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LEPUS Core Values

March 27, 2024

LEPUS Core Values

LEPUS's four core values are 💡Delight, 🌲Endurance, ❤️Empathy, and ⏱Efficiency.
Our values provide guidelines on how to behave in organization and what to expect from others. Values will let us know what action to take without asking manager, allow our team make consistent decisions, and help individuals in organization prosper through work and experience personal growth.

レプスが大切にしている4つのバリュー(価値観)があります。💡たのしさ、🌲タフネス、❤️共感、そして ⏱効率です。


March 27, 2024

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  1. Values will… όϦϡʔΛ͍ͭ࢖͏͔ Let you know what action to take

    without asking manager Allow team make consistent decisions Help individuals prosper through work and experience personal growth ݸਓͱͯ͠औΔ΂͖ΞΫγϣϯʹ໎͏ͱ͖ νʔϜͷҰ؏ͨ͠ҙࢥܾఆͷͨΊʹ ࢓ࣄΛ௨ͨ͡΍Γ͕͍ͱݸਓͷ੒௕ͷͨΊʹ
  2. Delight ͨͷ͠͞ ਓੜΛॆ࣮ͤ͞Α͏ ސ٬Λসإʹ͢Δ࢓ࣄ ੒௕ͱνϟϨϯδΛָ͠Ή ΋ͷ࡞ΓΛָ͠Ή ༡ͼ৺Λ๨Εͣʹ Ո଒ͱ༑ਓɺࣗ෼ͷ݈߁Λ·ͣେ੾ʹ ސ٬Λཧղ͠ɺت͹ΕΔ΋ͷΛશྗͰͭ͘Ζ͏ ͍ͭ΋৽͍͠෼໺΁ͷ޷ح৺Λ࣋ͭ

    ظ଴ͷ্Λ͍͘Ξ΢τϓοτʹͩ͜ΘΔ ۓு͖ͯͨ͠Βɺ༡ΜͰΈΑ͏ Fulfill life first Make customers smile Enjoy growth and challenge Craftsmanship Don’t forget a playfulness Family, friends and yourself first, work second Understand customer, do the best to make them happy Always be curious with new fields Deliver output that exceeds expectations If you feel nervous, let’s have some fun! 💡
  3. Endurance λϑωε 🌲 λϑͳ΋ͷͮ͘Γ ೪Γڧ͘औΓ૊Ή ੒௕ϚΠϯυηοτΛ΋ͭ ඼࣭Ͱଥڠ͠ͳ͍ ࠔ೉ͳ࢓ࣄʹ΋͖͋ΒΊͣऔΓ૊Ή ϛεΛड͚ೖΕɺ௅ઓͰ͖ΔਓʹͳΖ͏ Built

    to endure Be tenacious Keep a growth mindset Never compromise on quality Maintain focus and motivation even work is tough Embrace mistakes, take on challenges νʔϜͷϨδϦΤϯεΛߴΊΔ ٯڥ͔Βཱͪ௚ΔνʔϜʹͳΔ Be a resilient team Become a team that can bounce back from adversity
  4. Empathy ڞײ ❤ ૬खͷཱ৔ʹཱͭ ৴པ͢Δ ਓʹ΍͘͞͠ɺ໰୊ʹ͸ݫ͘͠ ࠔ͍ͬͯͨΒखΛ͞͠ͷ΂Δ ແҙࣝͷόΠΞεʹ஫ҙ ސ٬ɾಉ྅ͷؾ࣋ͪʹؾ෇͚ΔਓʹͳΖ͏ ͍ͭ΋લ޲͖ͳҙਤΛ૝ఆ͠Α͏

    ੹೚௥ٴΑΓ໰୊ղܾʹϑΥʔΧε͢Δ ୭͕୭Λॿ͚ͯ΋ߏΘͳ͍ɻΈͳͰ੒ޭʹ޲͔͓͏ ࢹ໺Λ޿͛ɺ৽͍͠ߟ͑Λֶͼଓ͚Α͏ Think in their shoes Trust Soft on person, hard on problem Reach out to someone struggling Recognize unconscious bias Be aware of feelings of customers and colleagues Always assume others’ positive intent Focus on problem solving, not assessing blame Move towards success together Remain open-minded, continue learning
  5. Efficiency ޮ཰ ⏱ αεςφϒϧͳಇ͖ํ ίϛϡχέʔγϣϯ͸ඇಉظͰ ଞਓͷ࣌ؒΛେ੾ʹ ࢓ࣄͷޮ཰Λϝϯςͯ͠ɺΑΓྑ͍ಇ͖ํΛ Φʔϓϯͳձ࿩ͱυΩϡϝϯτԽΛపఈ ෆཁͳձٞͱڐՄͷϓϩηε͸ͳ͍ͯ͘͜͠͏ Sustainable

    working style Asynchronous communication Be respectful of others’ time Maintain efficiency to work more flexible Ensure open conversation and documentation Throw unnecessary meetings and approval processes away ن཯ΑΓ΋ࣗ༝ͱ੹೚Λ ঝೝϓϩηεΛ࠷খݶʹ͠ɺࣗΒҙࢥܾఆ͢Δ Freedom and responsibility over rigidity Minimize approval processes, make decisions yourself શମ࠷దΛߟ͑Δ ෦໳ԣஅ͠ɺ૊৫ʹͱͬͯͷ࠷ળखΛଧͭ Cross-functional optimization Always do what is best for organization as a whole