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Using Chef to manage your container workflow

Tom Duffield
September 13, 2014

Using Chef to manage your container workflow

Slides from a talk I gave at Fossetcon2014 on how you can leverage Chef Container to manage your Docker container workflow.

Tom Duffield

September 13, 2014

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  1. Chef for Containers Using config management in your container workflow

    Tom Duffield Software Development Engineer at Chef Twitter: @tomduffield Fossetcon 2014
  2. What are Linux containers? • Lightweight virtualization provided by libraries

    inside the Linux Kernel. • cgroups • namespaces • capabilities • selinux • apparmor • netlink • netfilter
  3. What is Docker? • Utility that improves the usability of

    Linux Containers by providing: • a layered file system (Docker Images) • a cross-platform execution engine (Docker Engine) • a social space to share common libraries (Docker Hub)
  4. Hypervisor Virtualization Server Host OS Hypervisor Guest OS bins/ libs

    app a Guest OS bins/ libs app d Guest OS bins/ libs app b Guest OS bins/ libs app c Virtual Machine
  5. Docker Containers Server Host OS bins/libs app b app d

    app c Container Docker Engine bins/libs app a
  6. docker build mycontext FROM ubuntu:12.04 RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get

    install apache2 ADD myconf.conf \ /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/mysite ADD mysite /var/www/mysite Dockerfile myconf.conf mycontext mysite index.html Dockerfile
  7. Chef Container allows you to: • define your container configuration

    using Chef recipes. • idempotently manage the running state of your container. • safely manage multiple services inside your container.
  8. Chef Container is a great for handling: • installation and

    configuration of complex applications. • transitioning traditional architecture to containers. • handling last-mile configuration when container boots.
  9. Understanding the PID1 Problem $ docker run busybox ps -ef

    PID USER COMMAND 1 root ps -ef • The command you specify via docker run replaces init and becomes the root process (PID1).
  10. Addressing the PID1 Problem • The root process (PID1) is

    responsible for: • telling the container what processes it should run. • ensuring all child processes are properly managed.
  11. runit is a lightweight, cross-platform init scheme you can use

    to ensure all child processes are properly managed. http://smarden.org/runit/
  12. chef-init is a root process which can launch and manage

    multiple processes inside a container. https://github.com/opscode/chef-init
  13. knife container docker init $ knife container docker init NAMESPACE/IMAGE_NAME

    [options] Frequently Used Options Flag Description -f The base Docker image to use. The default is chef/ubuntu-12.04. -r Your Chef run list. -z Use chef-client local mode. -b Use Berkshelf to manage cookbook dependencies.
  14. knife container docker build $ knife container docker build NAMESPACE/IMAGE_NAME

    [options] Frequently Used Options Flag Description --force Force the resolution of Chef dependencies.
  15. Why use Chef Container? 1) Fast and easy transition from

    existing architecture. 2) Consistent configuration model across containerization solutions and types of architectures. 3) Mixed infrastructure environments. 4) Idempotency in your image build process and in your running containers. 5) Decreased overhead for configuration changes.
  16. Roadmap • Rebuild images from a fresh base image. •

    Add multiple, custom tags to your Docker images. • Improved management of secure credentials. What would you like to see? Submit input and feedback! http://github.com/opscode/knife-container/issues http://github.com/opscode/chef-init/issues