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Leveraging Ambari to Build Comprehensive Manage...

Leveraging Ambari to Build Comprehensive Management UIs For Your Hadoop Applications

Apache Conference (2015): http://sched.co/3zzs

This presentation will demonstrate how to leverage modern HTML5 technologies with the flexibility of Apache Ambari to build a comprehensive, responsive and attractive management interfaces for your Hadoop applications. In the process we will walk you through the reference implementation of an management interface for SQL-on-Hadoop application and integrate it with Apache Ambari. We will share our experience in using technologies like Google Polymer, Spring Boot and Apache Ambari.

Christian Tzolov

September 28, 2015

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  1. Leveraging Ambari to Build Comprehensive Management UIs For Your Hadoop

    Applications by Christian Tzolov @christzolov
  2. Whoami Christian Tzolov Technical Architect at Pivotal, BigData, Hadoop, SpringXD,

    Apache Committer, Crunch PMC member [email protected] blog.tzolov.net @christzolov
  3. Contents • Ambari Overview • Stacks and Services (demo) •

    Blueprints (demo) • Views (demo) • Metrics & Monitoring • On the Cloud
  4. Deployment Topology Ambari Web (REST API) Ambari Server admin node

    Ambari Agent cluster node 1 Ambari Agent cluster node 2 Ambari Agent cluster node N
  5. Service Concepts • Stack - Set of (managed) Services and

    software packages for them • Service - Set of (distributed) Components • Component - Service building block of type Master, Slave, Client
  6. Service Layout |_ services |_ <service_name> metainfo.xml metrics.json |_ configuration

    {configuration files} |_ package |_ scripts {command scripts} • metainfo.xml - defines service, components and the command management scripts • configuration - service config files used in and deployed through the command scripts • package/scripts - commandScripts and templates.
  7. Metainfo.xml <metainfo> <schemaVersion/> <services> <service> <name/> <displayName/> <comment/> <version/> <components/>

    <osSpecifics/> <commandScript/> <requiredServices/> <configuration-dependencies/> </service> </services> </metainfo> <components> <component> <name>CUST_MASTER</name> <displayName>Master</displayName> <category>MASTER</category> <cardinality>1</cardinality> <commandScript> <script>scripts/master.py</script> <scriptType>PYTHON</scriptType> <timeout>600</timeout> </commandScript> </component> ……… </components>
  8. Service / Command Script import sys from resource_management import *

    class Master(Script): def install(self, env): def stop(self, env): def start(self, env): def status(self, env): def configure(self, env): if __name__ == "__main__": Master().execute() import sys from resource_management import * class Slave(Script): def install(self, env): def stop(self, env): def start(self, env): def status(self, env): def configure(self, env): if __name__ == "__main__": Slave().execute()
  9. Why? • Installation Automation • Declarative definition of a cluster

    • Specify a Stack, the Component layout and the Configurations to materialize a cluster • REST API
  10. Blueprint Flow Ambari Server node 1 Cluster 1 node 2

    node N Cluster 2 . . . . Cluster Z . . . . Blueprint (json) Host Mapping (json) REST API
  11. Blueprint Deploy { "Blueprints" : { "stack_name" : "PHD", "stack_version"

    : "3.0" }, "configurations" : [ { "hawq-site" : { "properties" : { "hawq.master.port" : "5532" } } } ], "host_groups" : [ { "name" : "management_masters", "components" : [ { "name" : "NAMENODE" }, { "name" : "HAWQMASTER" } ], "cardinality" : "1" }, …… ]} POST /api/v1/blueprints/my-blueprint { "blueprint" : "hdfs-hawq-blueprint", "default_password" : "secret-password", "host_groups" : [ { "name" : "management_masters", "hosts": [ { "fqdn":"ambari.localdomain" } ] }, { "name" : "masters_workers", "hosts": [ { "fqdn":"phd1.localdomain" }, { "fqdn":"phd2.localdomain" }, { "fqdn":"phd3.localdomain" } ] } ] } POST /api/v1/clusters/my-cluster
  12. Blueprint REST API /api/v1/blueprint Cluster Logical Structure and configuration /api/v1/cluster

    Physical cluster mapping. Materializes a blueprint with real infrastructure /api/v1/clusters/<cluster name>? format=blueprint Exports blueprint for an existing cluster
  13. View Components Ambari Server Ambari Web Server Side (java) Client

    Side (js,html..) REST API VIEW PACKAGE (JAR) • Client Side - any client-side technologies • Server Side - Java application, Servlet, a REST service or ResourceProvider. • View Package - JAR bundles of the view definition and resources • View Context - Instance attributes and configuration context
  14. View Context • On the Server Side • View-instance Config

    • View-instance Attributes • Execution context, authenticated user principal ViewContext getUsername() : String getViewName() : String getInstanceName() : String getProperties() : Map<String,String> putInstanceData(…) getInstanceData(…) : String
  15. View REST API GET /api/v1/views List deployed views GET /api/v1/views/<View

    Name> List all View instances GET /api/v1/views/<View Name>/versions/<View Version> Show specific View instance POST /api/v1/views/<View Name>/versions/<View Version>/instances/<Instance Name> [{“ViewInstanceInfo":{ "properties" : { "dataworker.defaultFs":“webhdfs://namenode.host:50070" }}}] Create new View Instance
  16. Ambari Metrics System Collect, Aggregate and Serve System Metrics •

    Metric Collector - Collects and Aggregates • Metric Monitor - System-level metrics • Metric Hadoop Sinks - Service-level metrics