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Supercharge Your Maps

September 23, 2017

Supercharge Your Maps

Talk for React Boston 2017


September 23, 2017

More Decks by shortdiv

Other Decks in Programming


  1. import mapboxgl from ‘mapbox-gl’; mapboxgl.accessToken = ‘ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE’ const map =

    new mapboxgl.Map({ container: ‘map’, style: ‘mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v9’, center: [-71.05888010000001, 42.3600825], zoom: 9 }) <div id=“map”></div> Mapbox
  2. { “type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { type: “Feature”, geometry: {

    type: “Point”, coordinates: [-71.114213, 42.366646] } }, properties: { name: “Wayfair”, address: “4 Copley Place, Boston, MA 02116” } ] } GeoJSON
  3. import mapboxgl from ‘mapbox-gl’; mapboxgl.accessToken = ‘ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE’ const map =

    new mapboxgl.Map({ container: ‘map’, style: ‘mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v9’, center: [-87.623177, 41.881832], zoom: 9 }) map.on('load' () => { map.addSource(‘react-boston’, { "type": "geojson", “data": [GeoJSON_HERE] }) }) `Add Source`
  4. mapboxgl.accessToken = ‘ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE’ const map = new mapboxgl.Map({ container: ‘map’,

    style: ‘mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v9’, center: [-87.623177, 41.881832], zoom: 9 }) map.on('load' () => { map.addSource(‘react-boston’, { “type": "geojson", “data": [GeoJSON_HERE] }) map.addLayer({ "id": "react-boston-venue" "type": "symbol", “source”: ‘react-boston’, "layer": {"icon-image": "star-15"} }) }) `Add Layer` https://codepen.io/shortdiv/pen/veNgoK
  5. style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v9', center: [-71.05888010000001, 42.3600825], zoom: 9 }); map.on('load', ()

    => { map.addSource('neighborhoods', { "type": "geojson", “data": [GeoJSON_HERE] }) map.addLayer({ "id": “neighborhoods-borders", "type": "line", "source": "neighborhoods", "paint": { “line-color": “#877b59”, “line-width: 1” } }); map.addLayer({ "id": “neighborhoods-fill", "type": "fill", "source": "neighborhoods", “paint": { “fill-color": “grey”, “opacity”: 0.7 } }); }) Same Source; Diff Layers NEEDS LINK
  6. 'pk.eyJ1Ijoic2hvcnRkaXYiLCJhIjoiY2l3OGc5YmE5MDJzZjJ5bWhkdDZieGdzcSJ9.1z- swTWtcCHYI_RawDJCEw'; var map = new mapboxgl.Map({ container: ‘map', style:

    'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v9', center: [-71.05888010000001, 42.3600825], zoom: 9 }); map.on('load', () => { … input.on(‘change’, (e) => { let visibility = map.getLayoutProperty('neighborhoods-fill', 'visibility') let visible = visibility === 'visible' ? 'none' : 'visible' map.setLayoutProperty('neighborhoods-fill', 'visibility', visible) }) }) Events https://codepen.io/shortdiv/pen/YrGEJv
  7. map.addLayer({ "id": “neighborhoods-fill", "type": "fill", "source": "neighborhoods", "layout": { “fill-color":

    “grey”, “opacity”: 0.7 } }); map.addLayer({ “id”: “neighborhood-selected", “type”: "fill", “source”: "neighborhoods", “layout”: {}, “paint”: { "fill-color": "#b3d5ed", "fill-opacity": 0.6 }, filter: ["==", "Name", “"] }) … }) Filter Layers
  8. "id": “neighborhoods-fill", "type": "fill", "source": "neighborhoods", "layout": { “fill-color": “grey”,

    “opacity”: 0.7 } }); map.addLayer({ “id”: “neighborhood-selected", “type”: "fill", “source”: "neighborhoods", “layout”: {}, “paint”: { "fill-color": "#b3d5ed", "fill-opacity": 0.6 }, filter: ["==", "Name", “"] }) map.on(‘mousemove’, ‘neighborhoods-fill’, (e) => { map.setFilter(“neighborhoods-hover", [“==", "Name", e.features[0].properties.name]) }) map.on(‘mouseleave’, ‘neighborhoods-fill’, (e) => { map.setFilter("neighborhoods-hover", ["==", “Name", ""]); }) … }) Filter Layers
  9. class Map extends Component { componentDidMount() { mapboxgl.accessToken = [ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE]

    var map = new mapboxgl.Map({ container: this.map, style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v8', center: [-71.058880, 42.360083], zoom: 9 }) } render(){ return ( <div id='map' ref={(x) => this.map = x}> </div> ) } }; ReactDOM.render(<Map />, document.getElementById(‘app')); https://codepen.io/shortdiv/pen/qPOrPZ
  10. super(props) this.state = { map: null } } componentDidMount() {

    ... map.on('load', () => { map.addSource(‘react-boston’, { “type”: “geojson”, “data”: [GeoJSON_HERE] }) map.addLayer({ "id": "react-boston-venue", "type": "symbol", “source": ‘react-boston’, "layout": { "icon-image": “star-15" } }); }) } render(){ return ( <div id='map' ref={(x) => this.map = x}> </div> https://codepen.io/shortdiv/pen/boVqaj
  11. class Map extends Component { componentDidMount() { … map.on(‘load’, ()

    => { fetch(‘URL_HERE’).then((res) => {return res.json()}) .then((data) => { this.setState({ data }) }) }) } render() { const { map, data } = this.state return ( <div id='map' ref={(x) => this.map = x}> <Layer data={data} /> </div>) } } <Map />
  12. class Layer extends Component { componentWillMount() { const { data

    } = this.props map.addSource(‘react-boston’, { “type”: “geojson”, “data”: data }) map.addLayer({ "id": "react-boston-venue" "type": "symbol", “source": ‘react-boston’, "layer": {"icon-image": "star-15"} }) } render() { return null } } <Layer />
  13. class Map extends Component { componentDidMount() { map.on(‘load’, () =>

    { fetch(‘URL_HERE’).then((res) => {return res.json()}) .then((data) => { this.setState({ map, data }) }) }) } render() { const { map, data } = this.state return ( <div id='map' ref={(x) => this.map = x}> {map && (<Layer data={data} />)} </div>) } } <Map />
  14. class Layer extends Component { componentWillMount() { const { map

    } = this.context map.addLayer({…}) } } Layer.contextTypes = { map: PropTypes.object } class Map extends Component { … getChildContext() { return { map: this.state.map } } … } Map.childContextTypes = { map: PropTypes.object } Layer Map
  15. class Layer extends Component { componentWillMount() { const { map

    } = this.context const { data } = this.props map.addLayer({ "id": "react-boston-venue" "type": "symbol", "source": { "type": "geojson", “data": data }, "layer": {"icon-image": "star-15"} }) } render() { return null } } <Layer />
  16. class Layer extends Component { componentWillMount() { const { map

    } = this.context const { id, type, sourceType, data, styles } = this.props map.addSource(‘react-boston’, { “type”: sourceType, “data”: data }) map.addLayer({ "id": id "type": type, “source": ‘react-boston’, "layer": styles }) } render() { return null } } <Layer />
  17. class Source extends Component { componentWillMount() { const { map

    } = this.context const { id, type, data } = this.props map.addSource({ map.addSource(id, { "type": type, “data": data }) }) } render() { return null } } <Source />
  18. class Map extends Component { showLayer() { this.setState({ showLayer: !this.state.isLayerVisible

    }) } render(){ const { showLayer } = this.state return ( <div> <div id='map' ref={(x) => this.map = x}> {map && ( <Layer … isLayerVisible=isLayerVisible … /> )} </div> <CheckBox handleChange={this.showLayer.bind(this)} /> </div> ) } };
  19. ComponentWillReceiveProps class Layer extends Component { … componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { const

    {map} = this.context const {isLayerVisible} = this.props if(nextProps.isLayerVisible != isLayerVisible) { const visibility = nextProps.isLayerVisible ? 'visible' : 'none' map.setLayoutProperty("neighborhoods", 'visibility', visibility) } } render() { return null } }
  20. Realtime Data Updates class Source extends Component { … componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps)

    { const {map} = this.context if(nextProps.data != this.props.data) { map.getSource(this.props.id).setData(nextProps.data) } } render() { return null } }