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Introducción a React Native

Introducción a React Native

Charla presentada en el meetup local NSCoders Night Madrid introduciendo react-native y algunos de los motivos por los que en ticketea hemos comenzado una nueva aplicación con esta tecnología.

Presentada por Jorge Maroto @patoroco y Miguel Araujo @maraujop.

Ticketea Engineering

December 02, 2015

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  1. Framework by facebook Using React Easy bridging native code Multiplatform

    apps written in JavaScript (actually ES2015) What is React Native? 4
  2. It's a pattern supported by a library Different implementations: ReactJS

    / React Native Everything in React is a component Data flow is unidirectional What is React? 8
  3. Not a webview Not a 100% code reuse Closer to

    frontend development than native development What is not React Native? 11
  4. Support for iOS / Android index.ios.js / index.android.js ToastAndroid /

    ActivityIndicatorIOS Differences between Android / iOS 15
  5. There is a great getting started tutorial from facebook Better

    on OS X XCode > 7.0 / Android 6.0 (API 23) node 4.0 + watchman + flow npm install -g react-native-cli Getting started 17
  6. react-native init <project_name> . ├── android ├── index.android.js ├── index.ios.js

    ├── ios ├── node_modules └── package.json react-native init 18
  7. Only compile when native code added react-native run-android compile on

    XCode facebook packager react-native start Autoreload on JavaScript changes Development process 19
  8. Not storyboards (and much less autolayout) either XML layouts CSS

    + flexbox as styling language Design & layout 25
  9. Single place for our state Predictable code flow Redux has

    been very easy to test Flux & Redux 46
  10. Blocking animations Some inconsistencies between iOS / Android We’ve hit

    around 12 bugs and reported some Early adopting on Android Issues 48
  11. Sharing code between platforms (including tests) Testing in JS-way (no

    simulator needed) Web developers can easily jump into react-native Some things are done faster (less boilerplate) React and redux are a killer combo Learning curve Advantages 49
  12. Missing more best practices Storyboards vs. (JSX + flexbox) (Swift

    / Obj-C / Java / Kotlin) vs. JS Mature ecosystem with less WTF/min More libraries available Disadvantages 50