Intelligence gathered to assess and improve the ROI of your marke@ng and PR. Improve Online Presence Assess Marke@ng Performance Tune Your Brand Image Assessment of where your company should be engaging online, and how. Clear analysis of how conversa@ons in your industry are dispersed across all social media sites, forums, blogs, general websites, etc. and their respec@ve levels of audience reach. On each site; detailed analysis of which topics are being discussed, in what style, and conclusions on how best to tap into these conversa@ons. Analysis of the key influencers in your industry; tweeters, blogs, hobby websites etc. Data informed conclusions on how much of an impact they make. Clear, detailed breakdown of your compe@tors’ online presence. Which firm is domina@ng which site, which firm has expanded over @me on which type of site, and how the public have responded. Monthly or Quarterly reports assessing your online brand expansion progress. Metrics to track your progress, and analysis sugges@ng improvements and highligh@ng inefficient efforts that have received liLle audience aLen@on. Assessment of how conversa@ons in your sector have occurred over @me. Whether conversa@on flow is steady, seasonal, or characterized by drama@c events, and whether compe@tors are taking advantage of this. SocialSense | Brandwatch |