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Clean Architecture with Spring (Spring I/O 2019)

Clean Architecture with Spring (Spring I/O 2019)

Buzzwords like “Clean Architecture” and “Hexagonal Architecture” have been around for quite some time now. But have you actually seen an application built with one of these paradigms? How do we actually implement such an architecture in a way that the software we create stays flexible and maintainable?

This talk presents the concepts and reasoning behind the buzzwords “Clean Architecture” and “Hexagonal Architecture” and translates them into actual code. Going through an example web application based on Java and Spring, we’ll discuss the full stack ranging from the web layer to the persistence layer. How should we structure our application? Where does the input validation code belong? How do I access my domain logic? How can I let my bounded contexts communicate cleanly? And how does Spring help with all of this? These questions and more will be answered.

Tom Hombergs

May 17, 2019

More Decks by Tom Hombergs

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