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i3 tiling window manager

April 13, 2015

i3 tiling window manager

Just a short talk about i3, a tiling window manager that you don't see it frequently.


April 13, 2015

More Decks by thekk

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  1. Why tiling window manager? - All windows are in their

    own tile - Always uses entire screen - Waste none of piece of space - Control everything with keyboard - Fun to configure your own environment - Feel like you're a hacker in the movie - Beautiful! - Prevent people who tring to use your PC
  2. Why not tiling window manager? - You'll lose the magic

    to using other's computer, or feel pain to do that
  3. i3

  4. Install & try i3 - pacman, apt, yum, etc -

    if you're using display manager, then choose session as “i3” and done! - if you prefer startx like me, modify ~/.xinitrc to use i3
  5. Caution! Make sure you have the ability to edit ~/.i3/config,

    otherwise you gonna be stucked cause the default i3 setting might not always work for you
  6. Open & close applications - mod + return: open terminal

    - mod + d: open dmenu - dmenu is an application launcher - mod + shift + q: close a tile - same as the X button - that's all, simple right?
  7. Focus to other tile - mod + j: focus left

    - mod + k: focus down - mod + l: focus up - mod + ;: focus right - mod + space: toggle focus on floating tiles - anyway, you can change it as you like
  8. Tile management - mod + shift + j: move focus

    tile left - mod + shift + k: move focus tile down - mod + shift + l: move focus tile up - mod + shift + ;: move focus tile right - mod + f: toggle fullscreen - mod + shift + space: toggle floating - mod + r: toggle reisze mode
  9. Change workspace - mod + 1: to workspace 1 -

    so on - mod + n: to next workspace - mod + p: to previous workspace
  10. Useful operations - mod + shift + r: restart i3

    in place - mod + shift + c: reload i3 config file - mod + shift + e: exit i3 session
  11. It's dangerous to go alone! Take these - dmenu: open

    other applications - i3lock: simple screen locker - LXAppearance: set gtk theme - LXInput: set input properties - Unclutter: hide cursor if you stop moving - feh: tool to set wallpaper and view images
  12. Customization - config file is located at ~/.i3/config - change

    it as you like - visit i3 site for more information - become a pro
  13. References - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Windowmanager_ohne.png - https://www.gnome.org/ - http://openbox.org/wiki/File:Openbox_screenshot.jpg - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiling_window_manager#/media/File:Dwm-screenshot.png -

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Schema_of_the_layers_of_the_graphical_user_interface.svg - http://i3wm.org/screenshots/i3-5.png - http://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html