base system BSD-style Init No GUI configuration utilities Rolling Release Bleeding Edge latest stable packages (upstream) Generic binary kernel (i686 x86_64) stable longtime supported kernel (kernel-lts) User-centric and not User Frienldy Code correctness over convenience Avoid unnecessary patches that provide eye-candy and automations openfest 2011 2 ... 8
users For users that need their system as striped down as possible no GUI installation ArchWiki is one of the largest community contributed online linux documentation source Archlinux forum is one of the most active linux technical forums. openfest 2011 3 ... 8
multilib (136) testing (143) AUR (28638 pkgs) Wiki Pages (3135) Forum Total number of registered users: 40,797 Total number of topics: 112,168 Total number of posts: 887,244 Trusted Users (26) openfest 2011 6 ... 8