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A Deep Dive into Hackathon Sponsorship

December 17, 2014

A Deep Dive into Hackathon Sponsorship

Over the years we've learned a ton about raising sponsorship. Swift will lead a thirty minute workshop over Google Hangouts on the best practices we've discovered over the years raising sponsorship for events. After the presentation, there will be time for questions.

This workshop will address common questions like: how to price sponsorship, source leads, reach out to sponsors, and secure monetary (and non-monetary) sponsorship.

Video: http://youtu.be/QI9NVe2wA5w?t=8m56s


December 17, 2014

More Decks by Swift

Other Decks in Business


  1. MLH 1. Understanding Sponsors 2. Laying the Groundwork 3. Following

    a Process HERE’S WHAT WE’LL COVER TODAY 4. Protips, Pitfalls, & What-ifs 5. Q&A + The Future
  2. 01. Product Feedback Watch how people use & interact with

    their product or service in real time. OBJECTIVE: VALUABLE PERKS: Distribution 1 Branding Exposure 2 Interactions 3
  3. 02. Marketing Raise brand awareness and/or change brand perception. OBJECTIVE:

    VALUABLE PERKS: Experiences 1 Branding Position 2 Memorability 3
  4. 03. Recruitment Recruit top technical talent and develop employer branding.

    OBJECTIVE: VALUABLE PERKS: Resumes 1 Thought Leadership 2 Interactions 3
  5. MLH 1. Cost per Attendee 2. Attendee Value 3. Sponsor

    Landscape SOME COMMON EVALUATION METHODS 4. Package Value 5. The Force (a.k.a Their Gut)
  6. Vs.

  7. 05. The Force (a.k.a Their Gut) Does this feel like

    the event I should be sponsoring?
  8. MLH 1. Financial 2. Presenting 3. Anchor Brands TYPES OF

    SPONSORS 4. Strategic Partners 5. In-Kind
  9. for example 01. Financial Companies that trade cash for value.

    This is your bread and butter. Almost every company on every hackathon website.
  10. for example 03. Anchor Brands A company that other, similar

    brands look for when sponsoring events.
  11. for example 05. In Kind Companies that donate goods or

    services in lieu of cash sponsorship.
  12. MLH 1. A Vision 2. A Website 3. Pre-Registrations YOU

    SHOULD DEFINITELY HAVE 4. A Venue* 5. Other Sponsors*
  13. MLH 1. A Vision 2. A Website 3. Pre-Registrations YOU

    SHOULD DEFINITELY HAVE 4. A Venue* 5. Other Sponsors* These might not be locked down, but you should have progress to show.
  14. 01. Standard Tiers Document Usually 1 - 2 pages long.

    Provides an overview of event & sponsorship tiers. bitca.mp | sponsorship@bitca.mp | @bitcmp Evangelist Recruiter Corporate Co-Host Contribution Amount $2,500 $7,500 $20,000 $50,000 Technical Mentors present ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Tech Talk during event ceremonies 2 min 4 min 10 min Tech Talk in private room 30 min 1 hour Recruiting Distribution of recruiting materials ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Best For: Sponsors who ask for it or are ready to buy.
  15. 02. PowerPoint Decks Usually 5 - 10 slides long. Provide

    an overview of the event & team. Best For: Cold Emailing
  16. 03. Custom Proposals Usually 1 - 5 pages long. Provides

    an overview of the event and Best For: Tiers without fixed pricing & sponsors offering more than cash. outlines a custom package & price.
  17. MLH 1. Event Name 2. Event Date 3. Event Location

    THINGS YOU SHOULD ALWAYS INCLUDE 4. Projected Attendance 5. Website URL 6. Contact Email / Phone
  18. MLH 1. How many tiers should I have? 2. How

    much should my tiers be? 3. What perks should apply to each tier? QUESTIONS TO ASK

    EXPENSIVE 01. How many tiers should I have?
  20. 02. How much should my tiers be? There’s no easy

    answer here. Use CPA, your budget, & instinct.
  21. 03. What perks should apply to each tier? Sponsors will

    value whatever YOU SAY is valuable.
  22. MLH 1. Set Targets & Do Research 2. Get in

    Touch 3. Exploratory Phone Call THE MLH SPONSORSHIP PROCESS 4. Make a Proposal 5. Follow Up
  23. 01. Set Targets & Do Research Figure out which companies

    you want to sponsor and who the decision makers are there. OBJECTIVE: TOOLS OF THE TRADE: LinkedIn 1 Data.com 2 CEOEmail.com 3
  24. 02. Get in Touch Get an introduction from someone in

    your network or send a well-crafted and thoughtful email. OBJECTIVE: TOOLS OF THE TRADE: LinkedIn 1 Facebook 2 Google 3
  25. 03. Exploratory Phone Call Get the decision makers on the

    phone and find out what their success metrics are. OBJECTIVE: TOOLS OF THE TRADE: Sell your team & the story 1 Ask about past sponsorships & budget 2 Let them do the talking 3
  26. 04. Make a Proposal Send over a well crafted proposal

    and an explanation of why it fits their company’s needs. OBJECTIVE: TOOLS OF THE TRADE: Set a deadline 1 Ask for a follow up call 2 Less is more 3
  27. 05. Follow Up Follow up with all prospective sponsors and

    keep the event on their radar. OBJECTIVE: TOOLS OF THE TRADE: RelateIQ 1 Boomerang 2 followup.cc 3
  28. Sell the TEAM & EXPERTISE. “We’re working with Major League

    Hacking.” Getting sanctioned goes a long way. You’re working with the experts.