year. 5 out of 6 organizations plan to implement cloud storage for their future operations. Cloud Storage 46% 38% 16% Organizations Already Use Organizations Plan to Use Organizations Don’t Use *Source:
on cloud storage as their DR strategy. 1 out of 10 organizations depend only on cloud storage for their backup. Cloud Storage for DR 47% 33% 27% Don't Use Use Both Traditional & Cloud Depend totally on Cloud *Source:
we can now capture, store and analyze in Real-Time. Big data comes from.. 57% Emails 88% Transactions 38% Audio 34% Video and Photos *Source:
are created every minute of the day. 72 hours of video are added to YouTube every minute. 30+ billion pieces of data is added to Facebook every month. 400 million tweets are created by active users each day. It is impossible to capture, store, manage and analyze huge data without “BIG DATA” *Source:
2012, 90% of entire data existed in past had been created in previous 2 years. 50X The data in 2020 will be larger compared to today *Source:
is expected to be created by consumers. -Big data is expected to create 4.4 million IT Jobs globally. -3 Billion people are expected to be online to push and share the data of 8 Zeta bytes. $32.1 Billion dollars is expected to be spent on big data in 2014 *Source: