Getting started with Kotlin/Native in a project near you
Given at an internal company event.
Want to getting started with Kotlin/Native in your Android and iOS TODAY?
Fine, let's do it.
In this talk I present how to setup everything so that we can start coding on a shared library for both platforms.
This is for real iDevices iosArm64().binaries.framework() // This is for simulators iosX64().binaries.framework() } repositories { jcenter() } val jvmMainImplementation by configurations dependencies { commonMainImplementation(kotlin("stdlib-common")) jvmMainImplementation(kotlin("stdlib-jdk8")) }
Frameworks // into one Framework. // This is because the Simulator and Devices running on different platforms. // Therefore we need a Framework which runs on both. val fatFrameworkTask = tasks.register("releaseFatFramework", FatFrameworkTask::class) { … } // Well, it's complicated! Publishing - Framework