Hello, hello, hello. g'day, what is love? So if you ask Pat Benatar, you believe that love is a battlefield. And if you're more into the DJ, you believe love is a gift. If we just took these songs seriously, it has radically different implications for our love lives, how we see what we do, how others see what we do, the options that are open to us, what we're like on a date. Research suggests that language doesn't just describe our reality, it structures our reality. It creates a whole model through which we experience the world and applies to our love lives but also applies to the work that we do and content people as designers. The language that we use creates a model and that model structures how we see what we do, how others see what we do, and the options that are open to us. I'm going to dive into content and even that one word, a whole model that we can unpack. So what is content? Well, the scientific definition is content is the stuff we put in sinks. And I like this because it captures words on a web page, whiskey in a bottle, and grain in grain size. So you've got the content and the container and this model structures the whole way we think about content. A couple of things flow from there. We tend to think of con tent as a commodity. Has everyone ever wondered why marketing departments feel compelled to push more and more content out there all the time? It's because they're operating from a commodity model. It's always better to have more money because money is a commodity. It's always better to have more content because content is a commodity. We tend to treat content in a transactional way. This much grain costs this many dollars, this many pages cost this many dollars. So what we're doing there is attaching cost to the unit of the commodity. We're not looking at the underlying value is that we're creating. Secondly, it means that we tend to see content as separate from design. You've got the content and you've got the container. This means that our skill sets are quite separate. You can be a UX designer and not have to worry too much about content and vice versa. It means the way we scope out projects intersected. I see a lot of container projects out there. Build us a website, build us a UI and the content is someone else's problem. Finally, it kind of goes right down to the way we structure information. So we have quite good tools and processes for thinking about structure but they tend to stop at the container level. So the way the information architecture is often practised it's mainly page, page, page, we stop at the page level but we don't dive deeper into what is the internal structure of the of the contents, what is the relationship that live there is. Why do people think this way? Well, because it gives us strong feedback loops and easy boundaries. So a feedback loop is how do I know I'm doing a good job? And this container, commodity model, it means that I can build a container, I can write some web pages and it's done. That fills the need we have for closure for accomplishment. We don't need to live in the messiness that comes with the blurring of the boundaries. So why is this a problem? Well, I think it's because it ultimately leads to design grade. It's like we buy a top of the line fridge, we chuck some random content in there, turn off the power and walk away. So what that plays out like is firstly, we have content that goes mouldy. So you have content that goes out of date, or it's it's kind of make shit up. You see ad hoc decisions made