August, 2019 DAVID DI SIPIO: Hello, everyone. Welcome. A quick show of hands - who has ever failed at something? Yes, so have I. Keep your hand up if that failure was related to some sort of fitness goal at the start of the year. Yep. So why is that? Right? That's what I'm going to hopefully unpack in this 10-minute talk. So there's this thing called the failure cycle and I feel like understanding this can help us understand why we fail at things like gym, resolutions or fitness resolutions at the start of the year. So the best way to explain it is through using a gym. It's essentially got four stages. It starts with some excitement. So January and February are actually great times for gyms because we come out of Christmas, we come out of new years, we want to lose a couple of kilos and start eating healthy and being right. However, as it starts to become winter, we may start to avoid the gym and we throw away the gym card we avoid going with our friends to the gym and soon that excitement we first started with in January or February is gone. Then what happens is we start to make excuses and we all know these. I make them too. Bloody gym, it's too full. It's too cold to the go the gym. Work's too busy. These sorts of excuses. And if it really starts to get out of hand we start to blame - blame the person who sold us the gym membership, blame the people at the gym why you can't go to the gym and you start pointing the finger. And what happens is when you point the finger, there's three fingers pointing back at you. It's a slippery slope, a really slippery slow. But the idea with this failure circle is understanding when you're tipping over from excitement to avoidance. Ideally you want to keep that excitement going. That way we can, you know, bring this sort of understanding to the work that we do, our relationships and life in general. I'm going to share a little bit about one of my failure cycles. Tht is me in front of my sailing boat when I was 12 years old. This is probably the first time I can remember going through the failure cycle. I didn't know I was going through it then but reflecting back now I did. It doesn't look like me but that's Flick my little boat. Why I bring up is sailing is I remember being really, really excited about sailing. I couldn't wait. The night before I started my first sailing lesson I was so excited. However, I soon realised that it was really bloody hard to sail. And what would happen is, when it got really, really windy, the boom - this thing, this metal pole would hit you in the head and it would really hurt. So I then started to make some excuses as to why I couldn't go sailing - too windy, too cold, I didn't feel like going. And then what I started to do is blame. I started to blame my mum, blame my dad, why did you put me into sailing lessons? Why have you got me doing this? This is a rid I think louse idea - ridiculous idea. And one of the times I started to reflect on something that was really difficult that I was excited to do initially but in the end I absolutely hated it. The reason I share that with you is because I'm keen to understand where the failure cycle appears for others. I only have a couple of minutes because we're on a tight schedule but I want to think where this plays out for you in your life and then I want you to introduce yourself to the person next to you and have a bit of a chat. About a minute. Go for it.