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PriceWatch - Maarten Emons & NAVARA - Sencha Cl...

PriceWatch - Maarten Emons & NAVARA - Sencha Client Case

Maarten Emons of CBS ('Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek') will present the pricewatch application created with Sencha.

Lee Boonstra

June 03, 2015

More Decks by Lee Boonstra

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Content   –  Context   -­‐  About  Statistics  Netherlands  

    -­‐  About  our  innovation  programme     –  PriceWatch  app   -­‐  The  battle   -­‐  User  focus   -­‐  Just  do  it   -­‐  What  is  next?     2  
  2. We  like  to  share  a  lot  of  Open  Data  

      about  The  Netherlands   3   Independent   Relevant   Reliable   Our  expertise  and  innovation  focus     •  Handeling  of  administrative  data   •  (Big)  Data  collection  methods;  survey  &  questionair  design   •  (Big)  Data  quality;  cleansing,  standardization,          linking  and  enrichment   •  (Big)  Data  analytics  and  visualisation  
  3. About  our  innovation  programme   Drivers  for  innovation   Technological

     challenges   •  Big  Data   •  Social  media     Internal  ideas   •  Empowerment   •  Synergies     5   External  pressure   •  New  output  channels   •  Cooperation  
  4. About  our  innovation  programme   Innovation  funnel   6  

    The  best  way  of  having  a  good  idea  is  having  a  lot  of  ideas  
  5. PriceWatch  app   Innovation  focus   7   Input:  Data

     collection   Throughput:  processing   Output:  new  products   Big  Data   IT-­‐hardware     and  software  
  6. PriceWatch  app   Data  collection   8   Social  

      Security     Agency   National     Bank   Dutch     public  land     registry   TAX     office  
  7. PriceWatch  app   The  battle   10   -­‐  HTML

     5  vs  native   -­‐  Local  storage   -­‐  2  weeks  offline  
  8. PriceWatch  app   The  battle   11   -­‐  HTML

     5  vs  native   -­‐  Local  storage   -­‐  2  weeks  offline  
  9. PriceWatch  app   The  battle   12   -­‐  HTML

     5  vs  native   -­‐  Local  storage   -­‐  2  weeks  offline  
  10. PriceWatch  app   The  battle   13   -­‐  HTML

     5  vs  native   -­‐  Local  storage   -­‐  2  weeks  offline  
  11. 17   Please  feel  free  to  ask  questions   Maarten

     Emons     [email protected]   070  -­‐  337  5083   We innovate together with NAVARA