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Introducing Choose Chameleon

October 26, 2019

Introducing Choose Chameleon

Sustainable Materials in Everyday Products
We look at the latest innovations in sustainable materials and how that can apply to the products you use every day, whether brushing your teeth, applying lotion, or washing your clothes!

To find out more about Chameleon:
Website: https://choosechameleon.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/choosechameleon/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/choosechameleon/


October 26, 2019

More Decks by Pablo

Other Decks in Education


  1. We look at the latest innovations in sustainable materials and

    how that can apply to the products you use every day, whether brushing your teeth, applying lotion, or washing your clothes!
  2. 4 Startling Facts About The Planet • The E-waste generated

    annually is equivalent to the weight of 4,500 Eiffel towers. • Industrial facilities release 310 kgs of toxic chemicals into the environment every second. • Every year, around one-third of the global food production gets lost or wasted. • Around 75% of the world’s land areas are substantially degraded.
  3. Why Choose Us? We highlight the work of individuals, entrepreneurs,

    and companies innovating around the restraints of our changing planet to bring affordable, safe, and high quality products to consumers.
  4. Who We Are The past few decades of climate change

    research has put the blame on humans as the primary cause of the declining health of our home planet. As a population, we’ve created alternative products that are environmentally friendly. Unfortunately, most of these products come with downsides for the consumer: they are less convenient, more expensive, sometimes lower quality and sometimes outright deceptive in their environmental benefits.