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OHBM 'Big Data' Workshop: Dissecting Nipype Wor...

OHBM 'Big Data' Workshop: Dissecting Nipype Workflows

A description of the Nipype (nipy.org/nipype) platform for analyzing brain imaging data with Python workflows.

Satrajit Ghosh

June 16, 2013

More Decks by Satrajit Ghosh

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  1. Neuroimaging Pipelines and Interfaces nipy.org/nipype Gorgolewski et al., 2010 What

    is Nipype? Python In Neuroscience Brain Imaging Software Nipype
  2. data source: pymvpa.org 1990 92 94 96 98 2000 02

    04 06 08 2010 Afni Brainvoyager Freesurfer R Caret Fmristat FSL MVPA NiPy ANTS SPM Brainvisa software
  3. What is Nipype? A community developed, opensource, lightweight Python library

    Exposes formal, common semantics Interactive exploration of brain imaging algorithms Workflow creation and execution Flexible and adaptive
  4. Openfmri Workflow All datasets available at openfmri.org (also on Amazon

    s3) Workflow itself is part of Nipype example workflows $ python fmri_openfmri.py --datasetdir ds107
  5. The workflow object >>> from nipype.pipeline.engine import Workflow >>> my_workflow

    = Workflow(name=‘concept’) :: Each node of a Workflow can be a Workflow # 30000 ft overview my_workflow.write_graph(dotfilename='ograph.dot', graph2use='orig') # close-up view my_workflow.write_graph(dotfilename='ograph.dot', graph2use='exec')
  6. The node object >>> from nipype.pipeline.engine import Node >>> from

    nipype.interfaces.spm import Segment >>> from nipype.interfaces.fsl import ImageMaths >>> from nipype.interfaces.freesurfer import MRIConvert :: All nodes encapsulate Interfaces which wrap external programs. >>> segment = Node(Segment(), name=‘segmenter’) >>> binarize = Node(ImageMaths(op_string = ‘-nan -thr 0.5 -bin’), name=‘binarize’) >>> convert = Node(MRIConvert(out_type=‘nii’), name=‘converter’)
  7. How about them edges? :: One cannot connect two outputs

    to a single input. >>> convert = Node(MRIConvert(out_type=‘nii’), name=‘converter’) >>> segment = Node(Segment(), name=‘segmenter’) >>> binarize = Node(ImageMaths(op_string = ‘-nan -thr 0.5 -bin’), name=‘binarize’) my_workflow.connect(convert, ‘out_file’, segment, ‘data’) my_workflow.connect(segment, ‘native_wm_image’, binarize, ‘in_file’)
  8. Inputs and outputs >>> from nipype.interfaces.camino import DTIFit >>> from

    nipype.interfaces.spm import Realign >>> DTIFit.help() >>> Realign.help()
  9. Running a workflow >>> my_workflow.run() >>> my_workflow.base_dir = ‘/some/place’ >>>

    my_workflow.run() >>> my_workflow.base_dir = ‘/some/place’ >>> my_workflow.run(plugin=‘MultiProc’, plugin_args={‘nprocs’: 64})
  10. Running a workflow >>> my_workflow.run() >>> my_workflow.base_dir = ‘/some/place’ >>>

    my_workflow.run() >>> my_workflow.base_dir = ‘/some/place’ >>> my_workflow.run(plugin=‘MultiProc’, plugin_args={‘nprocs’: 64}) >>> my_workflow.base_dir = ‘/some/place’ >>> my_workflow.run(plugin=‘PBS’, plugin_args={‘qsub_args’: ‘-q max500’})
  11. Running a workflow >>> my_workflow.run() >>> my_workflow.base_dir = ‘/some/place’ >>>

    my_workflow.run() >>> my_workflow.base_dir = ‘/some/place’ >>> my_workflow.run(plugin=‘MultiProc’, plugin_args={‘nprocs’: 64}) >>> my_workflow.base_dir = ‘/some/place’ >>> my_workflow.run(plugin=‘PBS’, plugin_args={‘qsub_args’: ‘-q max500’}) >>> my_workflow.base_dir = ‘/some/place’ >>> my_workflow.run(plugin=‘PBSGraph’, plugin_args={‘qsub_args’: ‘-q max500’})
  12. Running a workflow >>> my_workflow.run() >>> my_workflow.base_dir = ‘/some/place’ >>>

    my_workflow.run() >>> my_workflow.base_dir = ‘/some/place’ >>> my_workflow.run(plugin=‘MultiProc’, plugin_args={‘nprocs’: 64}) >>> my_workflow.base_dir = ‘/some/place’ >>> my_workflow.run(plugin=‘PBS’, plugin_args={‘qsub_args’: ‘-q max500’}) >>> my_workflow.base_dir = ‘/some/place’ >>> my_workflow.run(plugin=‘PBSGraph’, plugin_args={‘qsub_args’: ‘-q max500’}) Local Distributed
  13. Running a workflow :: Nipype plugins define how a graph

    is executed. Current plugins: Linear, MultiProc, SGE/PBS/ LSF, PBSGraph, Condor/CondorDAGMan, IPython
  14. Repeating subgraphs: iterables >>> subjects = [‘sub001’, ‘sub002’, ‘sub003’ ...]

    >>> infosource.iterables = [('subject_id', subjects), (‘model_id’, [1, 2])] >>> smoothnode.iterables = [(‘fwhm’, [0, 3, 10])
  15. Repeating subgraphs: iterables >>> subjects = [‘sub001’, ‘sub002’, ‘sub003’ ...]

    >>> infosource.iterables = [('subject_id', subjects), (‘model_id’, [1, 2])] >>> smoothnode.iterables = [(‘fwhm’, [0, 3, 10]) :: iterables are like nested for-loops, that you create simply by setting a property.
  16. Rerun affected nodes only >>> subjects = [‘sub001’] >>> infosource.iterables

    = [('subject_id', subjects), (‘model_id’, [1, 2])] >>> smoothnode.iterables = [(‘fwhm’, [6]) :: Using content or timestamp hashing Nipype tracks inputs and only reruns nodes with changed inputs >>> subjects = [‘sub001’, ‘sub002’, ‘sub003] >>> infosource.iterables = [('subject_id', subjects), (‘model_id’, [1, 2])] >>> smoothnode.iterables = [(‘fwhm’, [0, 6])
  17. Running your own code def get_contrasts(base_dir, model_id): contrast_file = os.path.join(base_dir,

    'models', 'model%03d' % model_id,'task_contrasts.txt') ... return contrasts contrastgen = Node(Function(input_names=['base_dir', 'model_id'], output_names=['contrasts'], function=get_contrasts), name='generate_contrasts') >>> from nipype.interfaces.utility import Function
  18. Nipype features covered Crea&ng  Nodes  and  Workflows Distributed  computa&on Using

     Iterables Func&on  nodes Rerunning  par&al  workflows
  19. Other Nipype features Using  Nipype  as  an  interface  library Nipype

     caching Crea&ng  MapReduce  like  nodes Connec&ng  to  XNAT Execu&on  configura&on  op&ons
  20. What next? Explore interfaces and workflows: - PredictHD project workflows

    - CPAC workflows - BIPS workflows http://nipy.org/nipype/quickstart.html Contribute back: - Report issues - Create new interfaces and workflows - Write tests for existing code