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State of GeoServer - FOSS4G 2023 Edition

State of GeoServer - FOSS4G 2023 Edition

GeoServer is a web service for publishing your geospatial data using industry standards for vector, raster and mapping. Choose additional extensions to process data (either in batch or on the fly) and catalog records.

GeoServer is widely used by organizations throughout the world to manage, disseminate and analyze data at scale. GeoServer web services power a number of open source projects like GeoNode and geOrchestra.

This presentation provides an update on our community as well as reviews of the new and noteworthy features for the latest releases. In particular, we will showcase new features landed in 2.22 and 2.23, as well as a preview of what we have in store for 2.24 (to be released in September 2023).

Attend this talk for a cheerful update on what is happening with this popular OSGeo project, whether you are an expert user, a developer, or simply curious what GeoServer can do for you.

Simone Giannecchini

October 20, 2023

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  1. Jody Garnett jody.garnett@geocat.net @jodygarnett@fosstodon.org GeoCat Government Geographic Data publishing Andrea

    Aime Technical Lead andrea.aime@geo-solutions.it @geowolf GeoSolutions Innovative, robust, cost-effective solutions leveraging best-of-breed Open Source products. This presentation is brought to you by
  2. GeoServer at a Glance Java Web Application to share and

    edit geospatial data. Publish data from any major spatial data source using open standards. Core Protocols WMS – maps WFS – vector WFS-T – editing WCS – coverage WMTS – tiles TMS – tiles WMS-C – tiles Extension/community protocols WPS – process CSW – search OGC API - json + rest standards OGC STAC - spatio-temporal asset catalogue
  3. Core committers are nominated by their peers and trusted with

    the ability to approve pull-requests. We also support community commit access by request (often to work on a specific research and development topic): • 23 committers Project Steering Committee serves to guide the project drawing from the various groups with a stake in the success of the project. • Alessio Fabiani • Andrea Aime • Ian Turton • Jody Garnett • Jukka Rahkonen • Kevin Smith • Nuno Oliveira • Simone Giannecchini • Torben Barsballe GeoServer Team
  4. GeoServer maintains a list service providers: • Core Contributors Ongoing

    commitment to the project devoting resources to security fixes, releases and maintenance activities. • Experienced Providers Successfully contribute functionality to the project on behalf of their customers. • Additional Services Providers Provide training, setup and integration support and assistance using GeoServer. (request: please take part in community) GeoServer Service Providers Policy change recognize participation: Core contributors directly contribute to project sustainability and are recognized for: • core, committer, support Experienced providers participate in aspects of the project as community members: • development, coding, documentation, outreach, translation, training, service, product
  5. • Transition from Boundless → Completed! ◦ geoserver.org (GitHub Pages)

    geoserver.org/blog ◦ github.com/geoserver (GitHub) ◦ blog.geoserver.org (github) ◦ repo.osgeo.org (OSGeo) ◦ domain names (OSGeo) ◦ downloads (SourceForge) ◦ email (SourceForge) ◦ build.geoserver.org (GeoSolutions) ◦ web map (GeoSolutions) ◦ docs.geoserver.org (OSGeo) • New ◦ docker (OSGeo Nexus) GeoServer Infrastructure
  6. experiment Community modules GeoServer maintains a “community space” for experiments

    and new developers to work. • Developers propose a community module idea and request commit access • We make sure they compile! • May be proposed as an extension when both the author and functionality is ready Spot a community module of interest, reach out to see how you can help. Graduating extension • (not yet) Outgoing Community • ows-simulate • nsg-wmts • wmts-styles • teradata • importer-fgdb • saml • wms-eo • geostyler Incoming Community • proxy-base • webp-wms-output • spatialJSON-wfs-output Downgraded extension • xslt • imagemap supported end-of-life un-supported
  7. March 2023 September 2023 March 2024 2.22.x 2.23.x 2.23.x Releases

    covered by this presentation YOU ARE HERE 2.24.x 2.24.x September 2024 2.24.x Java 11 minimum! Last Java 8 release
  8. Are you using a older version? Upgrade! • Easier to

    get answers. User list and stack exchange typically cover only supported versions ◦ In September 2023 “supported” means 2.24.x and 2.23.x ◦ In March 2024 “supported” will mean 2.24.x and 2.25.x • Security fixes added to supported versions only • Please upgrade your GeoServer installations! Photo by SpaceX on Unsplash
  9. Upgrade? What’s in it for me? • Much! • Check

    what’s new in 2.22, 2.23 and incoming in 2.24 • Check the bottom of each slide to see who sponsored a certain feature, who implemented it, and what version contains it • This icon marks activities done without any sponsoring Version Author Sponsor ♥
  10. • OGC API Code sprint activity ◦ Goal to get

    feedback on the new ogcapi services under development ◦ Use of osgeo docker nexus Docker for Nightly Builds (with community modules) • Download from build server ◦ 2.24-SNAPSHOT ◦ community modules also 2.24.x Jody Garnett ♥ docker run -it -p 80:8080 \ --env INSTALL_EXTENSIONS=true \ --env STABLE_EXTENSIONS="wps,css" \ --env COMMUNITY_EXTENSIONS="ogcapi-features" \ -t geoserver-docker.osgeo.org/geoserver:2.24.x docker pull \ geoserver-docker.osgeo.org/geoserver:2.24.x
  11. Improved mosaicking performance - Trying to mosaic several hundreds of

    images in the same output? - The index can have millions mind, we’re talking hundreds images to build a single GetMap output - Performance and memory usage for this use case have been improved by a couple of orders of magnitude (GeMap built with 300 images) 2.22 Andrea Aime GeoSolutions USGS
  12. Improved hyperspectral performance - Hyperspectral images: those having hundreds of

    bands - Typically stored in band-interleaved structure (one data bank for all pixels in the same tile) - GS is now orders of magnitude faster at reading them 2.22 Andrea Aime GeoSolutions DLR Rows Cols Bands
  13. Raster Attribute Table support - .aux.xml sidecar file associating pixel

    values with various classifications and colors - Generate SLDs out of them and associate with layers - Mimick QGIS RasterAttributeTable plugin - Development in progress, screenshot from QGIS! Community Andrea Aime GeoSolutions NOAA
  14. Feature Type Customisation : Description • Previously in 2.21.x ◦

    Rename attributes ◦ Change attribute order ◦ Change attribute type ◦ Generate attributes using expressions • Now in 2.23.x ◦ Description for human readable name 2.23 Joseph Miller (GeoSolutions) ?
  15. • Supports efficient access to Cloud Optimized GeoTiff (COG) •

    HTTP/S3/Azure/Google storage • Minimizes reads on blob storage Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF community module Planet GeoSolutions Header Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Read 1 Read 2 Josh Fix Daniele Romagnoli • Contact GeoSolutions to sponsor: ◦ More blob storage options ◦ More authentication types support ◦ Caching ◦ Other improvements and fixes Community
  16. COG for Azure - Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF native support for

    Azure blob storage - Allows access to authenticated sources - Native access, improved performance - Community module! Community Daniele Romagnoli GeoSolutions TOTAL
  17. STAC Datastore and Mosaic • Pull STAC items from a

    STAC API • Render footprints on WMS • Mosaic images on the fly • Community module! Community Andrea Aime GeoSolutions DLR STAC API STAC datastore COGs Image mosaic World Settlements Footprints, STAC API + COG
  18. Vector mosaicking store • Useful to handle thousands of files

    with similar structure • Database used only to index them • Much cheaper than storing everything in a database (on cloud) • Not suitable if on the fly aggregations are needed • Great if the end user application mostly pulls a few files (one?) at a time Community Joseph Miller GeoSolutions TROO Community module!
  19. WMS, WFS and WMTS cascading improvements • Steady stream of

    fixes from Roar Brænden • New contributor, 50+ tickets closed in the last year ◦ Strong focus on WFS, WMS and WMTS stores ◦ Feedback and improvement of internal “ResourceStore” • Activity in GeoTools that positively reflects in GeoServer • Live link 2.24 Roar Brænden Norwegian Institute for Water Research 2.23
  20. CSW-ISO module graduation • The CSW-ISO module allows to generate

    ISO metadata records around GeoServer layer and services. This is a rare come back from community (used to be extension already) 2.22 @fileIdentifier.CharacterString=prefixedName identificationInfo.AbstractMD_Identification.citation.CI_Citation.title.CharacterString=title identificationInfo.AbstractMD_Identification.descriptiveKeywords.MD_Keywords.keyword.CharacterString=keywords identificationInfo.AbstractMD_Identification.abstract.CharacterString=abstract $dateStamp.Date= if_then_else ( isNull("metadata.date") , 'Unknown', "metadata.date") <gmd:MD_Metadata> <gmd:fileIdentifier> <gco:CharacterString>CoverageInfoImpl--4a9eec43:132d48aac79:-8000</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:fileIdentifier> <gmd:dateStamp> <gco:Date>Unknown</gco:Date> </gmd:dateStamp> <gmd:identificationInfo> <gmd:MD_DataIdentification> <gmd:extent> … Niels Charlier Scitus -
  21. Metadata module graduation • The metadata module adds an editor

    for extra metadata information (to be used in CSW-ISO) The editor structure can be customized using YAML configs 2.22 Niels Charlier Scitus - attributes: - key: metadata-identifier fieldType: UUID - key: metadata-datestamp label: Date fieldType: DATETIME - key: data-language fieldType: DROPDOWN values: - dut - eng - fre - ger - key: topic-category fieldType: SUGGESTBOX occurrence: REPEAT values: - farming - …
  22. • New OGC Standards ◦ Self describing OpenAPI ◦ REST

    / JSON ◦ Building on from W3C collaboration and STAC / WFS3 progress • Contact Andrea Aime if you are interested in helping with development or funding! Check out dedicated presentation Demystifying OGC APIs with GeoServer: introduction and status of implementation OGC API community module Andrea Aime GeoSolutions GeoSolutions OGC GeoNovum API Common Maps API Coverages API Implementing (as part of TB14/tb15) Looking for volunteers/sponsors Process API Records API Features API Tiles API Styles API STAC API Community CITE compliant!
  23. New Welcome Page Layout GSIP-202 Welcome Page Layout - Available

    now in 2.22-M0 Milestone - Inspired by ogc-api community module - Use title and description to make a heading for each service - List capabilities and tools for each section - Change workspace - A welcome page for each workspace - Click to explore virtual web services - Change layer/group - A welcome page specific to a given layer/group - Layer specific services 2.22 Jody Garnett GeoCat GeoServer Enterprise GeoCat
  24. Configure Welcome page selectors • Configure for use with large

    catalogues ◦ GeoServerHomePage.selectionMode ▪ dropdown - auto complete ▪ text - simple text fields ▪ auto - based on response time ◦ GeoServerHomePage.selectionTimeout ◦ GeoServerHomePage.selectionMaxItems When in ‘text’ mode summary does not try and count available layers 2.23 Andrea Aime GeoSolutions GeoSolutions
  25. Style format in styles page • Playing around with multiple

    styling languages? • SLD 1.0, SLD 1.1, CSS, YSLD, MBStyles, oh my • The styles page now indicates the format for each style 2.22 Mohammad Mohiuddin Ahmed ♥
  26. Reset of single store/layer via REST API • Currently one

    can do a system wide “reset” • Clears up feature type caches, connection pools and so on, from the whole GeoServer • Add the ability to perform reset of caches/pools on a single store and on a single layer 2.22 Andrea Aime GeoSolutions GeoSolutions
  27. proxy-base-ext • When proxy-base is not powerful enough…. • Allows

    deeper URL changes, e.g., expose different services on different host-names • Can expand HTTP header placeholders from the proxy itself Community Joseph Miller GeoSolutions DLR Proxy (e.g. nginx) wms.myhost.com wfs.myhost.com GeoServer http://ip/geoserver/wms http://ip/geoserver/wfs Backlinks in responses with the original host and path (e..g, Capabilities)
  28. Getting off the EPSG assumption • GeoServer 2.24 will be

    able to handle more CRS authorities • In particular, IAU is being added, which covers planetary CRSs • The work opens the possibility to have more authorities as well (e.g., ESRI, IGNF, NKG, and more) 2.24 Andrea Aime GeoSolutions USGS
  29. Work ongoing 2.24 Andrea Aime GeoSolutions USGS • Can be

    tested right now on the developer nightly build • It’s still far from complete! ◦ Capabilities generators ◦ WMS/WFS/WCS/WPS ◦ Retain CRS in GIS output formats ◦ PostGIS/GeoPackage • Aiming at work completion in time for the 2.24.0 release
  30. • Keep exploit details out of issue report • Mark

    the issue as a vulnerability. • Be prepared to work with Project Steering Committee (PSC) on a solution • Keep in mind PSC members are volunteers and an extensive fix may require fundraising / resources Report via geoserver-security@lists-osgeo.org or github private vulnerability reporting. If you are not in position to communicate in public please consider commercial support, contacting a PSC member, or reaching us via the Open Source Geospatial Foundation at info@osgeo.org. In case you stumble into a vulnerability: Responsible Disclosure
  31. • OGC Filter Injection ◦ CVE-2023-25157 (GeoServer) ◦ CVE-2023-25158 (GeoTools)

    ◦ Archived releases patched on behalf of customers and projects not in a position to upgrade • Ongoing management of dependencies ◦ Vulnerability not often verified, as these reports can be based on automated scan • New: GitHub vulnerability reporting ◦ Secure communication ◦ Automate CVE assignment Security Vulnerabilities 2.23 GeoServer PSC 🔥🔥🔥
  32. Control remote HTTP requests (GSIP-218) One of the longest outstanding

    vulnerability requests has been to limit the HTTP requests made by GeoServer using user provided locations. However some protocols require access access to external web resources … • Config: Check remote location • WMS dynamic SLD • WMS feature portrayal of remote WFS • WPS remote inputs • More? Funding/volunteer required!
  33. • H2 is an embedded database we started using many

    years ago • Convenient, ended up powering some core functionality: ◦ GWC disk quota (by default) ◦ KML super-overlays index • And some non core functionality ◦ Default DB for GeoFence, JDBCConfig (can use external db), WPS JDBC ◦ Index DB for NetCDF/Grib files • Upgrade to H2 version 2 is hard, different binary format • Couple of CVEs against v1, we did not find a way to use them H2 version 1 removal 2.23 GeoSolutions • In GeoServer 2.23.2, removing core usage • Replaced by HSLQDB • Usages in optional plugins will be removed in time (are you interested?) linz.gov.nz
  34. But what about CVE-2023-35042? This is a duplicate of the

    “Jiffle” vulnerability CVE-2022-24816 patched last year. Researched just saw automated attacks come in and stood up an older unpatched GeoServer to see if something would happen. Not sure why it got a new CVE number so we have asked :) Update: Now marked as “disputed” (which is not quite right)
  35. Participation required for Sustainable Open Source Thanks to new release

    volunteers, very much appreciated: • Gabriel Roldan (camptocamp) • Peter Smythe GeoServer increasingly relies on a small development team: • Big thanks to our core contributors for making this project happen • Experiment: with sponsorship and small contracts? ◦ Tried with Log4j - amount of overhead in fundraising not worth the time commitment • Experiment: “cost recovery” code-sprint model? ◦ Trying with “remove opengis” sprint - helping cover costs for participants
  36. • The community really does not really have a “road

    map” • The core developers are mostly employed in companies providing commercial services for GeoServer, or using it in some hosting solution → customer driven (no other significant source of funding) • The other developers pop up occasionally to provide improvements, fixes and new features they need Roadmap - whatever else you want to push for Community