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いつものQAをもっと楽にするDeployGateの使い方 / Tips to make day...

いつものQAをもっと楽にするDeployGateの使い方 / Tips to make day to day app QA easier with DeployGate

Yuki Fujisaki

February 07, 2020

More Decks by Yuki Fujisaki

Other Decks in Programming


  1. DeployGate ʹ͓͚Δ౷ܭ • େ͖Ίͷاۀ: 1ΞϓϦʹ͖ͭ ݄ʹ਺ඦճ ͷΠϯετʔϧ • ϐʔΫ࣌͸݄5,000ճ௒έʔε΋ •

    ελʔτΞοϓͰ΋݄ʹ200ճ͙Β͍͸ී௨ • ͪͳΈʹฏۉ21Ͱதԝ஋͸4 (ແྉϢʔβʔؚΉ)
  2. Send a Slack message εςοϓ (1/2) • ·ͣ͸ Slack ଆͰ

    Webhook URL Λऔಘ • Custom Integrations → Incoming WebHooks Ͱ௥Ճ • URL Λ Slack Webhook URL ʹઃఆ
  3. Send a Slack message εςοϓ (2/2) • A list of

    buttons attached to the message as link buttons ʹ Download|${DEPLOYGATE_DISTRIBUTION_URL} Λ௥Ճ
  4. ϙΠϯτ • Revision, Version Code, Version Name, Icon΋ೖΕͱ͘ • ϛε͕ݮΔ

    • QRίʔυ΋Slack্ʹग़ͯ͠͠·͏ • खؒΛݮΒ͢
  5. Script εςοϓ #!/usr/bin/env bash set -ex json_parse() { ruby -rjson

    -e "print JSON.parse(ENV['DEPLOYGATE_UPLOAD_APP_STEP_RESULT_JSON'])$1" } json_to_env() { json_parse $1 | envman add --key $2 } json_to_env '["results"]["distribution"]["url"]' DEPLOYGATE_DISTRIBUTION_URL json_to_env '["results"]["revision"]' DEPLOYGATE_REVISION json_to_env '["results"]["icon"]' DEPLOYGATE_APP_ICON json_to_env '["results"]["version_code"]' DEPLOYGATE_VERSION_CODE json_to_env '["results"]["version_name"]' DEPLOYGATE_VERSION_NAME echo -n "https://deploygate.com/qr?size=200&data=$(json_parse '["results"]["distribution"]["url"]')" \ | envman add --key DEPLOYGATE_DISTRIBUTION_URL_QR
  6. Send a Slack message εςοϓ 1/3 • URL to an

    image to use as the icon for the message → $DEPLOYGATE_APP_ICON • the bot's username for the message → $BITRISE_APP_TITLE • A URL to an image file that will be displayed inside the attachment → $DEPLOYGATE_DISTRIBUTION_URL_QR
  7. Send a Slack message εςοϓ 2/3 • A list of

    fields to be displayed in a table inside the attachmentInsert variable ↓ Branch|${BITRISE_GIT_BRANCH} Version Name|${DEPLOYGATE_VERSION_NAME} Version Code|${DEPLOYGATE_VERSION_CODE} DeployGate Revision|#${DEPLOYGATE_REVISION}
  8. Send a Slack message εςοϓ 3/3 • A list of

    buttons attached to the message as link buttons ↓ View Build|${BITRISE_BUILD_URL} Download|${DEPLOYGATE_DISTRIBUTION_URL}