class_name: "Project", inverse_of: :project_pre_sales has_and_belongs_to_many :post_sales_projects, class_name: "Project", inverse_of: :project_post_sales belongs_to :default_for_client, class_name: "Client", inverse_of: :default_sales belongs_to :default_pre_sales_for_client, class_name: "Client", inverse_of: :default_pre_sales belongs_to :client, inverse_of: :users has_and_belongs_to_many :campaigns, inverse_of: :sales #has_many :site_visits, class_name: "SiteVisit", inverse_of: :sales #has_many :followups, class_name: "Followup", inverse_of: :sales has_many :staff, class_name: 'User', inverse_of: :manager belongs_to :manager, class_name: 'User', inverse_of: :staff has_many :call_availabilities has_many :booking_details,inverse_of: "sales" has_many :activities has_many :incentive_payment_infos, class_name: "IncentivePaymentInfo", inverse_of: :sales #has_many :feeds #has_many :calls, class_name: "Call", inverse_of: :sales has_many :search_criteria, class_name: "SearchCriterium" belongs_to :team has_many :primary_booking_details, class_name: "BookingDetail", :inverse_of => :primary_post_sales has_and_belongs_to_many :secondary_booking_details, class_name: "BookingDetail", :inverse_of => :secondary_post_sales # before_save :set_team_department_to_nil field :first_name, type: String field :last_name, type: String field :phone, type: String field :secondary_phone, type: String field :time_zone, type: String, default: "Mumbai" field :department, type: String field :role, type: String, default: :sales field :work_as_manager,type: Boolean,default: true field :calling_enabled,type: Boolean,default: false field :using_mobile_app,type: Boolean,default: false field :push_notification_mobile,type: Boolean,default: false field :temporary_reassignment, type: Boolean, default: false ## Database authenticatable field :email, type: String, default: "" field :encrypted_password, type: String, default: "" ## Recoverable field :reset_password_token, type: String field :reset_password_sent_at, type: Time ## Rememberable field :remember_created_at, type: DateTime ## Trackable field :sign_in_count, type: Integer, default: 0 field :current_sign_in_at, type: Time field :last_sign_in_at, type: Time field :current_sign_in_ip, type: String field :last_sign_in_ip, type: String ## Encryptable field :password_salt, type: String ## Confirmable field :confirmation_token field :confirmed_at field :confirmation_sent_at # field :unconfirmed_email # Only if using reconfirmable ## Lockable field :failed_attempts, type: Integer, default: 0 # Only if lock strategy is :failed_attempts field :unlock_token, type: String # Only if unlock strategy is :email or :both field :locked_at, type: Time ## Token authenticatable field :authentication_token, type: String field :is_active, type: Boolean,default: false # Used to lock_access of user field :roaster, type: String #a, na, brk, bsy, d field :gcm_id,type: String field :fcm_id,type: String field :daily_reports,type: Boolean, default: true field :phone_codes, type: Hash, default: {} field :owner_ids,type: Array,default: [] field :circle, type: String field :user_in_default_routing, type: Boolean,default: false # add user to client default routing. field :allow_to_manage_leads, type: Boolean, default: true # allow_to_manage_leads decides that ,whether user will be in any of the routing or not field :assign_leads, type: Boolean, default: true # assign_leads decides whether user will be assigned any new leads. He will still be able to manage his own leads provided allow_to_manage_leads is true field :relative_team_ids, type: Array , default: [] #team ids present in user's hierarchy field :oauth_accounts, type: Array, default: [] #[{provider: "facebook", access_token: "", refresh_token: ""}, {provider: "google", access_token: "", refresh_token: ""}] field :billable_user, type: Boolean, default: true # it will decide whether user is real/virtual(user whose record present in DB but dont have access to crm) # When a user gets deactivated. Value is set in before_save of user observer field :deactivated_at, type: DateTime, default: nil # Payload for workflow events specific to Sales(User). # This is defined just to include in other payloads like site_visit or followup payload. # Define payload as {id:"field", text:"Text on UI", roles:[roles]} self.payload = [ {id:"first_name", text:"First name", roles:@allowed_roles}, {id:"last_name", text:"Last name", roles:@allowed_roles}, {id:"phone", text:"Phone", roles:@allowed_roles}, {id:"department", text:"Department", roles:@allowed_roles}, {id:"email", text:"Email", roles:@allowed_roles} ] index(email: 1) index(phone: 1) validates :first_name,:last_name,:phone,:email,:role, presence: true validates_format_of :first_name, :last_name, with: /\A[a-zA-Z\d\s]*\Z/i validates :department, presence: true, :if =>{|u| ["sales", "pre_sales","post_sales", "manager"].include?(u.role) && u.allow_to_manage_leads == true} validates :client_id, presence: true, :if =>{|u| u.role != 'superadmin' && !RoleBasedAccessibility.roles.include?(u.role) } validates :phone, uniqueness: {scope: :client_id} validates :email, uniqueness: {case_sensitive: false} validate :department_role validate :oauth_account_count validate :is_only_sales_in_routing validate :is_virtual_user validate :custom_role_validations validate :is_billable_updated validate :is_fallback_user validate :is_in_workflow validate :is_in_routing # validates :phone,format: { with: /^([0])?\d{10}$/} accepts_nested_attributes_for :call_availabilities, update_only: true attr_accessible :email,:password,:remember_me,:first_name,:last_name,:phone,:secondary_phone,:time_zone, :department,:role,:manager_id,:current_password, :password_confirmation,:team_id, :gcm_id, :fcm_id, :using_mobile_app, :daily_reports,:push_notification_mobile,:user_in_default_routing,:project_ids,:pre_sales_project_ids,:campaign_ids, :call_availabilities_attributes,:allow_to_manage_leads,:billable_user,:assign_leads def role?(role) return (self.role.to_s == role.to_s) end def department?(department) return (self.department.to_s == department.to_s) end def available_search_criteria if ["sales","pre_sales"].include?(self.department) SearchCriterium.where(client_id: self.client_id).any_of({is_default:true },{available_for: self.department}) else SearchCriterium.where(client_id: self.client_id) end #TODO: get client.default_search_criteria. get search_criterias on which i am added as a user_id end def oauth_account(name) x ={|x| x.with_indifferent_access["provider"] == name}.first if x.present? return x.with_indifferent_access else return nil end end def scheduled_events(scheduled_on, ends_on, act_id, new_act_type) cc = ClientConfiguration.where(client_id: client_id).only(:activity_calender_time).first events_hash = {'scheduled_events' => {}, 'scheduled_date' => '' } if cc.activity_calender_time['active'] followup_hours = cc.activity_calender_time['followup_hours'].to_i followup_minutes = cc.activity_calender_time['followup_minutes'].to_i events_hash = get_scheduled_events(events_hash, 'Followup', new_act_type, followup_hours, followup_minutes, scheduled_on, ends_on, act_id) events_hash = get_scheduled_events(events_hash, 'SiteVisit', new_act_type, followup_hours, followup_minutes, scheduled_on, ends_on, act_id) end events_hash end def get_from_and_to_times(existing_act_type, new_act_type, followup_hours, followup_minutes, scheduled_on, ends_on) if new_act_type == 'Followup' || existing_act_type == 'Followup' from_time = scheduled_on.advance(hours: -followup_hours, minutes: -followup_minutes+1 ) to_time = ends_on.advance(hours: followup_hours, minutes: (followup_minutes-1) ) else from_time = scheduled_on.advance(minutes: +1) to_time = ends_on.advance(minutes: -1) end return from_time, to_time end def get_scheduled_events(events_hash, existing_act_type, new_act_type, followup_hours, followup_minutes, scheduled_on, ends_on, act_id) events_hash['scheduled_date'] = scheduled_on.in_time_zone(client.time_zone).strftime('%d %b %Y') if %w(SiteVisit Followup).include?(existing_act_type) existing_activity_matcher = {client_id: client_id, sales_id: id, status: 'scheduled'} existing_activity_matcher[:_id] = { '$ne' => act_id } if act_id.present? from_time, to_time = get_from_and_to_times(existing_act_type, new_act_type, followup_hours, followup_minutes, scheduled_on, ends_on) if existing_act_type == 'SiteVisit' fields_to_select = [:scheduled_on, :ends_on, :lead_crm_id, :id, :lead_id, :project_id] existing_activity_matcher["$and"] = [{:scheduled_on => {'$lte' => to_time} }, {:ends_on => {'$gte' => from_time} }] elsif existing_act_type == 'Followup' fields_to_select = [:scheduled_on, :ends_on, :lead_crm_id, :id, :lead_id] existing_activity_matcher[:scheduled_on] = {'$gte' => from_time, '$lte' => to_time} end existing_activities = existing_act_type.constantize.where(existing_activity_matcher).only(fields_to_select) if existing_activities.count > 0 existing_activities.each do |existing_act| existing_from_time = existing_act[:scheduled_on] if existing_act[:_type] == 'SiteVisit' existing_to_time = existing_act[:ends_on] else existing_to_time = existing_act[:scheduled_on].advance(hours: followup_hours, minutes: followup_minutes ) end events_hash['scheduled_events'][] = { time: "#{existing_from_time.in_time_zone(client.time_zone).strftime('%l:%M %p')} - #{existing_to_time.in_time_zone(client.time_zone).strftime('%l:%M %p')}", lead_crm_id: existing_act[:lead_crm_id], lead_id: existing_act.lead_id, activity_type: existing_act_type } events_hash['scheduled_events'][][:project] = (existing_act_type == 'SiteVisit' ? : '-') end end end events_hash end def name "#{self.first_name} #{self.last_name}".titleize end def is_available_for_call? ctt = wday = Date::DAYNAMES[].downcase call_availability ={|x| == wday and x.available == true}.first if(call_availability.present?) stt = + call_availability.start_hour.hours + call_availability.start_minute.minutes ett = + call_availability.end_hour.hours + call_availability.end_minute.minutes return (ctt >= stt and ctt <= ett) else return false end end # For devise confirmation # new function to return whether a password has been set def has_no_password? self.encrypted_password.blank? end # new function to provide access to protected method unless_confirmed def only_if_unconfirmed pending_any_confirmation {yield} end def password_required? # Password is required if it is being set, but not for new records if !persisted? false else !password.nil? || !password_confirmation.nil? end end def attempt_set_password(params) p = {} p[:password] = params[:password] p[:password_confirmation] = params[:password_confirmation] update_attributes(p) end def active_for_authentication? # used to lock unlock access #remember to call the super #then put our own check to determine "active" state using #our own "is_active" column super && self.is_active? rescue false end def deactivate!(target_sales_ids, is_temporary_assignment,new_manager_id = nil,current_user = nil) self.is_active = false if ["sales","pre_sales","post_sales"].exclude?(self.role) && ["sales","pre_sales"].include?(self.department) && self.valid? if new_manager_id.present? self.change_manager new_manager_id else self.remove_manager end # self.team_id = nil end if audit_log({action: "deactivate_user", class_type: "User",current_user: current_user, user:, client_id: self.client_id, reassigned_to: target_sales_ids, temporary_reassignment: is_temporary_assignment, leads_count: self.leads.count}) self.reassign_leads target_sales_ids, is_temporary_assignment return true else return false end end def todays_availability return call_availabilities.where("%A").downcase).first end def remove_manager self.staff.update_all(manager_id: nil) end def change_manager(changed_manager_id) changed_manager = User.find changed_manager_id if changed_manager.role != "manager" changed_manager.role = "manager"! end self.staff.update_all(manager_id: end def reassign_leads target_sales_ids, is_temporary_assignment=false target_sales_ids.reject!{|x| x.to_s ==} target_sales_ids = errors = {} @client = self.client @client.campaigns.where(sale_ids:{"$in" => []}).each do |c| begin target_sales_ids.each{|id| c.sale_ids << id if !c.sale_ids.include? id} c.sale_ids.delete if(! project_name = rescue "" errors['campaigns'] ||= {} errors['campaigns'][] = ["#{c.errors.full_messages}"] end rescue => e errors['campaigns'] ||= {} errors['campaigns'][] = ["#{e.message}"] end end @client.rules.where(sale_ids:{"$in" => []}).each do |r| begin target_sales_ids.each{|id| r.sale_ids << id if !r.sale_ids.include? id} r.sale_ids.delete if(! errors['rules'] ||= {} errors['rules'][] = ["#{r.errors.full_messages}"] end rescue => e errors['rules'] ||= {} errors['rules'][] = ["#{e.message}"] end end @client.projects.any_of({project_sale_ids:{"$in" => []}},{project_pre_sale_ids:{"$in"=>[]}},{project_post_sale_ids:{"$in"=>[]}}).each do |p| begin if p.project_sale_ids.present? && p.project_sale_ids.include?( target_sales_ids.each{|id| p.project_sale_ids << id if !p.project_sale_ids.include? id} p.project_sale_ids.delete if(! errors['projects'] ||= {} errors['projects'][] = ["#{p.errors.full_messages}"] end end rescue => e errors['projects'] ||= {} errors['projects'][] = ["#{e.message}"] end begin if p.project_pre_sale_ids.present? && p.project_pre_sale_ids.include?( target_sales_ids.each{|id| p.project_pre_sale_ids << id if !p.project_pre_sale_ids.include? id} p.project_pre_sale_ids.delete if(! errors['project_pre_sale_ids'] ||= {} errors['project_pre_sale_ids'][] = ["#{p.errors.full_messages}"] end end rescue => e errors['project_pre_sale_ids'] ||= {} errors['project_pre_sale_ids'][] = ["#{e.message}"] end begin if p.project_post_sale_ids.present? && p.project_post_sale_ids.include?( target_sales_ids.each{|id| p.project_post_sale_ids << id if !p.project_post_sale_ids.include? id} p.project_post_sale_ids.delete if(! errors['projects'] ||= {} errors['projects'][] = ["#{p.errors.full_messages}"] end end rescue => e errors['projects'] ||= {} errors['projects'][] = ["#{e.message}"] end end if @client.default_sale_ids.include? begin target_sales_ids.each{|id| @client.default_sales << @client.users.find(id) if
[email protected]_sale_ids.include? id} @client.default_sales.delete self if(
[email protected]) errors['default_sale_ids'] ||= {} errors['default_sale_ids'][] = ["#{@client.errors.full_messages}"] end rescue => e errors['default_sale_ids'] ||= {} errors['default_sale_ids'][] = ["#{e.message}"] end end if @client.default_pre_sale_ids.include? begin target_sales_ids.each{|id| @client.default_pre_sales << @client.users.find(id) if
[email protected]_pre_sale_ids.include? id} @client.default_pre_sales.delete self if(
[email protected]) errors['default_pre_sale_ids'] ||= {} errors['default_pre_sale_ids'][] = ["#{@client.errors.full_messages}"] end rescue => e errors['default_pre_sale_ids'] ||= {} errors['default_pre_sale_ids'][] = ["#{e.message}"] end end @client.search_criteria.each do |s| begin if s.available_to_sale_ids.present? && s.available_to_sale_ids.include?( target_sales_ids.each{|id| s.available_to_sale_ids << id if !s.available_to_sale_ids.include? id.to_s} s.available_to_sale_ids.delete if(! errors['search_criteria'] ||= {} errors['search_criteria'][] = ["#{s.errors.full_messages}"] end end if s.primary_sales_person_ids.present? arr = s.primary_sales_person_ids.split(",") if arr.include? target_sales_ids.each{|id| arr << id if !arr.include? id} arr.delete s.primary_sales_person_ids = arr.join(",") if(! errors['search_criteria'] ||= {} errors['search_criteria'][] = ["#{s.errors.full_messages}"] end end end if s.secondary_sales_person_ids.present? arr = s.secondary_sales_person_ids.split(",") if arr.include? target_sales_ids.each{|id| arr << id if !arr.include? id} arr.delete s.secondary_sales_person_ids = arr.join(",") if(! errors['search_criteria'] ||= {} errors['search_criteria'][] = ["#{s.errors.full_messages}"] end end end rescue => e errors['search_criteria'] ||= {} errors['search_criteria'][] = ["#{e.message}"] end end{fallback_user_ids:}).each do |ca| begin ca.available = true ca.fallback_user_ids = nil if(! errors['call_availabilities'] ||= {} errors['call_availabilities'][] = ["#{ca.errors.full_messages}"] end rescue => e errors['call_availabilities'] ||= {} errors['call_availabilities'][] = ["#{e.message}"] end end target_sales_ids = if is_temporary_assignment == "true" && self.department != "post_sales" TemporaryLeadTransferWorker.perform_async(, target_sales_ids, "transfer", else UserDeactivateWorker.perform_async(, target_sales_ids, end html = "" html += "Following errors were found while deactivating user<br/><br/>\ <span> Sales Name:#{} <br/><br/>Sales id:#{}<br/> Alternate users were:#{target_sales_ids}<br/></span>\ <div><b><br></b></div>" errors.each do |key, val| if val.present? html+='<table border="1" style="width:400px; text-align: center"> <tr><td colspan = 2>'+key.titleize+'</td></tr> <tr> <th style="text-align: center; width:200px" >'+key.titleize+' Name/Id </th> <th style="text-align: center; width:200px" > Message </th> </tr>' val.each do |error_name, error_message| html+= '<tr> <td style="text-align: center; width:200px">'+ (error_name) +'</td> <td style="text-align: center; width:200px">'+ (error_message.join('')) +'</td> </tr>' end html+= '</table>' end end if(errors.length > 0) target_sales = User.where(_id: {"$in" => target_sales_ids}).collect{|u|} if(Rails.env.production?) AdminNotifier.notify_with_html(APP_CONFIG[:support_team],"Error in Deactivating user",html).deliver rescue "" end end end delegate :can?, :cannot?, :to => :ability def ability @ability ||= end def format_date(datetime) datetime.present? ? datetime.in_time_zone("Mumbai").strftime("%d-%b-%Y %I:%M:%S %p") : "N/A" end # before_create :create_call_availabilities def self.export(filter) scope = User.unscoped scope = scope.where("client_id" => filter["client_id"]) if(filter["start_date"].present? && filter["end_date"].present?) scope = scope.where("created_at" => {"$gte" => filter["start_date"],"$lt" => filter["end_date"]}) end if(filter["role"].present?) scope = scope.where("role" => {"$in" => filter["role"].split(",") }) end if(filter["is_active"].present?) if(filter["is_active"] == "true,false" || filter["is_active"] == "false,true") else if(filter["is_active"] == "true") scope = scope.where("is_active" => true) else scope = scope.where("is_active" => false) end end end if(filter["team_id"].present?) scope = scope.where("team_id" => {"$in" => filter["team_id"].split(",")}) end scope end def self.get_sales_display_names sales_ids sales = sales_ids) display_names = sales.collect do |user| text = "#{} ( #{user.role.capitalize} )" text += "(#{})" if end display_names.to_sentence end # it returns mode score caluculated for user's department def get_user_score return unless score = 0 users_in_teams = users_in_teams.delete( score = RedisWrapper.get_mode_score(self.client_id.to_s, users_in_teams) end def remove_from_routing rules = Rule.where(client_id: self.client_id) campaigns = Campaign.where(client_id: self.client_id) projects = Project.where(client_id: self.client_id) rules.each do |r| if(r.sale_ids.include? r.sale_ids.delete( end end campaigns.each do |c| if(c.sale_ids.include? c.sale_ids.delete(; end end projects.each do |p| if(p.project_sale_ids.include? p.project_sale_ids.delete(; end if(p.project_pre_sale_ids.include? p.project_pre_sale_ids.delete(; end end client = self.client if(client.default_pre_sale_ids.include? client.default_pre_sale_ids.delete(; end if(client.default_sale_ids.include? client.default_sale_ids.delete(; end end def self.cache_fields [:_id, :first_name, :last_name, :team_id, :name, :department] end def ui_json(options={}) json = {} json[:id] =, json[:email] = json[:name] = json[:first_name] = self.first_name json[:last_name] = self.last_name json[:phone] = json[:secondary_phone] = self.secondary_phone json[:time_zone] = self.time_zone json[:role] = self.role json[:team_id] = self.team_id json[:department] = self.department json[:work_as_manager] = self.work_as_manager json[:phone_codes] = self.phone_codes json[:roaster] = self.roaster json[:accessible_teams] = rescue [] json[:allow_to_manage_leads] = self.allow_to_manage_leads return json.to_json end private def create_call_availabilities %w[monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday].each do |day| self.call_availabilities << => day, :start_hour => 9, :end_hour => 19, :start_minute => 0, :end_minute => 0) end self.call_availabilities << => "sunday", :start_hour => 9, :end_hour => 19, :start_minute => 0, :end_minute => 0, :available => false) end def set_team_department_to_nil if(!["manager", "sales", "pre_sales","post_sales"].include?(self.role)) self.department = nil = nil end end def department_role if(["sales", "pre_sales"].include?(self.role)) self.errors.add(:department, "should be either Pre-sales or Sales") if self.role != self.department end end def custom_role_validations roles_array = RoleBasedAccessibility.roles + ["sales","pre_sales","post_sales","admin","manager"] deactivated = self.is_active_changed? && self.is_active == false # don't trigger these validation when user is deactivated as we set team = nil while deactivating if(!roles_array.include?(self.role) && !deactivated) if !self.billable_user if self.errors.add(:team,"is required for non billable users") end if self.allow_to_manage_leads self.errors.add(:allow_to_manage_leads,"non billable user cant manage leads") end end if self.billable_user if self.allow_to_manage_leads if self.department.blank? self.errors.add(:department,"is required for billable users when allow_to_manage_leads is true") end if self.errors.add(:team,"is required for billable users when allow_to_manage_leads is true") end end if !self.allow_to_manage_leads if (self.department.blank? ^ self.errors.add(:department_and_team,"Either both should be present or none") end end end end end def is_billable_updated if !self.new_record? && self.changes["billable_user"].present? && !self.changes["billable_user"][0].nil? self.errors.add(:billable_user,"billable attribute of user cant be changed") end end def self.subscribe_to_mailchimp(email, name) if Rails.env.production? begin url = "" data = { apikey: "fcd10f323112660a21bd2979b4fcacbc-us11", id: "6af27e2c0b", "email[email]" => email, "merge_vars[NAME]" => name, double_optin: false } uri = URI(url) res = Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, data) return res.body rescue StandardError => e Rails.logger.error "Could not subscribe_to_mailchimp : #{e.message}" end end end def self.disable_post_sales_users(client_id) User.where(client_id: client_id,department: "post_sales").each do |user| user.is_active = false end end def oauth_account_count providers = self.oauth_accounts.collect{ |acc| acc.with_indifferent_access["provider"] }.uniq providers.each do |provider| accounts_count ={|x| x.with_indifferent_access["provider"] == provider}.count if accounts_count > 1 self.errors.add(:oauth_accounts, "Only one oauth account allowed for #{provider}.") end end end def self.not_allowed_users_for_routing(client_id,uids) user_ids = [] user_ids = User.where(client_id: client_id).where(> uids,assign_leads: false).distinct(:id) return end def is_only_sales_in_routing client = self.client user_ids = client.eval("default_#{self.department.singularize}_ids") rescue [] if !user_ids.blank? invalid_condition = (user_ids.count == 1 && user_ids.include?( && self.assign_leads == false) if invalid_condition self.errors.add(:assign_leads, ": He/She is the only user in client default routing") end end end def is_virtual_user if self.billable_user == false && self.allow_to_manage_leads == true self.errors.add(:base, "User is not billable.So can not manage leads") end end def is_fallback_user if(self.assign_leads_changed? && !self.assign_leads) user_ids = self.client.users.distinct(:id) ca_count = CallAvailability.where(:user_id => {"$in" => user_ids}, :available => false, :fallback_user_ids => {"$elemMatch" => {"$eq" =>}}).count if(ca_count > 0) self.errors.add(:base,"User is a fallback user. So assign leads cannot be turned off") end end end def is_in_workflow if(self.assign_leads_changed? && !self.assign_leads) branch_ids = Branch.where(:recipe_id => {"$in" => self.client.recipe_ids},:branch_type => "action").map(&:id) action_count = Action.where(:branch_id => {"$in" => branch_ids}, :_type => "TaskAction", "data.sales_id" => if action_count > 0 self.errors.add(:base,"User is in workflow. So assign leads cannot be turned off") end end end def is_in_routing if(assign_leads_changed? && !assign_leads) rules = Rule.where(client_id: self.client_id) campaigns = Campaign.where(client_id: self.client_id) projects = Project.where(client_id: self.client_id) is_in_rules = [] is_in_campaigns = [] is_in_projects = [] rules.each do |r| if(r.sale_ids.length == 1 && r.sale_ids.include?( is_in_rules << r end end campaigns.each do |c| if(c.sale_ids.length == 1 && c.sale_ids.include?( is_in_campaigns << c end