Advantages Outsource Development Choosing between hiring an outside team or in-house development heavily depends on your: goal – timing and resources.
  10. One of the Largest Quality Assurance specialized companies in the

    world TOKYO HQ 2005 Founded 5,200+ Employees HCMC SEA Office 2016 Founded 190+ SEA Employees 110+ QA Testers 60+ Developers
  11. 12 Waterfall Waterfall Development Mode Mobile Application Custom MobileApps ABAP

    Development ERP ABAP Development Our Solution Suite (dev) Agile Agile Development Mode MVP / PoC MVP PoC Development Staff Augmentation Staffing and ExpansionSupport Project-based OutsourcedProject Web Application Custom Web Application Website Custom Website Production Enterprise Software Enterprise Softwareand Smart Apps ODC Setup Offshore Development Center
  12. 13 Main Technologies We Use Azure Terraform Python Kotlin PHP

    Swift Sqlite Mongo DB Kafka Postgre SQL MySQL SQL Server Elastic search Rabbitmq Docker AWS Firebase Oracle Redis Angular Flutter C# Ruby Javascript Typescript GCP Kubernetes Heroku Dart Java Go Spring Ruby on Rails Django ExpressJS VueJS NextJS React React Native NuxtJS Laravel Gin Appium Jmeter Jenkins Gitlab CI/CD Github Action Selenium Cypress Infrastructure Language Database Front-end Back-end CI/CD Automation
  13. 14 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Language 30

    25 20 15 10 5 0 Framework 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Cloud Services 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 CSS Jquery Redux Library 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Database 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Elastic Serch Firebase Redis RabitMQ Hadoop Middleware Skill Map
  14. Case Study Background ProjectOverview Greentech Platform MVP Development・QA ▪ Tool:

    ▪ Language: Japanese / English A returning client, who signed an MVP development project as they seek long-term benefits and reasonable costs. Challenges 1. Cost in Japan 2. Planned Overseas Release 3. Phased Releases System inDevelopment ▪ Data Science Software ▪ Web Application Team Size Communication Technology ▪ Agile ▪ Project-based Development ▪ PM: 1 (SA) ▪ Lead Dev: 1 (SA) ▪ Dev: 3 (SA) ▪ QA: 2 (SA) Solutions ▪ Full-stack Development / MVP ▪ Quality Assurance (Functional・Security Tests) Results ▪ Multi-language development ▪ High-quality offshore development ▪ Efficient test for beta release
  15. 10 Project Overview Enterprise Smartapp ▪ Improved existing features ▪

    Complex API customization ▪ Efficient testing with automation ▪ Agile ▪ Project-based ▪ Microsoft Smartapp ▪ Tool: ▪ Language: Japanese / English ▪ Smartapp Development / MVP ▪ QA (Regression/API Tests) & Automation Smartapp development for internal communication. Needed a team experienced with Microsoft API customization and automation testing. 1. Low Usability 2. API Customization 3. Frequent Feature Updates ▪ PM: 1 (SA) ▪ Dev: 1 (SA) ▪ QA: 1 (SA) MVP Development・QA Team Size Communication Technology Development Results Background Challenges System inDevelopment Solutions ProjectOverview Case Study
  16. Office Space Booking MVP Development・QA ▪ Tool: ▪ Language: Japanese

    / English ▪ Speedy prototype design ▪ On-budget offshore delivery ▪ Android/iOS native development ▪ Long-term partnership ▪ Agile ▪ Project-based ▪ PM: 1 (SA) ▪ Designer: 1 (SA) ▪ Dev: 2 (SA) ▪ QA: 1 (SA) ▪ UI Design/Front-end/Maintenance ▪ QA (Functional/User Scenario) Web-based platform for office booking, needed a developer team and test engineers to develop a mobile app. 1. Functional requirements 2. Architecture Design 3. Experienced Team ▪ iOS/Android Case Study Background ProjectOverview Challenges System inDevelopment Solutions Team Size Communication Technology Development Results