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Interactive Paper: Past, Present and Future

Beat Signer
September 26, 2010

Interactive Paper: Past, Present and Future

Presentation given at PaperComp 2010, 1st International Workshop on Paper Computing, Copenhagen, Denmark.

ABSTRACT: Over the last few years, there has been a significant increase in the number of researchers dealing with the integration of paper and digital information or services. While recent technological developments enable new forms of paper-digital integration and interaction, some of the original research on interactive paper dates back almost twenty years. We give a brief overview of the most relevant past and current interactive paper developments. Then, based on our experience in developing a wide variety of interactive paper solutions over the last decade, as well as the results of other research groups, we outline future directions and challenges for the realisation of innovative interactive paper solutions.
Further, we propose the definition of common data formats and interactive paper design patterns to ensure future cross-application and framework interoperability.

Research paper: https://beatsigner.com/publications/interactive-paper-past-present-and-future.pdf

Beat Signer

September 26, 2010

More Decks by Beat Signer

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  1. PaperComp 2010, September 26, 2010 Interactive Paper: Past, Present and

    Future Beat Signer and Moira C. Norrie Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel beatsigner.com
  2. PaperComp 2010, September 26, 2010 Beat Signer - Vrije Universiteit

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  3. PaperComp 2010, September 26, 2010 Beat Signer - Vrije Universiteit

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  4. PaperComp 2010, September 26, 2010 Beat Signer - Vrije Universiteit

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  5. PaperComp 2010, September 26, 2010 Beat Signer - Vrije Universiteit

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  6. PaperComp 2010, September 26, 2010 Beat Signer - Vrije Universiteit

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  7. PaperComp 2010, September 26, 2010 Beat Signer - Vrije Universiteit

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  8. PaperComp 2010, September 26, 2010 Beat Signer - Vrije Universiteit

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  9. PaperComp 2010, September 26, 2010 Beat Signer - Vrije Universiteit

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  10. PaperComp 2010, September 26, 2010 Beat Signer - Vrije Universiteit

    Brussel - bsigner@vub.ac.be Digital Ink Abstraction ▪ Most frameworks and toolkits define their own proprietary digital ink representation ▪ existing standards (e.g. InkML) are often not used ▪ is there a need for new common data formats? ▪ Common data formats can help to ▪ exchange data between applications and across different interactive paper frameworks ▪ realise mixed-media environments
  11. PaperComp 2010, September 26, 2010 Beat Signer - Vrije Universiteit

    Brussel - bsigner@vub.ac.be Scalability and Application Deployment ▪ Problem of existing augmented paper solutions ▪ isolated applications ▪ missing cross-application interaction ▪ Interactive Paper 2.0 ▪ global and open architecture ▪ unique resolving of interactive paper services based on a global paper lookup service (PLS) - automatic application deployment ▪ service oriented architecture to enable cross- application interaction and composition
  12. PaperComp 2010, September 26, 2010 Beat Signer - Vrije Universiteit

    Brussel - bsigner@vub.ac.be Visual and Interaction Design ▪ Visualisation of interactive areas and functionality • design patterns ▪ Interaction design • online versus offline input processing • lack of modal dialogues • multimodal interaction EdFest Project, 2004 EdFest Project, 2005 ▪ Findings might be applicable to traditional GUIs ▪ e.g. cross-application widget interaction
  13. PaperComp 2010, September 26, 2010 Beat Signer - Vrije Universiteit

    Brussel - bsigner@vub.ac.be Innovative Hardware and Materials ▪ Mobile solutions for feed- back on paper documents • spatially aware pro- jection of information • digital pen with display • voice feedback • ... ▪ Fusion of electronic paper and interactive paper • printed electronics MouseLight, Song et al., 2010 PaperWorks Project, 2007
  14. PaperComp 2010, September 26, 2010 Beat Signer - Vrije Universiteit

    Brussel - bsigner@vub.ac.be Paper-Digital Authoring and Publishing ▪ Manual authoring ▪ Content-driven publishing • e.g. EdFest brochure • integration with third- party applications • what about versioning? ▪ Automatic link authoring • e.g. Print-n-Link ▪ Collaborative authoring iPaper Manual Authoring Tool Print-n-Link, 2006
  15. PaperComp 2010, September 26, 2010 Beat Signer - Vrije Universiteit

    Brussel - bsigner@vub.ac.be Conclusions ▪ Various approaches for interactive paper and paper computing ▪ are we missing a common abstraction layer in existing architectures and do we need Interactive Paper 2.0? ▪ It might be the right time to think about the integration of existing solutions to share efforts ▪ cross-disciplinary workshops - e.g. CoPADD and PaperComp ▪ Network of Excellence (NoE)?
  16. PaperComp 2010, September 26, 2010 Beat Signer - Vrije Universiteit

    Brussel - bsigner@vub.ac.be Further Information ▪ Fundamental Concepts for Interactive Paper and Cross-Media Information Spaces, Beat Signer, ISBN 978-3-8370-2713-6, May 2008 ▪ Interactive Paper: Past, Present and Future ▪ https://vub.academia.edu/BeatSigner/Papers/216727/Inter active_Paper_Past_Present_and_Future ▪ Research papers about iPaper are available on ▪ https://vub.academia.edu/BeatSigner ▪ Presentation available on ▪ https://www.slideshare.net/signer/