If you make the reader click or do anything other than scroll, something spectacular has to happen. 2. If you make a tooltip or rollover, assume no one will ever see it. If content is important for readers to see, don’t hide it. 3. When deciding whether to make some- thing interactive, remember that getting it to work on all platforms is expensive. εΫϩʔ ϧҎ֎ͷ͜ͱΛͤ͞ΔͳΒɺ ͳʹ͔ܶతͳ͜ͱ͕ى͖ͳ͚ΕͳΒͳ͍ πʔ ϧνοϓϩʔ ϧΦʔόʔ ୭ݟͳ͍ͱఆ͠ɺॏཁใӅ͞ͳ͍ ΠϯλϥΫς ΟϒͳͷΛݕ౼͢Δͱ͖ɺ શϓϥοτϑΥʔ ϜରԠʹେ͖ͳίετ͕ ͔͔Δ͜ͱΛ೦಄ʹஔ͘ HJUIVCDPNBSDIJFUTFNBMPpFKCMPCNBTUFSUTFNBMPpFKTMJEFTQEG