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Thinking about Process (for Young Designers and...

Glenn Walker
January 29, 2013

Thinking about Process (for Young Designers and Developers)

A talk about the web design process given at the January 29th, 2019 session of NAIT's DMIT Industry Series.

Glenn Walker

January 29, 2013

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  1. @walkergv Glenn Walker - @walkergv Tiko Digital is a digital

    marketing agency. Web design is one of the things we do. We use websites to promote companies online. The website is generally the foundation of our Internet marketing campaigns.
  2. @walkergv Since 2002 Travelled a fair bit. Got Married. Expecting

    a kid! Did lots of stuff of fun stuff but worked and struggled along the way.
  3. @walkergv Process Defines Design (make pretty), code (build) and release

    Design first, code second, release third Photoshop, text editor and web server If every project was that easy?
  4. @walkergv Process Discovers Our customers are heavy mobile phone users.

    We want to take mobile payments. Ruh-roh Shaggy, looks like we missed something.
  5. “Almighty tells me he can get me out of this

    mess, but he's pretty sure you're f**ked.” - Steven (Braveheart)
  6. @walkergv Goal One: Make Mistakes Early = Good Late =

    Bad Mistakes made a part of a discovery process are good mistakes.
  7. @walkergv Goal Two: Add Value Discover what creates maximum value

    for clients. Exit to valuable services (i.e. Search Marketing) It’s the client’s customer’s experience that generally are the true measure of value
  8. @walkergv Sales is about trust. Dress nicely. Ask don’t tell.

    Listen more than you talk. There is a reason why you have two ears and one mouth.
  9. @walkergv Everything's negotiable. A proposal is about providing options. An

    estimate is an agreement. Finding mutually beneficial agreement feels good.
  10. @walkergv Questionnaires Efficient way to get information. Kill questions that

    don’t get answers. Add questions you feel you missed. You will never get a perfect questionnaire but you can always improve it.
  11. @walkergv What we learned. Client really wanted responsive. Early they

    told us they wanted to be hip and edgy. Turns out professional was more appropriate. Clients will tell you what they want but often not directly.
  12. @walkergv Copee iz kee No madder how preddy a site,

    no madder how well co-dead, bad copee makez bad websightz. Mk frends with copeewriterz
  13. @walkergv Copy is Key No matter how pretty a site,

    no matter how well coded, bad copy makes bad websites. Make friends with copywriters.
  14. @walkergv Sharpen your tools. Clients don’t pay for learning time.

    Learn the tools on your own time. Make your living on the tools you know. Just because it’s on popular blogs doesn’t mean you have to use it.
  15. @walkergv Fact. Fact. FACT! If your client doesn’t know you

    are doing it. You are doing nothing. Communication Tip for Freelancing
  16. @walkergv Internet Explorer You don’t use Internet Explorer. Half the

    desktop users use IE 7 or 8. Browser test for it. Don’t skip this. Pretty in Chrome or Safari. Client opens it IE. Client thinks you make garbage.
  17. @walkergv Mom is your best tester. Look at your mom’s

    computer. Watch your mom use the site. Mom’s are good at picking nits. Your mom is often closer to the target audience.
  18. @walkergv Important pre-release checks. Did you make a backup of

    old site? Did you change password from password? Did you have someone else check for typos? Despite how you feel client’s always see it as a big issue. Typos are embarrassing.
  19. @walkergv Internal Site Search You can track users searches using

    Google Analytics. IN this case nearly half of all search terms contained term form.
  20. @walkergv Internal Site Search Change page to provide better usability.

    Less phone calls to support. Better customer service.
  21. @walkergv Create value. Improvements created real value for clients. We

    were paid for additional work. Everyone loves a win-win situation because…
  22. “In preparing for battle I have always found that plans

    are useless, but planning is indispensable” Dwight D. Eisenhower