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5 seconds test

Ux in Lux
October 30, 2018

5 seconds test

Every 2 months in Luxembourg, we will try to organize and animate UX workshops/meetups to share knowledge among UX designers and raise awareness about UX methodologies and tools for non-designers (Business Analysts, marketing teams, content strategists,even developers, etc.)

For this third meetup, we will focus on something called "The Five Second Test"

Sometimes, all it takes for a user is less than five seconds to decide if they want to spend more time on your site or not. Especially if they are coming from search engines or social networks. The Five Second Test, as its name suggest, is a UX method to help you understand the first impression users will have of your website.

We will present you the method and then you will test it in small groups of 4 to 5 participants.

If you have a site you want to test, please let us know, it would be more fun.

Depending of the participants, we can do it in either English or French

Ux in Lux

October 30, 2018

More Decks by Ux in Lux

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  1. Welcome to the workshop! We are UX designers and we

    want to create UX workshops in Luxembourg !
  2. Share your knowledge with the community! Contact us if you

    want to present a workshop or share a UX method!
  3. Thanks :) Arhs Spikeseed is providing the venue, the drinks

    and the snacks! Reach Ron Nath Mukherjee if you have any questions :)
  4. arηs SPIKESEED 7 October 30, 2018 QUICK FACTS 108 TURNOVER

  5. arηs SPIKESEED OUR PROVEN SKILLSET Digital Signatures Strong authentication Fraud

    detection/ Blockchain Pentesting Security by design 8 October 30, 2018 Mobile & IoT app development Connected Devices UX/UI Consulting Workflow integration Self Service Analytics Machine Learning Data Warehouse BI Governance Data search Semantic technologies Web portals & CMS Data Management Enterprise architecture and BPM Cloud Advisory Cloud Migration DevOps in the Cloud Cloud Operations Native Cloud apps DIGITAL TRUST MOBILE & IoT DEVELOPMENT SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT CLOUD SERVICES DATA SCIENCE
  6. What’s the plan? 1. Five Second Test, what it that?

    2. Let’s practise 3. Networking & drinks Schedule
  7. Five second test is a small usability test that lets

    you know if users can quickly understand your product or service, what they remember and the first impression they have.
  8. What for? What do users remember from my product /

    service? Do people understand the product/service I offer? What’s the first impression users have when they look at my product /service page ?
  9. How ? We can also ask them to draw what

    they remember We show an image to participants for 5 seconds We ask a series of questions to the participants
  10. Step 1 - Preparing the test 1. Decide what you

    want to know about this page: a. First / global impression b. Objectives c. Aestheticism d. Credibility, trust e. Important information (structure) 2. Write down 2, 3 max important questions to ask users 3. Keep a half page to let users draw what they remember
  11. Step 2 - Passing the test 1. Explain to the

    participant what is going to happen 2. Show the site for 5 seconds 3. Hide the site!! 4. Ask the different questions 5. Ask the participant to draw what they remember
  12. Step 3 - Results analysis 1. Quantitative analysis a. 15

    results by user group at least to have stats 2. Qualitative analysis a. Tag clouds b. Affinity diagrams 3. Drawing analysis a. Elements people remembered b. Elements people drew but that are not on the interface
  13. Limits of the method - Not relevant results on super

    complex pages (it works best with single purpose pages) - It only gives you one small piece of the puzzle
  14. • Méthodes de design UX: 30 méthodes fondamentales pour concevoir

    et évaluer les systèmes interactifs Livre de Carine Lallemand et Guillaume Gronier • https://fivesecondtest.com (usability hub) Some tools
  15. Thank you :) Contact us if you want to present

    a workshop or share a UX method! @ux_lux on twitter - uxinlux@gmail.com