Denitions – Identication, localization, wireless protocols, data storage and security; Collecting, communicating, coordinating, and leveraging the data from connected devices; understand how to develop and implement IoT technologies, solutions, and applications. Machine Learning, Distributed Computing, Articial Intelligence. IoT Architecture Ÿ IoT Network Architecture Ÿ IoT Device Architecture Ÿ IoT Application Architecture Ÿ Client Server vs Publish Subscribe Architecture IoT Communication Protocols Ÿ Wired Communication Protocols – UART, USART, SPI, I2C, ModBUS, CAN Ÿ Wireless Communication Protocols – Bluetooth, Beacons, WiFi, Overview of Zigbee, 6lowPAN, LPWAN and other IoT communication technologies and protocols (coverage area, frequency range, power usage, interference aspects and legalities) Ÿ Networking Protocols – OSI Reference Model, TCP/IP , Ethernet Ÿ Application Protocols – HTTP , Web sockets, MQTT, Overview of CoAP , XMPP , AMQP Ÿ Device management, discovery, addressing Ÿ Device to Device or Machine to Machine communication (M2M)