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Reactive Life

Reactive Life

Petro Korienev

March 04, 2017

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  1. #cocoaheadsukraine Petro Korienev Reactive Life DISCLAIMER Many of you may

    be sceptic about ReactiveCocoa, so my goal for today will be to show that it’s not that bad. I don’t pretend to be expert in functional, reactive or functional reactive programming, but I’d like to show you how it can solve problems. At least for me
  2. #cocoaheadsukraine Petro Korienev Reactive Life THE MOST IMPORTANT DEFINITION IS

    SIGNAL •Sends value/(s) to its observers •Sends completions and errors •Can participate in expressions, resulting in new signals or producing state •Signal is universal abstraction
  3. #cocoaheadsukraine Petro Korienev Reactive Life RACSTREAM •Abstract class representing any

    stream of values •RACStream is a monad •RACStream’s can be combined into arbitrary functional expressions
  4. #cocoaheadsukraine Petro Korienev Reactive Life RACSIGNAL: RACSTREAM •RACSignal is a

    derivate of RACStream that can be observable with side-effects •RACSignal is the entity that manages the concept of subscription •Subscription has it’s start and finish •There can be multiple subscriptions
  5. #cocoaheadsukraine Petro Korienev Reactive Life RACSEQUENCE: RACSTREAM •RACSequence is a

    derivate of RACStream that converts composite type to stream •Thus RACSequence makes array, dictionary, string a monad •Thus functional additions are added to Foundation
  6. #cocoaheadsukraine Petro Korienev Reactive Life KILLER-FEATURES •Reactive KVO •UI &

    Foundation extensions •Rockstar macros & operations •Extensible architecture
  7. #cocoaheadsukraine Petro Korienev Reactive Life UI & FOUNDATION EXTENSIONS -

    (RACSignal *)rac_signalForControlEvents: (UIControlEvents)controlEvents;
 - (RACSignal *)rac_signalForSelector:(SEL)selector fromProtocol:(Protocol *)protocol;
 - (RACSignal *)rac_addObserverForName:(NSString *)notificationName object:(id)object;
  8. #cocoaheadsukraine Petro Korienev Reactive Life ROCKSTAR MACROS & OPERATIONS RAC(self,

    regBtn.enabled) = [RACSignal combineLatest: @[RACObserve(self, passwordField.text), RACObserve(self, passwordConfirmation.text)] reduce:^(NSString *password, NSString *passwordConfirmation) { return @([passwordConfirmation isEqualToString:password]); }];
  9. #cocoaheadsukraine Petro Korienev Reactive Life EXTENSIBLE ARCHITECTURE •Example of filtering

    string https:/ /gist.github.com/soxjke/ b09175b252c597a2d468b9fbbe00cca3
  10. #cocoaheadsukraine Petro Korienev Reactive Life OBJECTIVE-C DOWNSIDES •Type-unsafe subscriptions. •Easy-to-write

    retain cycles •Debugging complexity •Values-over-time are difficult to test •Complex expressions are often way unreadable.
 Especially without ReactiveCocoa experience
  11. #cocoaheadsukraine Petro Korienev Reactive Life READABILITY - REACTIVEHELL •Example data

    structure to parse & solution: https:/ /gist.github.com/soxjke/ 4269e56942a0561f9adc60f9c7f3b41b
  12. #cocoaheadsukraine Petro Korienev Reactive Life FEW DEBUGGING TIPS •use rac_willDeallocSignal

    to observe lifetimes when debugging intermittent crashes •use RACSignal (Debug) category with log methods •try breaking complex signal expressions and inject side effects on each step
  13. #cocoaheadsukraine Petro Korienev Reactive Life REACTIVE SWIFT KEY DIFFS •Compile-time

    type-safety •Protocol-oriented design •Hot&cold observables
  14. #cocoaheadsukraine Petro Korienev Reactive Life COMPILE-TIME TYPE-SAFETY public final class

    Signal<Value, Error: Swift.Error> public struct SignalProducer<Value, Error: Swift.Error> public protocol ObserverProtocol { associatedtype Value associatedtype Error: Swift.Error func send(value: Value) func send(error: Error) func sendCompleted() func sendInterrupted() }
  15. #cocoaheadsukraine Petro Korienev Reactive Life SIGNAL •“Hot” observable, subscription shouldn’t

    involve side-effects according to guidelines •Observing results in Disposable? •There’re “value”, “error”, “completed”, “interrupted” events
  16. #cocoaheadsukraine Petro Korienev Reactive Life SIGNALPRODUCER •“Cold” observable, starting it

    may produce a signal, indicating status of some underlying operation. •Observing results in Disposable, used to terminate observation & stop sending values
  17. #cocoaheadsukraine Petro Korienev Reactive Life WHAT’S STILL UNCOVERED •In-depth look

    into operators •Action •Building framework for tests •Building your own reactive UI framework •UIScheduler •Action •…
  18. #cocoaheadsukraine Petro Korienev Reactive Life You may find these slides

    @ https:/ /speakerdeck.com/ soxjke/reactive-life THANKS!