package in web/target • running npm start you can run the application in debug mode. • You can customize the proxy-dev server by adding a proxy configuration adding a last argument of buildConfig call in webpack.config.js • You can customize the application from js/app.jsx // webpack.config.js const path = require("path"); const themeEntries = require('./MapStore2/build/themes.js' ).themeEntries ; const extractThemesPlugin = require('./MapStore2/build/themes.js' ).extractThemesPlugin ; module.exports = require('./MapStore2/build/buildConfig' )( { 'MyProject' : path.join(__dirname , "js", "app"), 'MyProject-embedded' : path.join(__dirname , "MapStore2" , "web", "client" , "product" , "embedded" ), 'MyProject-api' : path.join(__dirname , "MapStore2" , "web", "client" , "product" , "api") }, themeEntries, { base: __dirname , dist: path.join(__dirname , "dist"), framework : path.join(__dirname , "MapStore2" , "web", "client" ), code: [path.join(__dirname , "js"), path.join(__dirname , "MapStore2" , "web", "client" )] }, extractThemesPlugin, false , "dist/", '.MyProject' , [], { "@mapstore" : path.resolve(__dirname , "MapStore2" , "web", "client" ), "@js": path.resolve(__dirname , "js") }, /* HERE ADD YOUR CUSTOM PROXY CONFIG */ );