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MapStore Series 2024.01

MapStore Series 2024.01

This presentation will cover the latest MapStore release, packed with new features to elevate your geospatial projects. Whether you're in urban planning, environmental monitoring, or any geospatial field, this session will help you leverage MapStore's enhanced tools for managing, visualizing, and sharing data more efficiently.

We'll explore exciting updates like the MapStore Design Editor, offering a more intuitive interface for customizing and styling maps, and the Enhanced Timeline Tool, which makes it easier to visualize temporal data with smooth animations. Additionally, learn how the latest integration with CesiumJS allows you to create immersive 3D visualizations, bringing your data to life like never before.

You’ll also learn how MapStore's new capabilities make it easier to collaborate, with tools designed for sharing geospatial resources and creating dynamic dashboards for real-time data analysis.

Simone Giannecchini

October 01, 2024


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  1. GeoSolutions Enterprise Support Services Deployment Subscription Professional Training Customized Solutions

    GeoNode • Offices in Italy & US, Global Clients/Team • 30+ collaborators, 25+ Engineers • Our products • Our Offer October 1, 2024
  2. Affiliations We strongly support Open Source, it Is in our

    core We actively participate in OGC working groups and get funded to advance new open standards We support standards critical to GEOINT October 1, 2024
  3. Agenda • What’s new in MapStore 2024.01 • Ready for

    MapStore 2024.02 • What’s planned for 2025.01 October 1, 2024
  4. What’s new in MapStore 2024.01 Let’s see together the main

    new entries released for MapStore 2024.01! The complete release notes available on Github at: https://github.com/geosolutions-it/MapStore2/re leases/tag/v2024.01.00 October 1, 2024
  5. • Complete TOC reskin and many new functionalities added What’s

    new in MapStore 2024.01 Improved UI/UX October 1, 2024
  6. • Complete TOC reskin and many new functionalities added What’s

    new in MapStore 2024.01 Legend mode October 1, 2024 Improved UI/UX
  7. • Complete TOC reskin and many new functionalities added What’s

    new in MapStore 2024.01 Legend mode October 1, 2024 Contextual menus Improved UI/UX
  8. • Complete TOC reskin and many new functionalities added What’s

    new in MapStore 2024.01 Legend mode Contextual menus Improved toolbar October 1, 2024 Improved UI/UX
  9. • Complete Annotation tool reskin and 3D editing capabilities What’s

    new in MapStore 2024.01 Enriched styling capabilities with many new options for 3D Better UI/UX! October 1, 2024
  10. • Complete Annotation tool reskin and 3D editing capabilities What’s

    new in MapStore 2024.01 October 1, 2024 Full control on coordinate editing also interacting with the map
  11. • Complete Annotation tool reskin and 3D editing capabilities What’s

    new in MapStore 2024.01 October 1, 2024 Improved visual style editor for advanced styling also in 3D
  12. • Improved widgets with multi-variable charts capabilities What’s new in

    MapStore 2024.01 Multiple traces for all chart types Enriched capabilities for layout and axes management Also for Dashboards! October 1, 2024
  13. • Configure charts through the advanced wizard What’s new in

    MapStore 2024.01 October 1, 2024 2 3 4 1
  14. • Configure charts through the advanced wizard What’s new in

    MapStore 2024.01 October 1, 2024 2 3 4 5 1
  15. • 3D geodesic length measurement and geodesic export of measurements

    What’s new in MapStore 2024.01 Conversion to annotation also available for 2D! October 1, 2024
  16. • Enriched styling capabilities of WFS and vector layers What’s

    new in MapStore 2024.01 Extrusion Classification and more styling options for 3D! Possibility to use feature attributes as values for styling properties! October 1, 2024
  17. • IFC model layer and more on 3D model symbolizer

    for GLB/GLTF What’s new in MapStore 2024.01 Support to load IFC model layers from Catalog October 1, 2024
  18. • IFC model layer and more on 3D model symbolizer

    for GLB/GLTF What’s new in MapStore 2024.01 Support to load IFC model layers from Catalog Identify function as well as positioning tools available: Lat - Lon - Heading October 1, 2024
  19. • IFC model layer and more on 3D model symbolizer

    for GLB/GLTF What’s new in MapStore 2024.01 More styling options for translating 3D models on X/Y axes Support to load IFC model layers from Catalog Identify function as well as positioning tools available: Lat - Lon - Heading October 1, 2024
  20. • Improved Date/Time filtering capabilities in Attribute Table and Layer

    Filter tools What’s new in MapStore 2024.01 October 1, 2024
  21. • Improved Date/Time filtering capabilities in Attribute Table and Layer

    Filter tools What’s new in MapStore 2024.01 Ability to select quick date/time ranges in Filter Layer tool October 1, 2024
  22. • Improved Date/Time filtering capabilities in Attribute Table and Layer

    Filter tools What’s new in MapStore 2024.01 Ability to select quick date/time ranges in Filter Layer tool Added date/time range filtering capabilities for Attribute Table quick filter October 1, 2024
  23. • Improved Date/Time filtering capabilities in Attribute Table and Layer

    Filter tools What’s new in MapStore 2024.01 Ability to select quick date/time ranges in Filter Layer tool Added date/time range filtering capabilities for Attribute Table quick filter Added the operator selector for quick filters October 1, 2024
  24. • Search tool improvements for a enriched UX What’s new

    in MapStore 2024.01 Choose the preferred search service from those configured Search by coordinates in the Map CRS October 1, 2024
  25. • Added support to multi-band color mapping for COG layers

    (still experimental) What’s new in MapStore 2024.01 Persistence of COG layer’s metadata is now included October 1, 2024
  26. • Added support to multi-band color mapping for COG layers

    (still experimental) What’s new in MapStore 2024.01 Persistence of COG layer’s metadata is now included October 1, 2024
  27. • Added support to multi-band color mapping for COG layers

    (still experimental) What’s new in MapStore 2024.01 Persistence of COG layer’s metadata is now included October 1, 2024
  28. What’s new in MapStore 2024.01 • Longitudinal Profile tool (requires

    GeoServer > v2.20) Working on top of the official GeoServer community module October 1, 2024
  29. What’s new in MapStore 2024.01 • Longitudinal Profile tool (requires

    GeoServer > v2.20) Working on top of the official GeoServer community module October 1, 2024
  30. What’s new in MapStore 2024.01 • Longitudinal Profile tool (requires

    GeoServer > v2.20) Working on top of the official GeoServer community module October 1, 2024
  31. What’s new in MapStore 2024.01 • Longitudinal Profile tool (requires

    GeoServer > v2.20) Working on top of the official GeoServer community module October 1, 2024
  32. • GeoProcessing capabilities kick in with Buffer and Intersection What’s

    new in MapStore 2024.01 Style your process result and manage legend! October 1, 2024
  33. • Cyclomedia Street Smart APIs integration What’s new in MapStore

    2024.01 October 1, 2024 Two providers available for configuring the tool: Google and Cyclomedia Additional Street View provider now supported!
  34. • Many Java dependency updates and security improvements on the

    MapStore backend side What’s new in MapStore 2024.01 MapStore ancillary web services Printing module MapStore back-end module • Switched to official https://github.com/geosol utions-it/mapfish-print-v2 • Java dependency updates • Update to GeoTools 30.0 • Update to Java 11 • Security updates • POMs clean up • Java dependency updates • Security updates • POMs clean up … and many more in next releases! October 1, 2024
  35. • Interoperability with ArcGIS servers: WMS endpoints and REST APIs

    Ready for MapStore 2024.02 Layer Legend Map Layer and support for a dedicated Catalog source type: • /arcgis/rest/services • /arcgis/rest/services/{name} /MapServer Identify and most of MS standard capabilities provided! … support for ImageServer also available in 2024.02! October 1, 2024
  36. • Support to identify responses in HTML format for WFS

    layers Working on top of gs-wfs-freemarker-plugin community module (requires GeoServer >= 2.23.2) Using the FMT defined for WMS also for WFS layers! October 1, 2024 Ready for MapStore 2024.02
  37. • Support for interactive legend functionalities (experimental) Working on top

    of GetLegendGraphic in JSON format (requires Geoserver) October 1, 2024 Experimental for 2024.02 series! Ready for MapStore 2024.02
  38. • Improving the OpenID Connect (OIDC) support with a new

    client to enhance and generalize the existing support • Allowing at the same time the integration with other providers like Microsoft Azure AD October 1, 2024 Ready for MapStore 2024.02
  39. • Complete Home page reskin and many new functionalities What’s

    planned for 2025.01 October 1, 2024 Q1 Improving the integration between MapStore and GeoNode! Draft Many new options included for filtering resources
  40. • Complete Home page reskin and many new functionalities What’s

    planned for 2025.01 October 1, 2024 Q1 Draft Centralizing the Home management on MS by migrating logic from the mapstore geonode client
  41. • Complete Home page reskin and many new functionalities What’s

    planned for 2025.01 October 1, 2024 Q1 Draft Alternative list mode for browsing MapStore resources
  42. • Enhancing the pluggability of Street View tool including the

    Mapillary viewer for custom 360 imagery Support for standard Mapillary provider still in progress Available on both 2D and 3D! Q2 Cyclomedia Street Smart APIs also supported! October 1, 2024 What’s planned for 2025.01
  43. • Further performance improvements in loading script bundles and general

    cleanup of bundles from deprecations What’s planned for 2025.01 Lazy loading with React Removing obsolete tools and components Removing further big dependencies Lightening the bundle and lazily loading chunks will be the main goal! Q3 October 1, 2024
  44. More Info - Online resources • Demo site: https://mapstore.geosolutionsgroup.com •

    User documentation: https://docs.mapstore.geosolutionsgroup.com/en/v2024.01.01/user-guide/ho me-page/ • Developers documentation: https://docs.mapstore.geosolutionsgroup.com/en/v2024.01.01/developer-guid e/requirements/ • GitHub Repo: https://github.com/geosolutions-it/MapStore2 • Youtube Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe2yzutVrnZ5tjYGYYcKmZzo_M9ku5I9X • Mailing Lists: https://groups.google.com/g/mapstore-users https://groups.google.com/g/mapstore-developers October 1, 2024