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Handling various screen sizes with Flutter

Handling various screen sizes with Flutter

Su Thwe Thwe Tun

July 29, 2024

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  1. Su Thwe Thwe Tun Android Developer, @Greenlight, USA I’m passionate

    about building mobile apps to achieve easier and better lifestyles in our everyday lives. I have been working as a mobile developer for 9 years with Android and Flutter. Currently, I'm attending Master's degree and working in USA. Email Address [email protected]
  2. Handling Portrait and Landscape Orientations Handling various screen sizes with

    Flutter Responsive UI for different screen sizes Today, I am going to talk about how to use flutter widgets for
  3. MediaQuery LayoutBuilder OrientationBuilder SafeArea AspectRatio Flexible These are some of

    widgets in Flutter that especially come in handy for responsive design. Expanded FractionalSizedBox
  4. SafeArea Avoid widgets such as the status bar, notches, navigation

    bar, etc. It is basically a padding widget, would add padding around the app, as required. Without Safearea With Safearea
  5. Expanded & Flexible Expanded widget is a widget that expands

    a child inside a Row or a Column. Flexible widget is basically the same as the Expanded widget, but there is a slight difference.