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Visual Recording

Visual Recording

Tom Kealey

June 22, 2012

More Decks by Tom Kealey

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  1. Let me put you in the picture Let me show

    you what I mean Love Spreads, Stone Roses Second Coming 1994
  2. Framing setting expectations make it easier, even compelling, to pick

    up a pen/marker and engage in powerful conversations
  3. Agenda setting perspective 0 30 15 5 10 20 25

    open, intro science (why?) skills (what?) recording (what? how?) tips, advice, close
  4. Science neuroscience * neurons - an electrically excitable cell that

    processes and transmits information 50% processing power dedicated to visual input Data Processing 75% neurons dedicated to visual sense Data Input
  5. Science retention and recall Doodle Power 29% increase in recollection

    Picture Superiority Effect Oral 10% accuracy Oral + Picture 65% accuracy (>72hrs) Source: Brain Rules by John Medina a
  6. Visual Recording sketchnotes 1 bla bla bla bla bla wolf

    graphic recording 2 aka. scribing, graphic note taking
  7. Fundamentals sketchnotes Lettering Frames Bullets Connectors Pop People Emotions Icons

    Lettering Frames Bullets Connectors Pop People Emotions Icons
  8. Quick Reference six ways we see and show Who? What?

    - things, people and roles - portraits, objects How much? - measuring and counting - charts When? - scheduling and timing - timelines How? - how things influence each other - flowcharts Why? - seeing the big picture - plots Where? - directions + how things fit together - maps #botnapkin
  9. one

  10. Visual Recording - collect the viewpoints - see what you

    and others mean - capture your wisdom - increase ROI on speakers and gatherings - custom takeaways and meeting memories
  11. Starting Out stay curious Copy - steal like an artist

    - discover what works for you Practice - develop active listening/seeing skills + + + + + Make your mark - don’t be intimidated - stop apologising Look Out/In Up/Down - open your eyes - it’s all around you - signs (esp. if crowds or speed involved)
  12. References books, tweeps and video solving problems with pictures brain

    books dan_roam sunnibrown loosetooth davegray craightonbarman naceyduarte rohdesign austinkeon evalottchen twitter online sunnibrown imagethink evalottchen
  13. Feedback checking expectations make it easier, even compelling, to pick

    up a pen/marker and engage in powerful conversations
  14. Tom Kealey Agile Coach and Visual Thinker +46 (0)73 8338

    073 | [email protected] | www.zerodegrees.nu | @tomkealey | linkedin.com/in/tomkealey .nu