computes by encoding information in the ephemeral waves that comprise light and matter at the nanoscale.” Microsoft researcher David Reilly
Assume a cat and a sealed bottle of poison in a closed box together. The question now is, how would we know if the poison bottle broke open and the cat died or if the cat is still alive inside the box?
relation between two or more particles — or, to generalize it, qubits — that affect their properties such that we can not describe the state of one of them independently of the others. One of the most commonly used qubits is photon spins. A photon can either have spin up (one state) or spin down (zero states). If we have two entangled photons, then they must have opposite spins, if one is up then the other must be down.
quantum computers at the level of pulses, circuits, and application modules. Qiskit is made up of elements that work together to enable quantum computing. This is a simple meta-package to install the elements of Qiskit altogether.
UNDERSTANDING & MITIGATING NOISE IN QUANTUM SYSTEMS Qiskit Application (Aqua) ALGORITHMS FOR QUANTUM COMPUTING APPLICATIONS Qiskit Simulator (Aer) HIGH-PERFORMANCE SIMULATOR FRAMEWORK FOR QUANTUM CIRCUITS Qiskit Elements The four elements of Qiskit are the essential parts that give Qiskit its power
. P U L S E Q I S K I T . C I R C U I T Q I S K I T . T R A N S P I L E R 1 2 3 Q I S K I T . P R O V I D E R S Q I S K I T . Q U A N T U M _ I N F O Q I S K I T . V I S U A L I Z A T I O N 6 Modules quantum programs at the level of circuits and pulses optimize program for the constraints of a particular device manage execution of batches of experiments on remote-access devices
E C T O R S I M U L A T O R Q A S M S I M U L A T O R 1 2 P U L S E S S I M U L A T O R U N I T A R Y S I M U L A T O R Simulators verify current and near-future quantum computers function correctly high performance simulator framework for quantum circuits tools for constructing highly configurable noise models
S C I R C U I T S F I T T E R S 1 2 3 Q I S K I T . I G N I S . C H A R A C T E R I Z A T I O N Q I S K I T . I G N I S . V E R I F I C A T I O N Q I S K I T . I G N I S . M I T I G A T I O N 3 Building Blocks dedicated to fight noise and errors design quantum error correction codes Experiments
the gate responsible for creating the superposition of states. This gate puts the qubit in 50/50 superposition of states |0⟩ and |1⟩ despite whether the input state was |0⟩ or|1⟩. H A D A M A R D G A T E
finding the period of the function. This is done classically using a normal computer. Quantum part which uses a quantum computer to find the period using the Quantum Fourier Transform. The algorithm consists of 2 parts: 1. 2.
Computer the greatest common divisor (GCD) of and N if the gcd != 1 then we found a factor of N If not then run the quantum circuit that uses a Quantum Fourier Transform If the period is odd then go back to step 1 Otherwise we have found the factors of N For the algorithm the steps are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.