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Python Webフレームワーク比較

September 17, 2019

Python Webフレームワーク比較

Comparing Python Web Framework / PyCon JP 2019

寺田 学
(株)CMSコミュニケーションズ代表取締役 Python Web関係の業務を中心にコンサルティングや構築を手がけている。


Webフレームワークとは (フレームワークの定義)
Python Webフレームワークの種類と特徴を紹介と比較


September 17, 2019

More Decks by Manabu TERADA

Other Decks in Technology


  1. About me ✦ Owner and CEO of CMS communications Inc.

    (CMS ) ✦ Board Chair of PyCon JP (Japan) ✦ Board of Python ED (Japan) ✦ Plone Foundation Ambassador ✦ PSF Contributing member ✦ Member of NVDA Japanese Team !2 Manabu TERADA (@terapyon)
  2. About our company ✦ Our company is CMScom based in

    Tokyo, Japan ✦ We use Plone for building web sites ✦ Universities, Public institutions ✦ Engineering companies ✦ Supporting education tools !3 CMScom (CMS )
  3. !4

  4. PyCon JP ✦ ✦ PyCon JP ( ) ✦ Day

    2 12:10 - 13:10 6 Room E ✦ PyCon JP ✦ 1 !5 PyCon JP
  5. Contents of this session What is a Web Framework and

    how do we design the framework (Web ) List of functions for a Web Framework (Web ) List of Web Frameworks and introduction of features for each framework (Web ) How to choose a Web Framework for my project ( ?) !6
  6. History of Web Frameworks ✦ Django ✦ Flask ✦ Pyramid

    ✦ Zope ✦ Tornado ✦ aiohttp ✦ Guillotina ✦ Bottle ✦ responder !8 List of typical frameworks in this talk
  7. What is a Web Framework and how can we design

    a framework 8FCϑϨʔϜϫʔΫͱ͸ʁ ϑϨʔϜϫʔΫΛͲ͏ఆٛ͢Δʁ
  8. What is a Web Framework ✦ Web Application Framework (Web

    ) ✦ Sending HTML/JSON to browsers ( HTML/JSON ) ✦ Support HTTP protocol (HTTP ) ✦ GET / POST method ✦ Status code !11 What? ( )
  9. What is a Web Framework ✦ Inspecting URL and nding

    form URL to the content ✦ (URL URL ) ✦ Routing ( ) ✦ traversal ( ) ✦ Handling POST or GET (POST GET ) ✦ HTML Templates (HTML ) ✦ Database connection ( ) ✦ sessions and cookies ( ) !12 to design the framework in this talk
  10. List of functions for a Web Framework important functions (

    ) ✦ HTML Template ✦ URL dispatcher ✦ Managing Requests ✦ Managing cookies ✦ Login function ✦ Managing users ✦ Persistent layer ✦ Type of Databases ✦ Manage data in a Database ✦ Web server ✦ Run command or manage daemon ✦ REST API ✦ Handling local data ✦ Async server ✦ Setting up and managing environment data !14
  11. List of functions for a Web Framework HTML Template (

    ) ✦ Building a HTML in dynamic ✦ ( HTML ) ✦ Set to parts of some templates ✦ ( ) ✦ Template inheritance ✦ ( ) ✦ ltering or running tiny functions ✦ ( ) ✦ control of loop and condition ✦ ( ) ✦ List of Template engine ✦ DTE(Django Template Engine) ✦ jinja2 ✦ mako ✦ Chameleon / ZPT !15
  12. List of functions for a Web Framework URL dispatcher ✦

    Inspecting URL ✦ (URL ) ✦ Routing ✦ ( ) ✦ Finding the function or the content ✦ ( ) ✦ Type of URL dispatcher ✦ Routing ✦ like url.py as Django ✦ decorator ✦ Object Traversal !16
  13. List of functions for a Web Framework ✦ Almost frameworks

    supported ✦ ( ) ✦ but each frameworks are di erent approach ✦ ( ) ✦ argument ( ) ✦ global variable of local thread ( ) !17 Managing Requested Objects (Request )
  14. List of functions for a Web Framework ✦ Almost frameworks

    supported ✦ ( ) ✦ Getting cookie from request object ✦ ( ) ✦ Handling cookie to response object ✦ ( ) !18 Managing cookies (cookie )
  15. List of functions for a Web Framework ✦ some frameworks

    supported ✦ ( ) ✦ some frameworks supported by ad-don ✦ ( ) !19 Login function ( )
  16. List of functions for a Web Framework ✦ some frameworks

    supported ✦ ( ) ✦ some frameworks supported by ad-don ✦ ( ) ✦ some frameworks does NOT support, Needing to make if you want ✦ ( ) !20 Managing users ( )
  17. List of functions for a Web Framework ✦ Type of

    Databases ( ) ✦ Django ORM for RDBMS ✦ SQLAlchemy for RDBMS ✦ KVS ✦ Object DB ✦ Managing data in Database ( ) ✦ Data management for record or content !21 Persistent layer ( )
  18. List of functions for a Web Framework Web server ✦

    Support WSGI ✦ Support ASGI ✦ Original ✦ WSGI Server ✦ gunicorn ✦ uWSGI ✦ Waitress ✦ ASGI Server ✦ Uvicorn !22
  19. List of functions for a Web Framework ✦ like run

    server (run ) ✦ Manage demon prosess ( ) !23 Run command or manage daemon
  20. List of functions for a Web Framework ✦ for frontend

    and more ✦ RESTfull API ✦ some frameworks supported ✦ ( ) ✦ some frameworks supported by ad-don ✦ ( ) ✦ some frameworks does NOT support, Needing to make if you want ✦ ( ) !24 REST API
  21. List of functions for a Web Framework ✦ Support Async

    function ✦ (Async ) ✦ some frameworks supported ✦ ( Async ) !25 Async server ( )
  22. List of functions for a Web Framework ✦ Install (

    ) ✦ pip ✦ buildout ✦ other ✦ environ setting ( ) ✦ ini le ✦ python code ✦ yml !26 Setting up and managing environment data ( )
  23. Web Frameworks ✦ Django ✦ Flask ✦ Pyramid ✦ Zope

    ✦ Tornado ✦ aiohttp ✦ Guillotina ✦ Bottle ✦ responder !28 List of typical frameworks in this talk
  24. Web Frameworks ✦ Django https://www.djangoproject.com/ ✦ Django Software Foundation ✦

    BSD license ✦ First release on PyPi 1.0.1 / May 18, 2010 ✦ Recent update 2.1.4 in Jan 1, 2019 ✦ Full stack all in one Web Framework ✦ ( Web ) !29 Django
  25. Web Frameworks Django for me ✦ Good point for me

    ✦ ✦ (Django admin) ✦ Bad point for me ✦ !30
  26. List of functions for a Web Framework Django has functions

    ✦ HTML Template ✦ URL dispatcher ✦ url.py ✦ Managing Requests ✦ Managing cookies ✦ Login function ✦ Managing users ✦ Persistent layer ✦ only ORM (Need a SQL server) ✦ Manage data in a Database ✦ Web server ✦ Test server ✦ Support WSGI ✦ Run command or manage daemon ✦ REST API (Add-on DRF) ✦ Handling local data ✦ Using request object ✦ Async server ✦ Setting up and managing environment data ✦ Python code !31
  27. Web Frameworks ✦ Flask http:// ask.pocoo.org/ ✦ Pallets team (Armin

    Ronacher) ✦ BSD licensed ✦ First release on PyPi 0.1 / Apr 16, 2010 ✦ Recent update 1.0.2 in Jan 1, 2019 ✦ Simple and useful Web Framework ✦ ( Web ) !32 Flask
  28. Web Frameworks Flask for me ✦ Good point for me

    ✦ ✦ ✦ Bad point for me ✦ ✦ !33
  29. List of functions for a Web Framework important functions ✦

    HTML Template ✦ URL dispatcher ✦ decorator ✦ Managing Requests ✦ Managing cookies ✦ Login function ✦ Managing users ✦ Persistent layer ✦ ORM (Add-on) ✦ Manage data in a Database ✦ Web server ✦ Test server ✦ Support WSGI ✦ Run command or manage daemon ✦ REST API (Add-on ask-restplus) ✦ Handling local data ✦ global variable ✦ Async server ✦ Setting up and managing environment data ✦ Python code or ini le !34
  30. Web Frameworks ✦ Pyramid https://trypyramid.com/ ✦ Pylons Project ✦ Repoze

    Public License (BSD-like) ✦ First release on PyPi 1.0 / Jan 31, 2011 ✦ Recent update 1.10.1 in Jan 1, 2019 ✦ Full support Web Framework ✦ Web !35 Pyramid
  31. Web Frameworks Pyramid for me ✦ Good point for me

    ✦ ✦ ✦ Bad point for me ✦ !36
  32. List of functions for a Web Framework important functions ✦

    HTML Template ✦ Add-on (choosing any template) ✦ URL dispatcher ✦ decorator ✦ traversal ✦ Managing Requests ✦ Managing cookies ✦ Login function ✦ Managing users ✦ Persistent layer ✦ ORM or ZODB ✦ Manage data in a Database ✦ Web server ✦ Test server ✦ Support WSGI ✦ Run command or manage daemon ✦ REST API ✦ Need to make a code ✦ Handling local data ✦ context object ✦ Async server ✦ a part of support ✦ Setting up and managing environment data ✦ ini le !37
  33. Web Frameworks ✦ Zope2 / Zope http://www.zope.org/ ✦ Zope Foundation

    (Plone Foundation) ✦ Zope Public License ✦ First release before 2000 ✦ Recent update 2.13.28 / 4.0a in Jan 1, 2019 ✦ Full stack biggest Web Framework ✦ Web !38 Zope
  34. Web Frameworks Zope for me ✦ Good point for me

    ✦ ✦ ✦ Bad point for me ✦ !39
  35. List of functions for a Web Framework important functions ✦

    HTML Template ✦ URL dispatcher ✦ object traversal ✦ Managing Requests ✦ Managing cookies ✦ Login function ✦ Managing users ✦ Persistent layer ✦ Include a Object DB (ZODB) ✦ Manage data in a Database ✦ Web server ✦ Original or WSGI ✦ Run command or manage daemon ✦ REST API ✦ Add-on ✦ Handling local data ✦ context object ✦ Async server ✦ Setting up and managing environment data ✦ Conf le by buildout !40
  36. Web Frameworks ✦ Tornado https://www.tornadoweb.org ✦ Facebook (originally developed at

    FriendFeed) ✦ Apache License, Version 2.0 ✦ First release on PyPi 0.2 / May 18, 2010 ✦ Recent update 5.1.1 in Jan 1, 2019 (now 6.0 already released) ✦ Asynchronous Web Framework ✦ ( Web ) !41 Tornado
  37. Web Frameworks Tornado for me ✦ Good point for me

    ✦ ✦ Bad point for me ✦ !42
  38. List of functions for a Web Framework important functions ✦

    HTML Template ✦ Original ✦ URL dispatcher ✦ Register ✦ Managing Requests ✦ Managing cookies ✦ Login function ✦ Managing users ✦ Persistent layer ✦ Type of Databases ✦ Manage data in a Database ✦ Web server ✦ Original ✦ Run command or manage daemon ✦ REST API ✦ Need to make a code ✦ Handling local data ✦ Async server ✦ Setting up and managing environment data ✦ tornado.options (parse_*) !43
  39. Web Frameworks ✦ aiohttp https://aiohttp.readthedocs.io/ ✦ Nikolay Kim and Andrew

    Svetlov ✦ Apache 2 licensed ✦ First release on PyPi 0.1 / Oct 26, 2013 ✦ Recent update 3.5.1 in Jan 1, 2019 ✦ Async HTTP client/server for asyncio ✦ ( HTTP ) !44 aiohttp
  40. Web Frameworks aiohttp for me ✦ Good point for me

    ✦ ✦ Bad point for me ✦ !45
  41. List of functions for a Web Framework important functions ✦

    HTML Template ✦ add-on (aiohttp_jinja2) ✦ URL dispatcher ✦ Register ✦ decorator ✦ Managing Requests ✦ Managing cookies ✦ Login function ✦ add-on (aiohttp_session) ✦ Managing users ✦ Persistent layer ✦ Type of Databases ✦ Manage data in a Database ✦ (aiopg.sa) ✦ Web server ✦ Original ✦ Run command or manage daemon ✦ REST API ✦ Need to make a code ✦ Handling local data ✦ app object in request ✦ Async server ✦ Setting up and managing environment data !46
  42. Web Frameworks ✦ Guillotina https://guillotina.readthedocs.io ✦ Ramon Navarro Bosch &

    Nathan Van Gheem (Plone Foundation) ✦ BSD license ✦ First release on PyPi 1.3.0 / Aug 1, 2017 ✦ Recent update 4.4.0 in Jan 1, 2019 ✦ AsyncIO REST API Framework for Object model ✦ ( REST API ) !47 Guillotina
  43. Web Frameworks Guillotina for me ✦ Good point for me

    ✦ ✦ ✦ Bad point for me ✦ ✦ !48
  44. List of functions for a Web Framework important functions ✦

    HTML Template ✦ URL dispatcher ✦ object traversal ✦ Managing Requests ✦ Managing cookies ✦ Login function ✦ Managing users ✦ Persistent layer ✦ Special connector to PostgreSQL ✦ Manage data in a Database ✦ Web server ✦ Run command or manage daemon ✦ REST API ✦ Handling local data ✦ context ✦ Async server ✦ Setting up and managing environment data ✦ yaml !49
  45. Web Frameworks ✦ Bottle https://bottlepy.org/ ✦ Marcel Hellkamp ✦ MIT

    License ✦ First release on PyPi 0.4.3 / Jul 7, 2009 ✦ Recent update 0.12.16 in Jan 1, 2019 ✦ Simple and lightweight WSGI micro web-framework ✦ ( ) !50 Bottle
  46. Web Frameworks Bottle for me ✦ Good point for me

    ✦ ✦ Bad point for me ✦ !51
  47. List of functions for a Web Framework important functions ✦

    HTML Template ✦ Add-on (choosing any template) ✦ URL dispatcher ✦ decorator ✦ Managing Requests ✦ Managing cookies ✦ Login function ✦ Managing users ✦ Persistent layer ✦ ORM (add-on) ✦ Manage data in a Database ✦ Web server ✦ Test server ✦ Support WSGI ✦ Run command or manage daemon ✦ REST API ✦ Need to make a code ✦ Handling local data ✦ Async server ✦ Setting up and managing environment data !52
  48. Web Frameworks ✦ responder https://python-responder.org/ ✦ Kenneth Reitz ✦ Apache

    License, Version 2.0 ✦ First release on PyPi 0.0.0 / Oct 9, 2018 ✦ Recent update 1.1.2 in Jan 1, 2019 (now 1.3 already released) ✦ ASGI app for API server ✦ (ASGI API ) !53 responder
  49. Web Frameworks responder for me ✦ Good point for me

    ✦ ✦ Bad point for me ✦ ( ??) !54
  50. List of functions for a Web Framework important functions ✦

    HTML Template ✦ jinja2 ✦ URL dispatcher ✦ decorator ✦ Managing Requests ✦ Managing cookies ✦ Login function ✦ Managing users ✦ Persistent layer ✦ Type of Databases ✦ Manage data in a Database ✦ Web server ✦ ASGI?? ✦ Run command or manage daemon ✦ REST API ✦ Handling local data ✦ ?? ✦ Async server ✦ Setting up and managing environment data ✦ ?? !55
  51. How to choose a Web Framework for your project News

    site ( ) ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ !58 ✦ Django ✦ Flask ✦ Pyramid ✦ Zope ✦ Tornado ✦ aiohttp ✦ Guillotina ✦ Bottle ✦ responder
  52. How to choose a Web Framework for your project API

    backend server (API ) ✦ JSON ✦ ✦ ✦ ? ✦ !59 ✦ Django ✦ Flask ✦ Pyramid ✦ Zope ✦ Tornado ✦ aiohttp ✦ Guillotina ✦ Bottle ✦ responder
  53. How to choose a Web Framework for your project Single

    endpoint API server (1 API) ✦ JSON ✦ ✦ ✦ ? ✦ AWS Lambda ? !60 ✦ Django ✦ Flask ✦ Pyramid ✦ Zope ✦ Tornado ✦ aiohttp ✦ Guillotina ✦ Bottle ✦ responder
  54. How to choose a Web Framework for your project Portal

    site ( ) ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ !61 ✦ Django ✦ Flask ✦ Pyramid ✦ Zope ✦ Tornado ✦ aiohttp ✦ Guillotina ✦ Bottle ✦ responder
  55. How to choose a Web Framework for your project CMS

    ( ) ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ !62 ✦ Django ✦ Flask ✦ Pyramid ✦ Zope ✦ Tornado ✦ aiohttp ✦ Guillotina ✦ Bottle ✦ responder
  56. How to choose a Web Framework for your project API

    Server for CMS ✦ JSON ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ !63 ✦ Django ✦ Flask ✦ Pyramid ✦ Zope ✦ Tornado ✦ aiohttp ✦ Guillotina ✦ Bottle ✦ responder