24-25 MARCH, KYIV, UKRAINE About @me: - Do mobile applications for $$$ - empower teams - CARE ABOUT: - Users - quality - security - performance South Africa, in the wild, slightly north of Antarctica
24-25 MARCH, KYIV, UKRAINE AVERAGE COST of data breach for us company in 2017 is $3.5M …and probability to experience it during upcoming 2 years is 27%
24-25 MARCH, KYIV, UKRAINE MAIN POINTS - Use only secure versions (’s’ suffix) - Don’t (blindly) trust in networking protocol - Whitelist and pin certificates if possible - Don’t pass sensitive data unencrypted
24-25 MARCH, KYIV, UKRAINE MAIN POINTS - Use root (jailbreak) detection techniques - Use debugging prevention - Wipe sensitive data from memory and keep it off screen unless explicitly asked by user - Limit possible exploit sources
24-25 MARCH, KYIV, UKRAINE MAIN POINTS - Disk is shared dangerous resource - Sensitive data should never go plain - Your app should not compromise your user, even if his/her device was stolen
24-25 MARCH, KYIV, UKRAINE FEW PRACTICAL ADVICES - Watch your logs. Use your own logs instead of shared system log - Don’t use cookies - Use encryption provided by system/library - Don’t roll your own crypto
24-25 MARCH, KYIV, UKRAINE MAIN POINTS - awareness " alerts & monitoring - ACLs - No secrets, keys etc. in code - All configuration activities should be recorded
24-25 MARCH, KYIV, UKRAINE Info leaked through online communication You never know Brute Force IRL Lack of fishing protection Social treats something you never control
24-25 MARCH, KYIV, UKRAINE Links & references - 1 - OWASP Mobile security checklist - OWASP Mobile security testing guide book - AWS Public writeable buckets study - Ponemon institute brief data breach cost - Ponemon institute security research - White source software
24-25 MARCH, KYIV, UKRAINE Links & references - 2 - MIT Research on crypto bug source - Trident vulnerabilities for iOS - FlyUIA data breach - Felix Krause blogs on security topics - GDPR for developers - Crypto bugs MIT study
24-25 MARCH, KYIV, UKRAINE [email protected][email protected] PERFORMANCE TESTING IN SWIFT Interested? check my upcoming trainings or get in touch https://www.facebook.com/soxjke https://www.linkedin.com/in/petro-korienev MOBILE PRODUCTS SECURITY ESSENTIALS