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2020 - Gritty UX: Lessons learned from increasing UX influence in internal healthcare applications

UX Y'all
September 25, 2020

2020 - Gritty UX: Lessons learned from increasing UX influence in internal healthcare applications

2020 UX Y'all session with Holiday Eng

UX Y'all

September 25, 2020

More Decks by UX Y'all

Other Decks in Design


  1. The World of Healthcare Design https://khn.org/news/death-by-a-thousand-clicks/ “Death by 1,000 Clicks”

    In a study of Pediatrics hospitals over 5 years, 3,243 errors were due to EHR usability issues. Roughly 1 in 5 could have resulted in patient harm. The average physician spends 6 hours a day on EHR tools, and 44% of that is on tasks like billing and coding. The average ER doc will make 4,000 mouse clicks over the course of a shift.
  2. The World of Internal and B2B Design https://uxdesign.cc/why-does-internal-corporate-software-suck-429a11cc8712 https://www.toptal.com/designers/web/b2b-ux-solutions Why

    Is Internal and B2B Software so Terrible? It’s not seen as helping the bottom line. Your users are not the purchasers. There’s a lot of inertia to change.
  3. Be Professional Explain What UX Is Make Personal Connections Design

    Your Communications Go for the Low-Hanging Fruit Sneak in User Feedback Pick Your Battles Use Retrospectives Well Get a Support Group Iterate, Iterate, Iterate 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Steps 10
  4. Explain What UX Is again and again and again… Create

    a list of capabilities and past successes. Be ready for confusion (especially between UX and UI!) 2.
  5. Design Your Communications UX doesn’t stop at the persona. Use

    your UX skills to understand your stakeholders and craft your communications for them. 4.
  6. Go for the Low-Hanging Fruit These quick wins help you

    gain momentum. …there’s bound to be some of it. 5.
  7. Sneak in User Feedback Things to try: • Guerilla Usability

    Testing • Google Analytics • Analyzing the Support Team’s Cases 6.
  8. Pick Your Battles ”This is not a hill to die

    on” & “Don’t be afraid to kill your darlings” …focus on what your users really need. Work on making their jobs doable, then worry about the visuals when you have the time and the buy-in. 7.
  9. Pick Your Battles “Good design is about effective communication, not

    decoration at the expense of legibility.” - Vitaly Friedman …focus on what your users really need. 7.
  10. Get a Support Group For those days when it’s one

    step forward, two steps back. 9.
  11. Be Professional Explain What UX Is Make Personal Connections Design

    Your Communications Go for the Low-Hanging Fruit Sneak in User Feedback Pick Your Battles Use Retrospectives Well Get a Support Group Iterate, Iterate, Iterate 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Steps 10