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Introduction to Qiskit

Introduction to Qiskit

Shadab Hussain

February 29, 2020

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  1. https://shadabhussain.com Quantum Computing India 4 Quantum Properties Three quantum mechanical

    properties — Superposition Superposition refers to a combination of states we would ordinarily describe independently. To make a classical analogy, if you play two musical notes at once, what you will hear is a superposition of the two notes. Entanglement Entanglement is a famously counter- intuitive quantum phenomenon describing behavior we never see in the classical world. Entangled particles behave together as a system in ways that cannot be explained using classical logic. Interference Finally, quantum states can undergo interference due to a phenomenon known as phase. Quantum interference can be understood similarly to wave interference; when two waves are in phase, their amplitudes add, and when they are out of phase, their amplitudes cancel.
  2. https://shadabhussain.com Quantum Computing India 12 Properties that make QC Different

    • Superposition Exponential speedups as number of qubits grow • Entanglement Spooky action at a distance. • Reversible computing 10-15W vs 20kW • Privacy (No-cloning theorem)
  3. https://shadabhussain.com Quantum Computing India 13 Quantum Algorithms • Shor’s factorization

    algorithm • Grover’s search algorithm • Deutsch - Jozsa algorithm • HHL algorithm - Useful in the NISQ era (these are mostly hybrid algorithms) • QAOA - Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm • VQE - Variational Quantum Eigen-solver
  4. https://shadabhussain.com Quantum Computing India 14 Problems • Hard to build

    and retain qubits due to decoherence • High amount of noise • Need for better quantum algorithms (Optimization) • Algorithms like Shor’s can’t be implemented today • All hardwares have their own pros and cons • Data storage? • Debugging?
  5. https://shadabhussain.com Quantum Computing India 15 Categories Quantum Mechanics Quantum Information

    Quantum Computation Gate based Annealing , ... Quantum Cryptography Information Theory Quantum Key Distribution Quantum Error Correction
  6. https://shadabhussain.com Quantum Computing India 16 Pauli - X gate •

    Similar to classical NOT • Flips |0> to |1> and vice versa
  7. https://shadabhussain.com Quantum Computing India 17 Hadamard (H) Gate Puts any

    state in an equal superposition of basis states (phase will vary)
  8. https://shadabhussain.com Quantum Computing India 19 Qiskit • SDK for working

    with Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) Computers • Apache 2.o License • Designed to be backend agnostic • Includes out-of-the-box local simulators and support for running on IBMQ
  9. https://shadabhussain.com Quantum Computing India 23 About Terra Qiskit Terra provides

    the foundational roots for our software stack. Within Terra is a set of tools for composing quantum programs at the level of circuits and pulses, optimizing them for the constraints of a particular physical quantum processor, and managing the batched execution of experiments on remote- access backends. Terra is modularly constructed, simplifying the addition of extensions for circuit optimizations and backends.
  10. https://shadabhussain.com Quantum Computing India 25 About Aqua Qiskit Aqua contains

    a library of cross-domain quantum algorithms upon which applications for near- term quantum computing can be built. Aqua is designed to be extensible, and employs a pluggable framework where quantum algorithms can easily be added. It currently allows the user to experiment on chemistry, AI, optimization and finance applications for near-term quantum computers.
  11. https://shadabhussain.com Quantum Computing India 28 About Ignis Qiskit Ignis is

    a framework for understanding and mitigating noise in quantum circuits and systems. The experiments provided in Ignis are grouped into the topics of characterization, verification and mitigation. Characterization experiments are designed to measure noise parameters in the system. Verification experiments are designed to verify gate and small circuit performance. Mitigation experiments run calibration circuits that are analyzed to generate mitigation routines that can be applied to arbitrary sets of results run on the same backend.
  12. https://shadabhussain.com Quantum Computing India 30 About Aer Qiskit Aer provides

    a high performance simulator framework for the Qiskit software stack. It contains optimized C++ simulator backends for executing circuits compiled in Qiskit Terra, and tools for constructing highly configurable noise models for performing realistic noisy simulations of the errors that occur during execution on real devices.