INTERNATIONAL LAW 地理空間情報を普遍的に利用(universal use)することで、 よりよい世界のため国連が行っている活動や任務を支える。 (国連事務局 地理空間情報戦略より) 平和と安全 人権 持続可能な開発 人道支援 国際法 Geospatial Strategy for the United Nations: eospatial_strategy_for_the_united_nations-book.pdf
UNMISS UNSOS UNMHA UNFICYP UNTSO UNDOF UNIFIL UNAMA UN Headquarters New York, USA UN Global Service Centre Brindisi, Italy ECLAC ESCWA ECA ESCAP ECE Regional Commissions Peace operations 物流のハブとなるUNGSCと共に地理空間情報を提供
GitHub: @ubukawa Senior Geospatial Expert, UN Geospatial Information Section The UN Open GIS Initiative aims to identify and develop an Open Source GIS bundle that meets the requirements of UN operations for both peace-building and peace-keeping. Geospatial Strategy for the United Nations The effective, efficient and universal use of geospatial information in support of all mandates and operations of the United Nations for a better world Our strategy and Initiative