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BrightonSEO 2024 | LinkedIn SEO - How to blend ...

BrightonSEO 2024 | LinkedIn SEO - How to blend social and search optimisation

How does social and search optimisation overlap?

In this session, we are looking at LinkedIn SEO and the mix between social and search to improve your online visibility.

- How to optimise your LinkedIn profile and company page to attract the right audience
- How to create LinkedIn content that ranks on SERPs
- How to combine social and search optimisation

This session is both for professionals using their LinkedIn profile and company page managers that want to take their LinkedIn SEO more seriously.

Tereza Litsa

September 24, 2024

More Decks by Tereza Litsa

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  1. Tereza Litsa Marketing Consultant LinkedIn SEO - How to blend

    social and search optimisation bit.ly/brighton-linkedin tereza-litsa
  2. tereza-litsa #BrightonSEO Your ultimate goal Maximise your reach Social proof

    Search rankings More people knowing your key messages and offerings
  3. Not as bad as it could be tereza-litsa #BrightonSEO WHY

    LINKEDIN 1 billion users Good organic reach A professional network
  4. 4 out of 5 people on LinkedIn drive business decisions

    77% of content marketers say LinkedIn produces the best organic results tereza-litsa #BrightonSEO WHY LINKEDIN
  5. tereza-litsa #BrightonSEO WHY LINKEDIN LinkedIn is the #1 channel for

    brands to be confident of its positive ROI Source: Hootsuite
  6. tereza-litsa #BrightonSEO Optimise your LinkedIn content 2 ways to approach

    LinkedIn optimisation Optimise your LinkedIn presence be found in the platform go beyond the platform
  7. tereza-litsa #BrightonSEO HEADLINE What you want to be known for

    Who you are targeting Keywords - how you are found
  8. ABOUT SECTION Summarise who you are, what you want to

    be known for Keywords - how you are found tereza-litsa #BrightonSEO
  9. You can customise your profile’s URL Review your profile settings

    tereza-litsa #BrightonSEO PROFILE CUSTOMISATION
  10. tereza-litsa #BrightonSEO WHAT do you want to be known for?

    2-3 content pillars Keywords to match the search intent Semantic search (topic > keywords) POSTS YOU ARE SHARING
  11. Long-form content Articles rank in SERPs Opportunity to share links

    social proof, credibility, visibility tereza-litsa #BrightonSEO ARTICLES
  12. Good exposure Choose a theme Link it to your SEO

    strategy tereza-litsa #BrightonSEO NEWSLETTER
  13. tereza-litsa #BrightonSEO Set your objectives 1. Confirm the content and

    terms you want to focus on (align search + social) 2. Optimise your profile 3. When social and search are finally aligned HOW TO GET STARTED
  14. Slides + Guide to LinkedIn SEO How to optimise your

    profile Understanding LinkedIn search LinkedIn content SEO tereza-litsa #BrightonSEO Thank you! bit.ly/brighton-linkedin