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PiHome – home automation done with Raspberry PI...

PiHome – home automation done with Raspberry PI and Python

Presented at PyWaw Summit in Warsaw

Wojciech Sznapka

May 26, 2015

More Decks by Wojciech Sznapka

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  1. PiHome – home automation done with Raspberry PI and Python

    Wojciech Sznapka Head of Development @ Cherry Poland Twitter: @sznapka PyWaw Summit. Warsaw 2015
  2. Features • Steering (switches): – Floor heating steering (on /

    off / delayed) – Hot water pump steering – Lights • Sensors: – Current temperature – Draw charts • History: – switches state – temperatures
  3. Hardware • Raspberry PI B • Switches module (230V) controlled

    via Ethernet (ready-made board) • Dallas ds18b20 one wire temperature sensors • Bread-board and bunch of wires
  4. Software • Raspbian – with GPIO modules – Supervisord –

    Apache + WSGI • Pihome-api – Python – Flask – JSON • PiHome – AngularJS as a SPA frontend – Twitter Bootstrap – optimized for mobile – Grunt, Bower, Yeoman • CLI tasks – Queue consumers – Celery tasks
  5. Software • RabbitMQ – relay “store” requests (failover) • Celery

    - “delayed” on / off • MongoDB (hosted at compose.io) – history of sensors and switches • Memcached
  6. Future • Predict time when user wants to use hot

    water* • More switches (door, window blinds) • Connect to alarm to know where users are (PIR sensors) * Machine learning
  7. Lesson learned • Don't rely much on WiFi (have fallback

    / queue) • Don't play around with higher voltages unless you're pretty sure what're you doing... • Be prepared for frequent and random restarts • There plenty of ready made components, soldering is often last thing, if you want to get things fast