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Recap .NET MAUI Day Cologne

Recap .NET MAUI Day Cologne

The .NET MAUI day is a one-day, free, event filled with sessions that have to do with cross-platform development based on .NET MAUI (Multi-platform App UI).

Speakers from all around the world will be there to present about the latest and greatest in the .NET MAUI ecosystem, as well as being in the “hallway track” so you can talk to them, discuss and ask questions.

Sebastian Jensen

November 12, 2024

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  1. The .NET MAUI day is a one-day, free, event filled

    with sessions that have to do with cross-platform development based on .NET MAUI (Multi-platform App UI). Speakers from all around the world will be there to present about the latest and greatest in the .NET MAUI ecosystem, as well as being in the “hallway track” so you can talk to them, discuss and ask questions. . N E T M A U I D A Y 2 0 2 4
  2. Shaping the Future of .NET MAUI ▪ .NET MAUI is

    not dead ▪ Every November a new version will be released (togehter with .NET) ▪ .NET MAUI Roadmap ▪ Android: API 35, Trimming, Asset Pack Support ▪ iOS: Xcode 16, Multi-Targeting, Swift Interop ▪ .NET MAUI: Focus on bugs, CollectionView, Visibility on GitHub, … . N E T M A U I D A Y – S E S S I O N 1
  3. Lessons learned from migrating to .NET MAUI ▪ Xamarin.Forms application

    for Hearing Aids ▪ Move from Xamarin.Forms to .NET MAUI ▪ NuGet Packages replacements: Mopups, Community Toolkit ▪ Custom Renders vs. Handlers . N E T M A U I D A Y – S E S S I O N 2
  4. Enterprise applications with .NET MAUI ▪ Certificate Pinning – SSL

    validation ▪ Obfuscating of your code ▪ FRIDA Tools ▪ Dynamic instrumentation toolkit for developers, reverse-engineers, and security researchers. . N E T M A U I D A Y – S E S S I O N 3
  5. How to Avoid Mobile App-pocalypse ▪ dotnet workload install maui

    ▪ # Build Windows ▪ dotnet publish <path> -f .net8.0-widows10.0.19041.0 –c Release ▪ # Build Android ▪ dotnet publish <path> -f .net8.0-android –c Release ▪ # Build iOS ▪ dotnet publish <path> -f .net8.0-ios –c Release –p:BuildIpa=True ▪ # Build MacCatalyst ▪ dotnet publish <path> -f .net8.0-maccatalayst –c Release –p:BuildIpa=True . N E T M A U I D A Y – S E S S I O N 4
  6. Let‘s turn your website into a hybrid .NET MAUI app

    ▪ WebView ▪ display „normal“ website and adjust it via CSS ▪ BlazorWebView ▪ combine a Blazor project with native .NET MAUI ▪ HybridWebView ▪ hosting any HTML/JS/CSS content in a web view . N E T M A U I D A Y – S E S S I O N 5
  7. Intro to Aspire for .NET MAUI developers ▪ Orchestration ▪

    .NET Aspire provides features for running and connecting multi-project applications and their dependencies for local development environments. ▪ Integrations ▪ .NET Aspire integrations are NuGet packages for commonly used services, such as Redis or Postgres, with standardized interfaces ensuring they connect consistently and seamlessly with your app. ▪ Tooling ▪ .NET Aspire comes with project templates and tooling experiences for Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, and the .NET CLI to help you create and interact with .NET Aspire projects. . N E T M A U I D A Y – S E S S I O N 6
  8. Sessions with .NET MAUI content ▪ Keynote – Welcome to

    .NET 9 ▪ What‘s new in C# 13 ▪ What‘s New in .NET MAUI in .NET 9 ▪ Build hybrid apps with .NET MAUI ▪ What‘s new in C# Dev Kit for VS Code ▪ C#‘s Best features you might not be using https://www.dotnetconf.net ▪ .NET MAUI Performance Optimisations ▪ From Figma to .NET MAUI ▪ Accessibility as a concept ▪ Community Toolkit Roundup ▪ State of the .NET Foundation ▪ Deep dive on native AOT/ . N E T C O N F 2 0 2 4