Learning Server built on top of state-of- the-art open source stack for developers and data scientists create predictive engines for any machine learning task.
an engine as a web service on production with customizable templates; ϦΞϧλΠϜʹΫΤϦ݁ՌΛฦ͢͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖Δ respond to dynamic queries in real-time once deployed as a web service;
variants systematically; όονͰϦΞϧλΠϜͰ͋ΒΏΔϓϥοτ ϑΥʔϜ͔ΒͷσʔλΛ·ͱΊͯूΊΒΕΔ unify data from multiple platforms in batch or in real-time for comprehensive predictive analytics;
modeling with systematic processes and pre-built evaluation measures; Spark MLLibOpenNLPͳͲػցֶशɺ σʔλॲཧϥΠϒϥϦΛલఏͱ͢Δ support machine learning and data processing libraries such as Spark MLLib and OpenNLP;
end up finding out other animals like ants, frogs, ladybugs etc having the ability to predict various attributes from temperature change to earthquake, and finally settled on the frog.” “PredictionIO’s logo (the Frog) joins a veritable zoo of other famous open-source logos featuring animals.” The Story Behind the Frog blog.prediction.io/story-behind-frog-logo/
YARN and HDFS are needed Apache HBase up to 1.2.4 Apache Spark up to 1.6.3 for Hadoop 2.6 not Spark 2.x version Elasticsearch up to 1.7.5 not the Elasticsearch 2.x version